Auto Bailouts - We lost money

Yssup Rider's Avatar
It's all Bush's fault! Originally Posted by bambino
Brilliant! As always, you've boiled it all down. Pity you can't piss standing up without wetting your belly, Fat Bastard.

bambino's Avatar
Brilliant! As always, you've boiled it all down. Pity you can't piss standing up without wetting your belly, Fat Bastard.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Duck foot hyena says what?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JCC Pissburgh must have a short bus gym...
skirtchaser79411's Avatar
my bet is all you drive fords. you all have no clue what the cost would have been with no chevys and gm
My point was that your statement about W and "his cartel" makes no sense. Unless, of course, Obama and his administration are, you know, part of Dubya's cartel ... Originally Posted by ExNYer
Could it be that Dubya and Obama are part of the same cartel?

Na, realizing that would ruin the parlor game.

Play on.
bambino's Avatar
JCC Pissburgh must have a short bus gym... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No, it's the bomb. Semites do it right! Pool, 2BB courts. they have a league, it's a joke .2 dance floors. . 2story gym with all the fixings. Pretty nice. They do it right. That's why you're an embarrassment.maybe you can work there. Cleaning jockstraps or something. Perfect for a stalker like a duck footed hyena like you.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-09-2013, 09:16 PM
Although the stated loss of 10 billion or so is true, you gosh darn Yankee carpetbagger,think about all the taxes the employed workers have paid to the Feds,you gosh darn Yankee carpetbagger. Their suppliers kept on many workers who also paid taxes,you gosh darn Yankee carpetbagger. It was probably profitable when you include that, you gosh darn Yankee carpetbagger. Plus, keeping good paying jobs and pensions for union workers helps strengthen the middle class. Workers who pay taxes to the government rather than be on unemployment is a good thing, you gosh darn Yankee carpetbagger.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No, it's the bomb. Semites do it right! Pool, 2BB courts. they have a league, it's a joke .2 dance floors. . 2story gym with all the fixings. Pretty nice. They do it right. That's why you're an embarrassment.maybe you can work there. Cleaning jockstraps or something. Perfect for a stalker like a duck footed hyena like you. Originally Posted by bambino
Semites? Who the fuck are you talking about, you mass of lard? Arabs?

They MUST be a United Way agency if they let assholes like you join. (Probably charging you retai! LMAO!)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The auto industry would be much stronger now if they had gone through bankruptcy. Bailing them out (that is, the unions) was a bad idea regardless of who came up with it.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
honestly, I think it was more of a political move from W and his cartel than it was anything else ... why not dump a losing proposition on the next guy, if he should be a democrat, all the better Originally Posted by CJ7

There was an earlier bailout under Bush and it was paid back. Obama tried to take credit that it was his loan that was paid back. The rest of the loans and bailouts were all Obama especially the part where the unions were given more power and the people holding the paper got shafted.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Although the stated loss of 10 billion or so is true, you gosh darn Yankee carpetbagger,think about all the taxes the employed workers have paid to the Feds,you gosh darn Yankee carpetbagger. Their suppliers kept on many workers who also paid taxes,you gosh darn Yankee carpetbagger. It was probably profitable when you include that, you gosh darn Yankee carpetbagger. Plus, keeping good paying jobs and pensions for union workers helps strengthen the middle class. Workers who pay taxes to the government rather than be on unemployment is a good thing, you gosh darn Yankee carpetbagger. Originally Posted by Bert Jones
Don't you realize that "yankee carpetbagger" is redundant?

How does protecting the unions strengthen the military class Mr. Socialist?
That money that went to the workers came from the workers and the other taxpayers. Like drawing water out of end of a pool and pouring it in the other end. You get no where and spill some along the way. So you end up losing ground.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2013, 03:34 AM
Don't you realize that "yankee carpetbagger" is redundant?

How does protecting the unions strengthen the military class Mr. Socialist?
That money that went to the workers came from the workers and the other taxpayers. Like drawing water out of end of a pool and pouring it in the other end. You get no where and spill some along the way. So you end up losing ground. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Kinda like the Defense Industru and farm subsidies.
BigLouie's Avatar
The auto industry would be much stronger now if they had gone through bankruptcy. Bailing them out (that is, the unions) was a bad idea regardless of who came up with it. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That was never going to happen. EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE in Congress was scared except Ron Paul of course. There were predictions of another Great Depression with 40 to 50% of the US work force out of work. The auto industry was going to get the money no matter who was elected.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 12-10-2013, 07:04 AM
Don't you realize that "yankee carpetbagger" is redundant?

How does protecting the unions strengthen the military class Mr. Socialist?
That money that went to the workers came from the workers and the other taxpayers. Like drawing water out of end of a pool and pouring it in the other end. You get no where and spill some along the way. So you end up losing ground. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I like the bucket analogy and assume your computer auto corrected "military" for middle. Anyway, spilling a little water out of the bucket doesn't matter if you carry 5 times as much with a good job.
Obama didn't bail out gm, he bailed out the uaw.
Obama alcolytes speak of saving 1.2 million jobs as if the thing was static and done in some closed lab experiment without any possible outside influences replacing most if not all the jobs without the 10 billion loss