Provider and Pimp Alert!

Pimp = lowest form of life. Same level as pedophiles.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Now that was funny , but wait

Well, the sales pitch was just too tempting for me, so I called him and now I am the newest member of the family. So, girls, the shoe is on the other foot and the money now goes in THIS direction. If I've already seen you, then no screening will be required. Just pick up the phone, drop by an ATM, and we're good to go.

Oh, now that I'm on the other side of the fence, I can't forget the disclaimer (apologies to one of my former favs for stealing her disclaimer language...come see me -- first one is free for you, baby-doll...just don't tell my new daddy):

1.This is not an illegal offer. Ad is for time and
companionship only.
2. Solicitation is a crime, therefore, explicit language is forbidden.
3. I do reserve the right to decline appointments as I deem necessary.
By contacting me (either through phone or email) you agree to these
terms and hereby agree that you are not part of any governmental
agency using this advertisement for entrapment or for detainment.
This is a contract you agree to by contacting me. Originally Posted by eccienewbie

Awwww hells no Eccie, yous my bottom biatch. How you gonna do me dat way after alls we done been thru? You can't be runnin' off wit no Mr. Goodpromise and WHERES MY MONEY? Originally Posted by mmcqtx

Even funnier....... I laughed so hard!!!! Thanks for the giggles

Since you have a driver's license now, does that mean you can take me out for coffee now........Im j/k

I'm sorry, daddy. He talked a good talk, and played some kind of Jedi mind trick on me. I'm comin' home soon as I make up the money I done costed you.

But I do have a driver's license, now. Originally Posted by eccienewbie

To the OP sorry you had a pimp well should I say his girls try to get you to join the team.

I would not say this is a useless thread, this has shown that some pimps will do what it takes to get a winning team going, even if it means using his girls.

Since you have a driver's license now, does that mean you can take me out for coffee now........ Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Sure, baby. And my daddy says the first one is on the house. He also says that I'm so sweet that you won't need any sugar in your coffee. I can handle the creamer, too.
re: edyukashonall $$ hukt on foniks werky fur dem and membr no chile lef behynd!!

fankyou prizdnt boosh
Just like cockroaches, these pimps and the "Ho's" working for try to seal all the cracks, make certain there's nothing laying about that a pimp or pimp-lovin Ho would be interested in but they still end up on the walls and scurrying about when you turn on the lights. Does anyone have a can of Pimp Spray lying around? And how about we toss a few Ho-Catchin' cans under the counters to see if we can get them too!
No, we don't *want* all the cracks seale....

Oh, you weren't talking about *those* cracks.

Carry on...
CenterLock's Avatar
OTB - you're on a roll today, ain'tcha?

How 'bout we just work on makin' all the genuine providers busy and what's left is.... well... left? Sounds like a plan to me!
Had a recent PM exchange with a young lady about being so active on here lately, and she felt a little slighted. I told her then, if I wasn't in the Cold White North right now, she and others might be as happy as I could contrive to make ^H^H^H^H help them to be.

And as I mentioned to another, d*mn that list is getting long....
I saw a pimp walking down on HH yesterday and his hohoho walking 5 feet behind him, for quite a while down HH. Such a sad sight, especially when the girl looks young.
PleasureMiAmor's Avatar
I have gotten the text a few times to! It's funny to me how is a girl going to get with someone over a text message! That is the stupidest shit i have heard!!!
mikahranae's Avatar
Awww damn they deleted the ad....I wanted to see. I get those texts too. guy sent me a pic and I text back "LMAO...If I was gonna get a pimp, he would look alot better than your ugly ass." He text back and said "Oh hell no, how you gonna disrespect pimpin like that?" Had me dying laughing!
TonyStark's Avatar
Awww damn they deleted the ad....I wanted to see. I get those texts too. guy sent me a pic and I text back "LMAO...If I was gonna get a pimp, he would look alot better than your ugly ass." He text back and said "Oh hell no, how you gonna disrespect pimpin like that?" Had me dying laughing! Originally Posted by mikahranae

I guess you hurt his feelings.
LOL... OMG this is the funnest thing that i have ever read . Boy , I tell you , it takes all kinds to make the world go round .

OP thanks for sharing i believe a few of us ladies have gotten the samething. At the very least it gives us a laugh for the day. They love it even more when u respond to them so just say nothing they think you will get tired of saying no and give up so just say nothing at all dont respond dont say anything at all.