...Next chapter of my Opus

Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-30-2012, 12:48 AM
Your turn. I'll give you all night. Make sure to edit and redo, rewrite, and compromise with yourself, better yet, have someone else fix your posts and your opinions as rumored previously. I give you the floor. Gonna sleep while you scratch your eye balls out trying reeeeaaalll hard to extend the size of your weewee. Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
Yeah, need to get some sleep too...and we all need bigger weinies if we want to touch the sides of that cavernous slit you rent out by the hour...

Night Darlin'
Oh yea??? How am I back pedaling moody??? And you think my perfume comment was derroga- TORI??!! But callin your own girl ho wasn't??? Wow::: total idiot. Dumb shit please find better recourses.
Yeah, need to get some sleep too...and we all need bigger weinies if we want to touch the sides of that cavernous slit you rent out by the hour...

Night Darlin' Originally Posted by Toyz
Ahahaha. Whatever gets you to sleep at night. Again, I hope you get over my rejection. This too shall pass. I promise. You'll be ok.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-30-2012, 12:50 AM
Oh yea??? How am I back pedaling moody??? And you think my perfume comment was deroga- TORI??!! But callin your own girl ho wasn't??? Wow::: total idiot. Dumb shit please find better recourses. Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
thought you were going to bed, sweetheart? I don't need all night to parry with you...its remedial texting at best...I could get a bigger challenge at the special olympics....

Dream about me, ok?

Love ya...
I just through up. By far ugliest after thought. Like I said, if having the last word makes you cum then have at it. Eew eew eew.

You know this would be much more fun if you were attractive. Oh yes ladies talk.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-30-2012, 12:57 AM
Ahahaha. Whatever gets you to sleep at night. Again, I hope you get over my rejection. This too shall pass. I promise. You'll be ok. Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
Rejection? Honey, I considered you as a potential rent-a-pussy for about a day....then read the shit you post...actually ruled you out in a post where we were debating emails...

If you want to post the IM I sent you, please feel free, might clear up any missconceptions you are trying to allude to.

For the board: I sent Ezra a note saying I was sorry for escalating our little convo the other night. That a couple of board members had said shes not really the cunt I thought she was. Not once did I mention a session or have any thought of her as a play partner...was just trying to be a nice guy...but you can't be that here. So, I'll just play the game!

For Ezra: I sent that as an olive branch and didn't intend to fence with you again... Live and let live, ya know? I could tell it was really pissing you off & that you have NO ability to compromise.

Then you decided to jump in my thread tonight. Then I realized what you are really all about.

So like you said, I'm down....bring it.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-30-2012, 01:00 AM
I just through up. By far ugliest after thought. Like I said, if having the last word makes you cum then have at it. Eew eew eew.

You know this would be much more fun if you were attractive. Oh yes ladies talk. Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
I wondered how long before the "Oh yes, Ladies talk" would take!


Man, talk about pitiful...you should work more on your game than trying to take away from someone else...

Pssssst....its all right here for them to read...girls and guys...they can make their choices from this....but I'm gonna give you a freebie...I will still get laid as often as I want or as often as I can afford it...you have no impact whatsoever...but am wondering if some considering you might now think otherwise...hmmmmm?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 04-30-2012, 01:05 AM
Night Babee...Honey I hope you sleep well...I'll catch up with you tomorrow & we'll continue our fun little discussion...
Whispers's Avatar
Alas dear Yoda the Hut...you are losing your touch with the force...wrong guess. And while I know you can't stay on topic due to your intense desire to flame anyone and everyone...

Thanks for playing!!!

"Bob Please tell him what he has won"...

Well Yoda the Hut, while you don't win the grand prize you do get the take home version of "As usual I don't have a fucking clue, but I'll throw something out there to make everyone think I do"...

Again, thanks for playing! Originally Posted by Toyz

a demonstration in why there is going to come the day where, like so many others before you, i'll have you blubbering like an idiot,.....

You simply can't play "nice".....

You gotta stoop to name calling..... pretty soon you will get uglier and eventually end up whining......

Maybe I was wrong...... Maybe it will be you instead of him....

time will tell I guess......

and you felt like you would be so much better than the others?


Juvenile actually....

maybe it's early-onset-senility.....
Whispers's Avatar
To have one Ho actually call out another in a thread Originally Posted by Toyz
Ok..... Wow... What a fucking idiot?....

There is NO way anyone can read Ezra's post regarding Tori as anything other than complimentary, although in a bit of a poetic and humerous fashion....

You are simply deranged.....
Whispers's Avatar
Btw, it's flattering you sit next to your pc, anxiously waiting for me to bite. That's actually super cute. Again, pitiful, but super cute. ! Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
yeah.. pretty pitiful... I was taking a shower with the concubine.... she's shaving her legs now so I popped in and just gotta say WOW!

Ya know what ya got here don't you?

Considering the desperation shown for the attention and adulation of others because of his special place in some gals life that he has been barraging us with non stop......

i would say that here we have a guy that I tend to refer to a lot but only in generalities.... One of those pathetic types that need the interaction of the girls on the board... the PMs and Texts pre and post session..... the repeat dates and thank-yous for the gifts...... in order to have female interaction on his life.....

How much you want to bet that before Tori there was another one for him to fixate on and one before that..... Probably a string of them....

I actually have a buddy that is lonely and tries very hard for attention throwing money and gifts at ladies that take and take and take until he wises up and moves on.... But with each one he is convinced that SHE is the one.... he tells me every few weeks that he has found the girl........ In reality..... he just keeps fooling himself......

Really Ezra... You should send him a bill for the time you spend responding to him.... Because it's part of what he needs that brings him here.....

Be careful or he will spin up all your ridicule into some fantasy "playing hard to get"scenario......

I'm really just sitting here shaking my head and saying WOW!
Whispers's Avatar
Yeah, need to get some sleep too...and we all need bigger weinies if we want to touch the sides of that cavernous slit you rent out by the hour...

Night Darlin' Originally Posted by Toyz


How totally childish.... You can't win a war of words so you let loses with names and insults?

What a classless individual....

this is how YOU are going to win a war of words?

THIS is what you meant?

As I recall you said something about spending the evening drinking some wine... I think ya need to recork the last one and put it away....
Whispers's Avatar
Oh yea??? How am I back pedaling moody??? And you think my perfume comment was derroga- TORI??!! But callin your own girl ho wasn't??? Wow::: total idiot. Dumb shit please find better recourses. Originally Posted by ExoticEzra
Name calling and Insults is a sign of the week Minded Exra..... He has nothing to come back with..... except insults.....

I think this guy is either drunk off his ass and at the keyboard or has lost it....

He needs to take that long time out and let it go and come back tomorrow with a better game... as well as an apology..... Nothing warranted that level of venom....

he's just a bitter old man ...home alone..... pissed off that he can't afford some pussy tonight.....
Whispers's Avatar
Rejection? Honey, I considered you as a potential rent-a-pussy for about a day....then read the shit you post...actually ruled you out in a post where we were debating emails...

If you want to post the IM I sent you, please feel free, might clear up any missconceptions you are trying to allude to.

For the board: I sent Ezra a note saying I was sorry for escalating our little convo the other night. That a couple of board members had said shes not really the cunt I thought she was. Not once did I mention a session or have any thought of her as a play partner...was just trying to be a nice guy...but you can't be that here. So, I'll just play the game!

For Ezra: I sent that as an olive branch and didn't intend to fence with you again... Live and let live, ya know? I could tell it was really pissing you off & that you have NO ability to compromise.

Then you decided to jump in my thread tonight. Then I realized what you are really all about.

So like you said, I'm down....bring it. Originally Posted by Toyz

Wait... I gotta quote all this so ya can't edit it out..... You look at the girl's you are scheduling with as


And your idea of an olive branch to Ezra was a PM in which you referred to her as a CUNT?... Yeah Yeah.. the way you typed it insinuates someone else used the word but produce two PMS or Emails from other members that were sent to you saying that Exra was not the "CUNT" she appeared to be and I'll donate a grand to any charity you want to pick....
Whispers's Avatar
I wondered how long before the "Oh yes, Ladies talk" would take!


Man, talk about pitiful...you should work more on your game than trying to take away from someone else...

Pssssst....its all right here for them to read...girls and guys...they can make their choices from this....but I'm gonna give you a freebie...I will still get laid as often as I want or as often as I can afford it...you have no impact whatsoever...but am wondering if some considering you might now think otherwise...hmmmmm? Originally Posted by Toyz

She wasn't insinuating she was going to talk to ladies about this exchange...... Hell... the ladies will surely read it for themselves.....

She was telling you the ladies ALREADY talk about what an ugly jerk you are....