Anyone see Kendall Cassidy ?

I tried to post a review on Kendall Cassidy but had to post a review and accidentlly hit the submit botton before it was done. I will post coplete review when i see her again. I highly reccommend her if you meet her criteria. She has high standards and service that is unmatched in this area. Amazing woman!
i was in contact with her regularly unti very recently, and since Ive known her for six years I didnt expect the total silent treatment. And this post is 5 months after previous ones.Cant figure that out.But thats one of the reasons im so fond of her: she is absolutely an individual. Gotta take the good with the bad I guess.
Maybe she moved back to Long Island.
From people i know shes still in the area. Ive heard very disturbing rumor as to what shes up to. Breaks my heart.
Anyone know what happened to her friend Luna?
Doing incalls on the moon?
Ive spent a fair amount of time with Kendall since hearing disturbing rumors about her and I now can state with a very high degree of certainty that the rumors were completely false.
Is she still providing? Contact #?