Wasted Comments

Htowner's Avatar
However, one thing is to tip 10 or even 20% over the paid rate, another thing is to tip 30-40% or more, so I am with HTowner on that, but hell is their money. Originally Posted by Toreador_one
No it is not just their money . It is our money next time you want to see the same girl, and she is thinking I deserve a tip based on my rates.
Many businesses , start low, hike rates, keep select clients and shed the rest. Tipping would only accelerate that if that is what you want, for yourself and the rest.
May be they are not oblivious enough to go $100 bucks higher overnight, but they will sart hiking sooner than later. Little by little, in a short length of time.

AMPs are a whole different deal. We don't expect to get much of anything over and above the door fee but expect to pay more if we want more.
Further more, what you pay a girl, remains between you and the girl. Not the owner to raise the cover charge . They also rotate a lot and work different cities so don't really affect the market like the permenant Houston resident providers who deal wit us directly .
Toreador_one's Avatar
Well I hate to disagree, I have control over what I can do with my money, I do not have any control over what they do with their money, therefore is not my money. If a provider "expects" a tip from me because she got overtipped by another hobbyst, that is her issue not mine, it is for me to decide to tip or not, and if she asks for a tip, chances are I will not tip and also that I will not be back.
Htowner's Avatar
Well I hate to disagree, I have control over what I can do with my money, I do not have any control over what they do with their money, therefore is not my money. If a provider "expects" a tip from me because she got overtipped by another hobbyst, that is her issue not mine, it is for me to decide to tip or not, and if she asks for a tip, chances are I will not tip and also that I will not be back. Originally Posted by Toreador_one
We are not in disagreement. We don't have any control over what another guy likes to do with his money. However, all this discussion which is the subject matter of this thread is about , is 'why' others dispise those who do tip . The reason for that was as I stated and indeed is affecting others whether you think it is limited to the tipper or not. I am saying it isn't.
Sure it would be her issue not yours if she expects a tip from you. However, how did this issue arise? Shouldn't even be an issue. If the previous person didn't tip then she wouldn't have an issue with expecting you to pay or not.
Geez, just tip what you want. There is not a required tip scale. Just go with the flow

Now when will fucktards stop trying to extrapolate a providers' income? Its just plain idiocy. If the phone ain't ringing, she is not generating all that money. Originally Posted by pyramider
I'm not sure if this is directed at me in general, specifically or at all, but I thought I'd address it. Despite my rhetoric, I'm not obsessed with this issue nor do I even particularly care. I think a provider jacking her rates when she's the flavor of the month is a bad business practice and that it reveals something about what she really thinks about her clients, but that's just me.

You will never hear me attempt to dictate what a provider should charge. Its her business, she can run it however she pleases. But this issue isn't as simple as "I pay what I want. She charges what she wants." It would be great if it was, but its not. The same way your neighbor's property value can affect your property value, what one hobbyist pays can affect what you pay. That's all I'm trying to say. There are waaaay too many providers out there for me to think this is a significant issue though. If one that I like prices herself out of my league, oh well. Next.

Even over my relatively short hobby life (compared to some of you old farts), I've seen many, many providers increase their rates, some of them very quickly. And I've heard many, many, many hobbyists pontificate about "the good ole' days when so-n-so only charged X dollars". So its interesting to me that when those of us who address things like this are characterized as "fucktards", all of a sudden nobody's ever wondered about this and we should all be more easy-going...
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Enddy, in the Houston market (and other very large markets) it is as simple as "Charge what you want; pay what you want." In smaller markets I think it could make a difference.

It is RARE to see many ladies on this or any other board charge less than 200....it is ALMOST like a minimum standard. As soon as a lady "discovers" this Board, she raises her rate to at least 200.

But the ladies who "get it" know their prices have to come down if they want to maintain the same level of income they did a few years ago. Others, well....whatever.
dearhunter's Avatar
I'm not sure which review started this version of the age old question.........and, I don't care enough about the issue to go look.

You put your review out there and take your hits.

Find comfort in the knowledge that if you are crowing about her, someone else has already hit it and moved on to new pastures.

Just hit it, write your review if you want to...........and move on.
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
We aren't dumb enough to raise our rates because we get tipped. We raise our rates when there is more demand for our services than we have available time to provide.

In other words, what Civil Barrister said.

Tipping says more about the tipper than it says about the one being tipped. Some guys are tippers. That's just the way they roll. Others aren't. I know it has nothing to do with how good I am -- it has everything to do with how they like to express their gratitude.

I will say that Houston guys tip more often than Austin guys in my limited experience. But again, I'm not gonna go raising my rates on all the Houston guys just because some of you like to tip.
It's interesting, the comments that have been made about it. I appreciate Sophia for making hers as well. The main problem is the guys cussing and calling others names for anything they deem as wrong or inappropriate. I think the first couple of guys that reponded said it best....."Have thick Skin". The bottom line is that I tip when I want to, why I want to, and for many different reasons. I don't always, but sometimes do. I also will write a review when I want to, how I want to, and in the detail that I choose to include. Thanks for the comments.
I'll throw my 2 cents in the ring and see what happens.

I never expect a tip when I see a client, whether it be a regular or a new client. If a client tips me, its very much appreciated, but I do not expect a tip or the same tip next time around. As Sophie said, tipping says more about the guy than the lady.

I will always make time for my ATF's and my regulars. I decide on who to make time for based upon how they treat me overall, not the tip. The guys who save up their money to see me, that means more to me than a tip.

So, for you guys who do tip....continue to do so and ignore the comments of others. Its your money and you make the decisions on what to do with it.

For you guys who don't tip......continue to do so and refrain from making comments to those that do, if you've made comments in the past that is.

In other words, do what works for YOU, not others including providers.

Oh and PS.....ladies raise their rates due to the supply/demand market, not tips. Providers look at what other ladies are charging, they look at reviews, they look at ads and determine what they feel they should charge. Rates change when a lady travels too, remember that.
Never mind........

WALDT Some like Jcrew, Dillards, some like Walmart, some like family dollar.

I honestly do not believe that one guy has the power to influence a girls pricing. He is only one guy. Some girls want to be high volume, some want to be low volume. Depending on our situations, we structure our rates accordingly.

If one raises her prices, most likely the guys she has already seen will continue to see her old friends at her old rate as a courtesy.
tikkler33's Avatar
I'm with HTowner. If you buy a custom suit and I buy at Wal Mart, we are in separate leagues. BUT, if people start going to Wal Mart and demand to pay several times more for their clothes than what they asking, it won't be long before the price at Wal Mart starts creeping up. Then, it affects me if that's where I shop. That's when it becomes my business.
It's king of like the old saying, "Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose." Substitute dollars for fist.
I'm not sure where the idea came from that there are posters on this thread opposed to tipping. I just re-read the whole thing and nobody has posted that tipping is a bad practice and should be stopped. I feel safe in saying that the overwhelming majority of hobbyists have tipped from time-to-time and it has had no significant effect other than to get a "Thanks, sweetie!" from the provider being tipped.

There are some of us who think that over-paying can cause a provider to raise her rates. I would qualify over-paying as 50% or more on top of the agreed-upon rate, but that's just me. This is debatable and, ultimately, depends on the lady in question. Some might take it as a cue to raise their rates, some might not. It could be considered a "gift", cash in lieu of Jimmy Choo's so to speak. It could also be considered a hobbyist trying to corner a segment of the market, i.e. -- one particular provider's business. I suppose it depends on your perspective and whether or not it affects you and your hobbying/providing.

What I don't think is debatable at all is that hobbyists who tell providers that they need to raise their rates are crossing the line. If a hobbyist tells a provider she needs to lower her rates, we'd all be up in arms about it. How come the converse doesn't bother some of us?
boardman's Avatar
Enderwiggin stated it with all the wisdom of a Level 14 Elf Paladin. I couldn't agree more.

This is one area that I think a little modesty would be appreciated by most.
Just state the expected rate and if you feel like you must mention that you tipped just put "+tip" after the rate.

Credibility can also become an issue with me. If a guy says he spent $1200 for two hours with a $300/hr girl. It tends to put the Spidey Senses on high alert.
We aren't dumb enough to raise our rates because we get tipped. We raise our rates when there is more demand for our services than we have available time to provide. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Yep! I think most ladies raise their rates when they have more requests than they can comfortable handle and not for any other reason (like someone tipping them or a client telling them they should). Some only want 1 appointment per day, for example, to avoid burnout, keep service high, or have time for other aspects of their life... As CB said, a ladys rates are usually decided by how much business she wants/needs.
Ah..now i understand what the OP was saying thoroughly, i peeked at the review(not bcd) he wrote. And all the comments.....

< ----------------- Yikes. Well it seems you had a good time with her. :-)