
After you read my upcoming review you may understand why my resolution is to TRY to stay out of topless clubs - I had one Hell of a day - review to cum! Just a teaser - I did get fucked three times, but I only got my dick wet twice!
Oh BTW. I have just missed Michaela twice - once in NOLA once in SA - her family lives in Tyler. I'm hoping against hope she will swing down here one day! She would be worth a trip to Vegas - if I wasn't married!
sympleman's Avatar
Sympy, I thought it was clear that I was SS favorite in 2011 and it will carry into the new year, even though I haven't heard from her in quite a while. (she's very busy and has phone issues) Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
Just keep tellin yourself that Mr. Smith. You say she has phone issues....suuuure. I know that not to be true as I personally broke her ph... ummm ...I asked her and she said her phone was in top condition.

My next comment is more of an accusation. I believe that you are the alter ego of SofaKingFun. I think that the two of you are actually one person fighting for control of the same body. Originally Posted by Mr. Smith111
Well IF that were true what a body that would be!

Sadly we are not the same person.

We are brothers from another mothers.

We lived in different houses together.

We went to different schools together.

Mom always said that I was blessed with the looks and SKF with the brains. But then mom used to dip into the "rheumatiz" medicine nightly.

Skf is the older one and he used to look out for me, until that fateful night. While I can't go into details, sufficed to say the Hippie Clown Posse was a bad idea from the start.

He still to this day can't let go of the gang symbols...just look at his avatar.

I chose the path of righteousness and and enlightenment. Hence the intervention.

SKF is a hoarder. He had 'viders running all over the house. I had to stop it. Gogo girls in the closet, strippers in the pantry, and call girls in the parlor. It was bad (mostly cause the greedy jerk wouldn't share)

So yes on the surface we may seem one and the same, but one day you'll realize. We are as different as Superman and Clark Kent. (he wears the nerdy glasses and I luuuuuv spandex)

sympleman's Avatar
Oh BTW. I have just missed Michaela twice - once in NOLA once in SA - her family lives in Tyler. I'm hoping against hope she will swing down here one day! She would be worth a trip to Vegas - if I wasn't married! Originally Posted by Louigi

Louigi I had the pleasure a couple of times!

I have not met Shayla yet but am SALIVATING!!!

I dunno if I can get Michaela to agree to doubles, she is rather gaurded on several fronts BUT it is my resolution and I can tell it anyway I want!

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And BOOM goes the dynamite.

Smitty, have you met my brutha' from that nutha' mutha'?

Here my friend, have a Cheeto.

They say it helps the butthurt.




TheGemineye's Avatar
for Corpus to get an AMP or move back to SA