Manscaping: the Debate

Naomi4u's Avatar
I won't ever waste my time in Texas after seeing how many azz hats represent it on this board. I make waaaay too much money other places to subject myself to that much azz kissing just to get business lol. Now don't get me wrong...there are PLENTY I would love to see there, but I won't ever tour there. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Damn. Tell him how you really feel. lol
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I won't ever waste my time in Texas after seeing how many azz hats represent it on this board. I make waaaay too much money other places to subject myself to that much azz kissing just to get business lol. Now don't get me wrong...there are PLENTY I would love to see there, but I won't ever tour there. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Damn. Tell him how you really feel. lol Originally Posted by Naomi4u

Ah.... never say never....... Never fear Naomi..... we'll get her ass over here....... just wait until a certain Charlotte lady makes her way thru here to show what a wonderful state it is........ We're already in the works of breaking her down........

And to be on topic..... IMHO if you want people to come visit and stay a while down south, you need to do some house cleaning....... I keep things military style.... High and tight! And the boys are always Kissably smooth....... anything less is just asking for less attention....... and thats not what I'm looking for.......

Naomi4u's Avatar
Ah.... never say never....... Never fear Naomi..... we'll get her ass over here....... just wait until a certain Charlotte lady makes her way thru here to show what a wonderful state it is........ We're already in the works of breaking her down........ Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude

And to be on topic..... IMHO if you want people to come visit and stay a while down south, you need to do some house cleaning....... I keep things military style.... High and tight! And the boys are always Kissably smooth....... anything less is just asking for less attention....... and thats not what I'm looking for.......


London Rayne's Avatar
I am going to do a "One and Done" MOD only Texas Tour lol. Wait for that ha ha.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
I am going to do a "One and Done" MOD only Texas Tour lol. Wait for that ha ha. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Well let me know when that is...... I may have an offer I need to accept before then......

London Rayne's Avatar
But seriously, sweaty urine scented hair all over where you expect me to do what?? That's not YMMV, that's just gross. And a No. Originally Posted by babee
But some people may be into that. Gotta stay broad minded, so to speak.
London Rayne's Avatar
Ewww...they can give themselves head in that case.
shorty's Avatar
It could be worse. Hair could be totally covering the head.
whoa @ london o_o
On another note I love to lick ball as smooth as butter ....the smoother everything is the better. Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA

Ok, so what's the best way to get those balls smooth?
Is waxing an option (I can't see him going for that!)?

This guy is so modest he wouldn't even go to a toy store and pick up a sealed bag I had previously organized. He keeps asking me what was in it and I won't tell him. Wimp. Def a work in progress.

Other than a good trim, who has other manscaping suggestions?

And Charles...really? We give you pretty things to look at, how about returning the favor!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Well.. there are those hair remover cremes.. maybe he could go for that?

.. They do stink afterwards though. I don't think he'd want to use a laser down there..

If all else fails maybe waxing him could be a part of the session.
Shaving oil and razor. Not perfect but a LOT less pain than waxing (never done it).
And Charles...really? We give you pretty things to look at, how about returning the favor! Originally Posted by ClairJordan
Yeah, but you're trying to attract clients. I just want you to have some idea of what you're getting if I ever call. I figure there isn't a lady here that would see me with this avatar. It's a part of the hunt.
Yeah, but you're trying to attract clients. I just want you to have some idea of what you're getting if I ever call. I figure there isn't a lady here that would see me with this avatar. It's a part of the hunt. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

So what was your logic with the Johnny Depp avatar?
Did you figure Lauren would pay you? (see her rates pg)
So what was your logic with the Johnny Depp avatar?
Did you figure Lauren would pay you? (see her rates pg) Originally Posted by ClairJordan
JD--Who said that was logic??? I just picked a pic off the ECCIE list. The first page was a bunch of hottie women, and since I'm not a woman, I went looking for a man's pic.

Yes, I've been aware of Lauren's rates for probably about a year. And no, I don't think any escort would PAY ME for anything. If anything, I think there might be an upcharge if one would agree to see me. And I'd never see Lauren b/c she only meets one of my three criteria, while I probably don't meet ANY if her criteria.