Show me proof that holds up in court. Not some bullshit made up right wing nut job crap. Originally Posted by royamcr
Is there any way to ignore this ignorance?
HedonistForever's Avatar
Bullshit, trump didn't handle covid in the early days to prevent it from being a huge deal. He was too concerned with himself and reelection to care about the people.

Democrats did not unleash the virus, trump did. And trump killed well over 1 million Americans as a result. Originally Posted by royamcr

And there you go. Even sane Democrats give Trump credit for "Operation Warp Speed".

The New York Times recently fact-checked President Biden’s characterization of the Trump OWS program as too little, too late. Biden was particularly critical of the vaccine roll-out, not noting that the states and communities were responsible. Ignoring the speedy FDA approval and guaranteed orders to scale-up production, Biden promised a “new and improved” COVID-vaccination program that seems to me to be identical to Trump’s OWS. Notable is the nuanced fact-checker language: “… contrary to Mr. Biden’s suggestions, both administrations deserve credit for the current state of the vaccine supply.”
Indeed, if both Trump and Biden deserve credit (rather than blame), The Times is begrudgingly admitting that Trump did a good job.
The increasingly obvious success of OWS has silenced the more outrageous claims, such as that Trump and Republicans are responsible for 500,000 COVID deaths. Instead, OWS critics reluctantly admit that “in many ways, it was successful, living up to the highest expectations of its architects.” But despite its manifold successes, OWS “appears to be limping to the finish” because of flawed distribution, they say. The critics fail to note that the actual vaccination plans are the responsibility of the states.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Is there any way to ignore this ignorance? Originally Posted by Seeking Taint
Your ignorance? Yes. Trump lost and Biden won. You can start all of the silly ass threads you want and keep whining and crying about Biden, or you can get with reality and deal with the fact the zombie is here to stay for a little while longer.
... Let's ALL quit-with the bullshit name-callings
and what-not, mates.

... No need for the liberal lads to be blue about the
upcoming med-terms and Republican victorys!

We're gonna Make America GREAT Again! ...

#### Salty
Any president would have fast tracked a vaccine. Trump had nothing to do with the development of the vaccines, nor would any president. The best way to stop it from being a pandemic is not let it get out of control in the first place. Trump also instilled doubt in the effectiveness of his own warp speed. One can only imagine the death toll without all the mitigation efforts.
Any president would have fast tracked a vaccine. Trump had nothing to do with the development of the vaccines, nor would any president. The best way to stop it from being a pandemic is not let it get out of control in the first place. Trump also instilled doubt in the effectiveness of his own warp speed. One can only imagine the death toll without all the mitigation efforts. Originally Posted by royamcr
The LEFT went BAT SHIT CRAZY when Trump Closed the US border!
Your ignorance? Yes. Trump lost and Biden won. You can start all of the silly ass threads you want and keep whining and crying about Biden, or you can get with reality and deal with the fact the zombie is here to stay for a little while longer. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
AMERICA lost... Your installed puppet is a failure.
Trump 2024 MAGAA
America was fucked when trump took office... The whole maga movement is stupid.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
America was fucked when trump took office... The whole maga movement is stupid. Originally Posted by royamcr
It means a lot to those who rode on the short bus. For those of us who are not stupid or don't vote Republican no matter what, it is just a red flag to tell you that divisive fat orange clown needed to go no matter who he was running against.

Biden didn't win the election because of his merits. Trump's stupid ass just lost it because there are not enough dipshit Trumpettes in this country for him to fool for another term.
America was fucked when trump took office... Originally Posted by royamcr
Correct. "Hope and Change" was a disaster.
Biden didn't win the election because of his merits. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
The election was rigged and stolen. Biden was installed.
Demonrats promise not to do it again.
Precious_b's Avatar
Here is one example. This example handed Trump Georgia....

GEORGIA: One Batch of 23,000 Fraudulent Ballots All For Biden – More than Enough for Trump Win

From now on I refer to "yous people" as Maggots Originally Posted by Seeking Taint
With a source like that, I wonder why repubs complain about cnn.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The election was rigged and stolen. Biden was installed.
Demonrats promise not to do it again. Originally Posted by Seeking Taint
Still no proof. Anywhere.

You election deniers are a threat to democracy.

Name calling and scatologies have no place in here, Ace. You should have remembered that from your last visit, before you shifted to the self-revealing personal attack.

Enjoy your weekend.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
One can only imagine the death toll without all the mitigation efforts. Originally Posted by royamcr
It’d have been the same, probably less, had it been treated the same way as every other rarely lethal virus.
Still no proof. Anywhere.

You election deniers are a threat to democracy.

Name calling and scatologies have no place in here, Ace. You should have remembered that from your last visit, before you shifted to the self-revealing personal attack.

Enjoy your weekend. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Now you know why I am itching for a Civil War...