Being very healthy does not guarantee that you will not catch this virus. Nor does it guarantee you won't become extremely ill or even die from it. It only decreases the odds. And it does nothing to mitigate transmittal to other people. With 25 to 50% of infected people being asymptomatic, trivializing this very serious problem is probably one of the best reasons to not see someone. If they care so little about other people why do you think they're being cautious about who they see now?
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
from Sherry--of course i follow social distancing IN PUBLIC, washing hands, wearing masks-and all the PREVENTATIVE measures the CDC recommends
but I still visit with old friends one on one
.Dallas county has population of 2.8 million -- as of Saturday April 11, 27 deaths-(-News said # 26 in 60"s,/ #27 in 70"s-)- BOTH had poor health BEFORE they got covid.
i still do not see the sense of 2.8 million in lock down because of 27 deaths ---personally, i think all businesses should be allowed to re-open BUT social distancing, masks, hand washing still REQUIRED-
-saw in News that Gov Abbott is considering lifting lock down at and of April--cdertainly hope this is posssible...
Sherry isn’t the only thirsty one out there and I hope at least some are only seeing very limited clients ? Less contact is best but zero is unlikely lol.

I fundamentally disagree with treating Covid like it’s nothing , its serious and many people are dying with more coming. But being healthier is great advice and we should do what we can. Start exercising, eat real food, drink lots of water , wash hands , social isolate and consider how your actions will impact others. Originally Posted by playerplano
Good points!
from Sherry--of course i follow social distancing IN PUBLIC, washing hands, wearing masks-and all the PREVENTATIVE measures the CDC recommends
but I still visit with old friends one on one
.Dallas county has population of 2.8 million -- as of Saturday April 11, 27 deaths-(-News said # 26 in 60"s,/ #27 in 70"s-)- BOTH had poor health BEFORE they got covid.
i still do not see the sense of 2.8 million in lock down because of 27 deaths ---personally, i think all businesses should be allowed to re-open BUT social distancing, masks, hand washing still REQUIRED-
-saw in News that Gov Abbott is considering lifting lock down at and of April--cdertainly hope this is posssible... Originally Posted by Sherry of DFW
Very smart habits.

I agree with reopening this economy before we kill our children's futures.

Plus, all the people dying were about 6 months away from dying of something else, anyway. No reason to kill a multi trillion dollar economy to extend the lives of a few people on their way out who might have been miserable anyway.

Quarantine the sick and old for their safety, let everyone else go work.
Chung Tran's Avatar

Quarantine the sick and old for their safety, let everyone else go work. Originally Posted by friendly fred

this sounds suspiciously familiar.. like it was lifted from Mein Kampf
LuciaConte's Avatar
this sounds suspiciously familiar.. like it was lifted from Mein Kampf Originally Posted by Chung Tran
texassapper's Avatar
this sounds suspiciously familiar.. like it was lifted from Mein Kampf Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The work will set you free, Comrade Tran.
this sounds suspiciously familiar.. like it was lifted from Mein Kampf Originally Posted by Chung Tran

TinMan's Avatar
from Sherry--of course i follow social distancing IN PUBLIC, washing hands, wearing masks-and all the PREVENTATIVE measures the CDC recommends
but I still visit with old friends one on one
.Dallas county has population of 2.8 million -- as of Saturday April 11, 27 deaths-(-News said # 26 in 60"s,/ #27 in 70"s-)- BOTH had poor health BEFORE they got covid.
i still do not see the sense of 2.8 million in lock down because of 27 deaths ---personally, i think all businesses should be allowed to re-open BUT social distancing, masks, hand washing still REQUIRED-
-saw in News that Gov Abbott is considering lifting lock down at and of April--cdertainly hope this is posssible... Originally Posted by Sherry of DFW
Will you entertain the possibility that there are only 27 deaths as of 4/11 because of the lockdown?
mrredcat43's Avatar
Will you entertain the possibility that there are only 27 deaths as of 4/11 because of the lockdown? Originally Posted by TinMan
What she is failing to realize is that the # of infected is probably triple or more, same as the deaths. A buddy of mine asked for a test because he has the symptoms and his job takes him into people's homes, but they told him since his symptoms weren't SEVERE enough, it didn't warrant a test, and to self quarantine for 2 weeks.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
You do you Sherry.

77 and still providing. That is pretty remarkable. Originally Posted by Caspian1911
It's actually pretty sad to me and it is hardly remarkable. She is more than 3 decades older than me and is desperate for money. Why is the OP sending me and others PMs about seeing her?

There is no longevity in my family. I doubt I will make it to 77 years old but if I do and there is a virus out there that can kill me, I'm staying the fuck away from people and keeping my ass at home. The OP says she is a health nut. Who cares? She is old as fuck and none of that means anything with this virus at her age.

I'm a hell of a lot younger than she is and I'm a health nut and I keep my ass at home for a reason. Until I can go sit in a restaurant with other people, I'm not fucking around with this shit and I am staying home. I strongly believe in better safe than sorry (or with this virus, dead).
Grace Preston's Avatar
My grandmother will be 98 this year. According to her doctor, she has the cardiovascular system of a woman in her 30's.

She eats meat. She eats processed foods. She eats dessert. And you can pry her beer from her cold, dead hands. She's 5'5" and weighs about 115. Still gets around fine and still drives herself to run her own errands. Aside from having broken both hips at different times.. she's had no remarkable health issues.

The point is, genetic lottery has just as much to do with it as anything. Yep-- eating healthy is a good thing and can mitigate damage for someone with a shitty gene pool. But if you have a lot of longevity in your gene pool-- all being meticulous does is ruin your fun.
My grandmother will be 98 this year. According to her doctor, she has the cardiovascular system of a woman in her 30's.

She eats meat. She eats processed foods. She eats dessert. And you can pry her beer from her cold, dead hands. She's 5'5" and weighs about 115. Still gets around fine and still drives herself to run her own errands. Aside from having broken both hips at different times.. she's had no remarkable health issues.

The point is, genetic lottery has just as much to do with it as anything. Yep-- eating healthy is a good thing and can mitigate damage for someone with a shitty gene pool. But if you have a lot of longevity in your gene pool-- all being meticulous does is ruin your fun. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
While certainly true for a few people that seem to be impervious to the damage they inflict on their body, for the average person, numerous well controlled medical studies clearly lay out the long term medical benefits of both the Mediterranean diet and regular aerobic and strength building exercises.

Being meticulous about my health enhances my life in so many ways I couldn't imagine how lousy I would feel if I did not exercise and relentlessly document my nutritional macros. While people tell me that it looks complicated to consider every ingredient and portion size, it is like anything else you do all the time - it is automatic and effortless once you understand the concepts.

While a few strong and champion athletes might eat whatever (or say they do) most athletes have nutritional regimens that enhance their performance, including meat protein for strength, and the average person can loosely follow that and feel much better than someone who smokes, drinks, and eats whatever sugary crap and processed carbs they want.

Here is the coroner's report for Eroll Flynn at age 50:

The coroner's report and the death certificate noted the cause of death as myocardial infarction due to coronary thrombosis and coronary atherosclerosis, with fatty degeneration of liver and portal cirrhosis of the liver significant enough to be listed as contributing factors. Flynn was survived by both his parents.[107][108][109]

Flynn was buried at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery in Glendale, California, a place he once remarked that he hated.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I think you missed the point completely. I frankly don't care if you eat cheeseburgers every day or if you're the Tofu King of Tarrant County. There are plenty of health nuts who die in their 60's. There are plenty of folks like my grandmother who live to be 100 or more. I'd also like to remind the class that the group of people MOST impacted by the Spanish Flu were the young, fit people in their prime. Everything in moderation-- even moderation.

Being health conscious will help you feel better for longer-- but it isn't going to give you longevity automatically. Just like.. 30 vitamins a day will give you little more than expensive urine. Life is about balance and if you are so consumed that you never stray from your box-- you're missing out on a lot of wonderful things. Eat that salad, then have a small slice of cake at that get together.
I think you missed the point completely. I frankly don't care if you eat cheeseburgers every day or if you're the Tofu King of Tarrant County. There are plenty of health nuts who die in their 60's. There are plenty of folks like my grandmother who live to be 100 or more. I'd also like to remind the class that the group of people MOST impacted by the Spanish Flu were the young, fit people in their prime. Everything in moderation-- even moderation.

Being health conscious will help you feel better for longer-- but it isn't going to give you longevity automatically. Just like.. 30 vitamins a day will give you little more than expensive urine. Life is about balance and if you are so consumed that you never stray from your box-- you're missing out on a lot of wonderful things. Eat that salad, then have a small slice of cake at that get together. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
I addressed the point with my first paragraph discussing outliers, so I certainly didn't miss the point.

To your second paragraph, I'm not even talking about longevity - what is the point of living a long time with a walker? I'm talking about quality of life which for such a vast majority of people would be so much better in good health versus bad health it isn't worth arguing about with a few anecdotes about some people who live a long time in spite of their being undisciplined about their health.

I don't take any vitamins because I believe I get all the nutrients I want from the food I eat, which includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, whole wheat bread hamburgers occasionally, low fat cheese with it, fish, chicken,eggs, etc.

Most people can't come close to the discipline I have but it is their free choice. The healthy feeling I have far outweighs the temporary pleasure from eating shitty processed food full of sugar and saturated fats.

I don't eat cake - the kind served at birthday parties and The Cheesecake Factory. I would eat a no icing cake made with whole wheat. People who don't know me and go out to eat with me act amazed when I tell them "I always eat like this" and they ask how emotionally I can give up pleasurable foods. Never having a soft drink with sugar or a candy bar.

Never even eating a roll if it isn't whole wheat.

That shit drags me down and I don't feel deprived at all - especially when I hike up a ten mile mountain trail and leave all the fat fuckers behind - that feels far better than a fucking glass of sweet tea or a candy bar.