What's a polite way to say...

carkido45's Avatar
i think if she is Your regular You should just tell her. She may be a little embarrassed and a little sensitive but as long as Your polite will probably walk away ok. It does happen at times especially if Your in the car on a long drive, its not right out of the shower roses smell. Wetness and Hair cause odor, so with that being said, i shave to bare floors 24/7 and use external deodorants, arms and cat, as well as douche before a session. Summers Eve is Your friend ladies, lol

Sometimes via text is the easiest way to say something You cant face to face. Chicken shit or not, i always hide behind my cell. Just ask her "if she remembers the other day?" Say something sesitive like You value Your time together and feel she deserves Your honesty, and put it out there. Originally Posted by subcilla
Thanks Subcilla your reply was the best of all you are a sweetheart.
Guest091710's Avatar
Sir, You are truly welcome. Lets hope im not wrong.
carkido45's Avatar
Sir, You are truly welcome. Lets hope im not wrong. Originally Posted by subcilla
Well I hope so too... maybe it's a one time deal.
I always tip her well and if it happens again I won't tip as well.
pyramider's Avatar
Start carrying those pine air freshners from the carwash. She will get the hint.
Ride a FatBoy's Avatar
How did that saying go back in my high school days...Once you get past the smell....you got it licked...
notanewbie's Avatar
a line from a romantic classic tune sums it up best...

TexasGator's Avatar
My advice to you carkido is to be gentle, yet firm. We are talking about your ATF - there is already a connection that should survive a mere suggestion. Start with bringing a dozen roses, or perhaps a box of your ATF's favorite chocolates. Or, if there's a preferred massage oil that's special to the two of you, bring that.

Look deeply into the eyes of your ATF, and place your hands gently around the waist... then just say it:

dearhunter, your pussy smells like GSO3! ever heard of douching?

he'll understand. trust me!

Well, if she knows shes your ATF, she knows NOW to do some spring cleaning on the vajayjay if she is on eccie lol
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
Just Cowboy up... grab a hot towel (what ...no hot towels...what kind of dive are you in anyway... ) ... pretend it's a new born colt... and clean the slime off of it...
datyking's Avatar
Just ask her if she just finished cooking or eating fish. She'll do the math
boardman's Avatar
My advice to you carkido is to be gentle, yet firm. We are talking about your ATF - there is already a connection that should survive a mere suggestion. Start with bringing as dozen roses, or perhaps a box of your ATF's favorite chocolates. Or, if there's a preferred massage oil that's special to the two of you, bring that.

Look deeply into the eyes of your ATF, and place your hands gently around the waist... then just say it:

dearhunter, your pussy smells like GSO3! ever heard of douching?

he'll understand. trust me!

Originally Posted by TexasGator

That's the funniest fucking thing I've read in days and it's been a busy week.
carkido45's Avatar

That's the funniest fucking thing I've read in days and it's been a busy week. Originally Posted by boardman
Boardman you could learn something from TXGATOr
dearhunter's Avatar
My advice to you carkido is to be gentle, yet firm. We are talking about your ATF - there is already a connection that should survive a mere suggestion. Start with bringing a dozen roses, or perhaps a box of your ATF's favorite chocolates. Or, if there's a preferred massage oil that's special to the two of you, bring that.

Look deeply into the eyes of your ATF, and place your hands gently around the waist... then just say it:

dearhunter, your pussy smells like GSO3! ever heard of douching?

he'll understand. trust me!
Originally Posted by TexasGator
I am dying here.........and people are looking at me