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Lillygirl's Avatar
Besides you cleaned nothing while you were here...My house was always clean when men came to see you, it was your bedroom that was trashed all of the time, so don't even think that I'm a slob.
Classy lily.
Lillygirl's Avatar
That's fine with me I told you no ***** in the house and you didn't listen.... Your things will be in the yard

  • #15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
sweetie, my room was dirty like once. And it wasn't trashy. I had some clothes on the floor.
And I didn't clean the house because I didn't feel like it was my house. I kept my room clean and that was it. I'm done arguing with you. I have more important things to do.
You're not doing yourselves any favors by putting all this in the open. Ijs
Lillygirl's Avatar
I apologize to anyone who has seen this thread... All of this crap is nonsense and should have been taken care of in a mature manner... I didn't intend on my temper getting the best of me and it will never happen again. To lolah I also apologize for my temper.
  • Sandy
  • 12-28-2015, 10:28 AM
Okay girls, Kiss and make up and get back to work~
Lillygirl's Avatar
Lol thanks
I agree with das. mistake airing your dirty laundry.
Lillygirl's Avatar
It was a childish move on my part indefinitely
DallasRain's Avatar
Ladies,I am truely sorry this happened to yall.....but please Keep the dirty laundry where it the laundry room! Nothing good will come out of this posts.......I wish you both better times ahead!! I learned a LONGGGGGGGGG time ago,pick your battles!
No I think it's pretty funny. The two elephants are fighting over who had the most snicker bars... One was STAFF EDIT: No discussion of illicit drugs and Iiving in a junk yard.. Other was trying be a role model and teach the young and stupid a lesson but didn't work. So now they are fighting on here like who's the better elephant...

  • #15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
In my best Alice Cooper voice:

Schools out forever!!
No I think it's pretty funny. The two elephants are fighting over who had the most snicker bars... One was on angel dust and Iiving in a junk yard.. Other was trying be a role model and teach the young and stupid a lesson but didn't work. So now they are fighting on here like who's the better elephant... Originally Posted by Sperman
Rude and unnecessary insults. Nuclear topic references.

Sorry you're having difficulties, ladies. Perhaps take some time apart and work your differences out privately.
hogmanjones's Avatar
How does Sperman's a.k.a Wacky8 even have a profile on here? First he was all butt hurt because admins wouldn't delete his account fast enough, so then he started spamming every thread with B.S. so he could get kicked off, and shortly thereafter took on this Sperman profile.