Encounter: Upsold at BDD

I think a lot of them go to strip clubs just to get a free show.

TomCollins is correct.

I have never seen anyone of them with a drink in their hand.

They also don't want to pay for the company of a stripper.

Many of them are college students.

Most likely they are not getting any from their own women their own college age

since most Indian girls will not have sex until after marriage.

It's a combination of Indian values and religion values.

So they go to strip clubs to get their sexual jollies by watching a free show and then go home and do whatever they do.

India is now considered the most dangerous developing country for a woman or a girl to be in.

India has one of the highest rate of rape and sexual assault than any other developing countries in the entire world.

The other 4 countries that have a higher rate than India are Sweden, Bostwana, Zimbabwe and South Africa.

Rape and sexual assault against women are customs that are ingrained in their culture going back to the 3rd century.

India also ranks #7 in the world when it comes to rape and sexual assault of minors (both boys and girls) and sex trafficking minor girls.

Many Indians sees rape of women as a form of legal claim of a woman for marriage.

If an Indian man wants a woman for marriage and she doesn't want him,

he will rape her and then claim legal ownership over her.

Because once he had sex with her even if it's against her will, she is his property and bride.

She can't marry any other men or be with any other men because she will also considered used and ruined and impure.

It's a very backward culture there but for many of them,

there is nothing wrong with this custom that goes back 1700 years.

They need to learn that such backward barbaric custom is not acceptable in the 21st century.

They also need to learn to bathe more often, as in every fucking day, at least once or day or more than once a day as needed.

I see them at the grocery store and you can smell their body stench from 100 feet away

It's like in the Muslim countries, adultery is punished by public stoning to death.

In many cases, a married woman who is raped by any man who is not her husband is considered to have committed adultery and will be condemned to death.

I specified her husband because in Muslim countries, it is considered okay for a husband to rape his wife.


these are the same folks who think Sharia law is universal and should apply to everyone and to every country. Originally Posted by CG2014
Oh God shut up whore. Seen but not heard please.