References are futile

lilylivered's Avatar
cuse's ????

one M&G that made for good reading Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
thats the one I was thinking of.
I heard several accounts of that night
Handsomelake84's Avatar
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I wanted to go to one and maybe meet snow
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I can see DreadLust and Snow stealing the show and cleaning up. And then causing problems.
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I was never into doing outs, but recently I got comfortable with it. It’s cool because Dreadlust too my knowledge never sets up in my neck of the woods, but is willing to come to my home. I never wanted to pay for a room just for one encounter.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Why? Originally Posted by Handsomelake84
it became a Bitch brawl

fighting in the bar and street
Flair4Drama's Avatar
ben dover's Avatar
Yes it was a classic!
I’m new to this, and I just want to put this out there, reference checks are a joke. Providers must know this. What provider wants to see a client move on, and see someone else. I can see Dreadlust being fair with it, but greed and competition is the ruling drive for most. So, what’s the point? I would just check the name and record, and not listen too a money grubbing….. Originally Posted by Handsomelake84
It’s generally worked out okay for me. Very similar to job applications, actually. In many cases, just providing the name is good enough. “Oh, you know ‘so-and-so’. That’s good enough for me.” When I see a traveling lady, or enjoy a lady when I’m out of town, I always ask if I can use them as a reference. A lady from Toronto isn’t worried about losing business to a lady in Rochester. And, local ladies who are busy enough don’t seem to mind. If they are truly “the best”, then they know I’ll be back to see them after seeing a “lesser” lady.

I always try to use ladies that have their shit together for references - if a lady has poor tcb skills, she’s probably not a good reference unless she’s friends with the lady you’re hoping to see.
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I don’t have the heart to do a straight up bad review so I’m saying this here on this discussion. Bad attitudes and vibes are the biggest mood and then boner killer. It’s like whisky dick, without drinking. You take shit for being to nice, then you take shit for being to into it. A girl that offers role play and you cant talk dirty, even with paying &700, but Greek was involved. Feeling rushed with Greek because of the mood and feeling bad sucks, but that’s why I pay that much, like she needs more than that money?
Handsomelake84's Avatar
I seen bloody dab rags in the can before, but I get warned about taking it easy. Then you can’t get into it, because taking it way easier.
Handsomelake84's Avatar
It’s not like I made her choke on it and then tap out! Then post it, but talking dirty is not respectful
Handsomelake84's Avatar
This is a magic trick I experienced the one time. I was leaving a providers place the one time, going up to my Jeep and taking out my keys and my key rings were taken apart. My mind didn’t even know how that’s possible at first. Then it hit me driving that someone went through my pockets, and I didn’t have my wallet for I’m not stupid, but the partner in crime wanted me to know obviously what she tried to do. Most likely out of jealousy of me being a really good trick on all accounts. Took apart my key rings, so I would know. The money wasn’t touched, but they wanted card numbers. I had remembered that while doing daty, she locked my head with her legs, most likely when my pants were being put back. These girls will try and sabotage each other, even when working together
As a recent transplant from the NYC area, I was a big fan of the WhiteList feature on another board. That was great, because the provider giving the reference didn't have to be contacted; they'd already said, "this guy is good."

Because, the one time I did request a reference, it took 8 hours for the provider to reply; then she said she sent it (but she didn't); and when she finally did - two days later - the traveling lady I'd hoped to meet no longer had appointments available.

Was it intentional? I can't say. But, when you say, "I'm meeting XYZ on Tuesday at 10am; can you provide a reference?" it's only natural the person might think, "Well, *I'M* free Tuesday at 10am; why the hell isn't he seeing me?"

Sadly, the whitelist feature doesn't seem as used up here (which is fair, since Eccie isn't particularly used in the NYC metro area); but I did love the hands-off approach to reference giving.
change2chance's Avatar
This is similar to the convo I have about checking my ID like you don't know who someone is until you meet them so just bring protection and save yourself the worry. Teaser are legal and they were practically handing them out to ladies at my MMA gym