An Honest question for the Gals and Guys here requiring an Honest answer..

needingmilking's Avatar
For me it depends a lot on how often I fuck or masturbate.

Some times it takes forever and I need to finish with HJ or BJ, because the time is up.

Once or twice I had to go without cumming, which is annoying but if it has been an hour and cant happen...

And once I came so little that it was actually painful, and minuscule, with Aleisha...

So faking it maybe had been a better idea. But again, how am I going to bray like a jackass if I am not cumming?
rexdutchman's Avatar
Fake News (LOL) All woman have faked orgasms , I have faked feelings about there orgasms just saying.....
needingmilking's Avatar
fake fake... so fake... sad...

Chung Tran's Avatar
And once I came so little that it was actually painful, and minuscule, with Aleisha... Originally Posted by needingmilking
that's my issue with MSOG.. while it's theoretically possible, do I really want to? that second orgasm is no where near as good, and likely not worth the effort.. that's me though.. the guys who write about it never seem to think that way, LOL
On the same subject, but opposite side of the coin.... I've had orgasms and haven't ejaculated. I've been accussed of faking because of it. Whether its because Im not hydrated, I've cum too many times already, or because i really have read some eastern cultures tantric sex that can include not ejaculating, I'm not sure, but the orgasm feels just as good, sometimes even better, I just don't always "spill my seed"
yup sure have. She was a lazy lay...(this was a civi). I got pretty bored and from an early convo she said she wasn't really skilled in the sexual department. It was like fucking a log...she just laid there putting out a grunt from time to time. I put her in K9 and pulled out...and told her i tried to cum on her ass but it shot in my hand. She never questioned it.

Fast foward about 9 years later, I bump into her at a bar. We talk...have a few drinks and shes with me at my hotel room. 100X better thank god. I never told her about me faking it even though we talk on FB a few times a year.
I've never faked it but I've been honest with some ladies in the past that I just don't think it's going to happen. One in particular was a SB that I met up with 8-10 times several years ago who was very proud of her BJ skills, but I didn't share her pride, therefore things didn't work out
micktoz's Avatar
OP, why would you lie and say that she was great and give her more cash?

"Have you ever faked an orgasm?"

I fake an orgasm if I find the girl to be a dead fish lay with no IOP - just to get it over with.

Then I tell her how much fun she was and how great of a time I had with her.

Or if she gets that confused look and pout: "What's the problem? Did I do something wrong? You didn't come"

I'll tip her a couple of extra bill just to show her how incredible I found her skills to be.

Originally Posted by CG2014
CG2014's Avatar
OP, why would you lie and say that she was great and give her more cash? Originally Posted by micktoz
My experience with women is giving them money always help to change the subject, get their minds off things, defuse whatever situation.

Cash talks, bullshit walk.

Plus do you really want to listen to a provider crying because she didn't make you come.

A few of them take their job very seriously. If you didn't come, they think there was something wrong with them: their service, their look, the way they smelled or that they didn't do their job.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Mods - kind of to Luke's post earlier. Can we tie this thread caring about another dude's O to the thread about sucking yourself? Seems there's already a section for this called Another Realm.
Hilarious! Lying to a hooker because she was a bad fuck. So she can feel good about herself and carry on charging for a bad fuck. And you pay her more.

I wouldn't lie about not cumming. There is no reason to lie. It happens to me , but I don't see any "dead fish". All the ladies I see around this country are exceptional. I have an injury that sometimes makes it difficult.

So ridiculous to fake anything. This is the one sexual venue that it's easy to be honest about anything. But, I guess if you are fucking 18 year olds, they might not be mature enough to handle the truth. That's why I play with adults. Originally Posted by micktoz
When I go to see the 18 year olds I always take them a teddy bear or stuffed animal. If they cry because they are like fucking a stump and it doesn't work for me they can cry and cuddle the teddy bear, just like in school when they don't get their way
pmdelites's Avatar
this article might be pertinent to this question ...
micktoz's Avatar
My experience with women is giving them money always help to change the subject, get their minds off things, defuse whatever situation.

Cash talks, bullshit walk.

Plus do you really want to listen to a provider crying because she didn't make you come.

A few of them take their job very seriously. If you didn't come, they think there was something wrong with them: their service, their look, the way they smelled or that they didn't do their job. Originally Posted by CG2014
Yeah, you wrote that she was a dead fish. That's why you throw her more money. You would rather bullshit and walk.

I guess if you aren't emotionally mature enough to have a conversation, buying your way out of a bad situation works well.
micktoz's Avatar
When I go to see the 18 year olds I always take them a teddy bear or stuffed animal. If they cry because they are like fucking a stump and it doesn't work for me they can cry and cuddle the teddy bear, just like in school when they don't get their way Originally Posted by lipsandhipster
Very cool! Perhaps, a trophy for just showing up would be appropriate.