Cool tip for any woman that has smaller than an A cup.

Guest101610-2's Avatar
Allan Carr quote about Paul Newman. "You should never meet your heroes." Originally Posted by knowshisstuff
Hear hear!!!

And you all just crack me up... DON'T put the stuff where anyone would lick and if you're licking, don't lick the creases. Duh. It's funny but I haven't done this once this summer. Damn I wish I would have remembered when I work outside. I hate boob sweat.
Ever had deodorant get in your eye? Holy shit.
tsrv4me's Avatar
Many years ago .I had a former Porn Actress tell me that she always used Visine when she shaved and it took the red out and made it feel much better .....Just a thought ...she may have been lying also ......but it sounds like it would take the razor burn out .....
Holy Cannoli's Avatar
I've seen it done a thousand times in strip club dressing rooms. It's a trick to prevent bikini-razor burn, which happens when freshly shaved areas sweat. Dove works best, it's very moisturizing. 1/4 moisturizers to be exact . Dove also makes one that slows hair regrowth. Boom! Two birds, one stone.

Not sure about putting it on the chute, though. I'm talking about the bikini line...not the actual goods.

Enjoy your vacation, lady! Originally Posted by Dannie
I'm a Dove man myself. I have very sensitive skin (get it from my mommy) and Secret and Dove work best for this guy.
Yep it works

But you have watch out for the men who lick every crease on your body. Yikes....sorry.
This is funny. I've done this for years for boob sweat as Kayla put it. It works great. I thought most people would have done this to begin with so it's not something I would have mention.

I really appreciated it when I was preggers with twins! I never realized what a wonderful creation deodorant was until prego in the Summer. It started going places it had never been before (much like those Trekkie fans) I'm careful not to get it too close to kitty though as I love DATY.
Saturn's Avatar
Sounds like an OK idea if you don't have an appointment - otherwise Deoderant on the tounque can be a mood killer
Ever had deodorant get in your eye? Holy shit. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
To BJ: I'm sorry ok. I sent flowers, a card, when are you going to forgive me!? Only kidding.

Regarding the crease licking: I'm just shaking my head on that one. I know when you're really REALLY attracted to a girl you think about kissing everywhere getting more affectionate, etc. Honestly, it wouldn't matter who it was, that's just creepy. I'd expect that person to ask for some of your hair so he could make a hair doll of you.

Back on point: I did the whole shave right before you go into battle routine and then I did my homework. It's possibly the WORST thing you could do next to BBFS. When you shave, even if you don't see droplets of blood, you have created tiny little cuts all over a part of you that's not covered by a jimmy hat. It puts BOTH parties at risk. So as much as I enjoyed displaying my manscaping skills (Not a hair could be found), it's not safe for me and not fair for the lady.

However, if you insist that fur is murder. And the shaving bumps are bad, I've had good results from some stuff called Tend Skin. I couldn't ever find it in the stores, but you type that in Google and you'll find a million places to order it.

Jerry's Final Thought: I totally didn't mean to scare the crap out of anyone, but I'd rather be the turd in the punchbowl this one time, and know all you good folks out there, safely went on about your way enjoying life. Be good to yourself... annnd each other.