Damn near went to jail!

Laura Lynn's Avatar
Here’s two points to consider.

1. Don't do car dates

2. When in doubt, see point no. 1 Originally Posted by FunMonday

Seriously, what is the appeal of a car date??? Don't get me wrong, I've played in a car on a long drive with an SO, and it's fun. But when you have so many beautiful, established ladies on eccie, why risk getting caught in some dark alley/parking lot? Clearly the smaller head does all the thinking on this one.
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^It’s the cheap bastards that do this hun, and it ain’t for no 150, probably 50-75.
ManSlut's Avatar
These days pissing on the side of the highway or on one of the M streets off Greenville Ave can get you an exposure charge and on the registered sex offenders list...If I won’t risk peeing on the roadside in an emergency I damn sure ain’t fucking or getting my dick sucked in car like a teenager who can’t get a hotel room.
A stripper can be added just for rubbing her tits on a patron. Shit she was just doing a good job and now she’s ruined for life. OP do you know who investigates sex crimes? Bull dyke lesbians that’s who. And they will fuck you up. Females are usually prosecutors to put you behind bars. Not good ole boys. I saw a co-worker loose everything when he thought he was meeting a hooker in a hotel. He met vice squad instead bc he was thinking with his little head. You are out in the parking lot dude

Sorry to bust your balls but you really have no idea about the risk
this all sounds good in theory..... until it happens to you. Trust me, ive been there. Scariest thing that has happened to me in my life ( worse than an IRS audit letter).

They had no probable cause nor reasonable suspicion to pull you over.

You pulling into a parking lot and then pulling out, whether you saw them or not and they can't prove you pulled in and pulled out quickly is because you saw them, is not evidence of you having committed a crime.

The only thing they can do is to follow you and see if you break any traffic laws while at the same time run your license plate on their MDT to see if it has any warrant hits on it.

You didn't break any traffic laws and you had no warrant hits on your license plate - that's why you weren't stopped.

You were lucky those cops in those 3 shops knew the laws they swore to uphold and knew the limitation of their police power and they didn't abuse it - otherwise they would had already pulled you over soon after you pulled out of the parking lot quickly and suddenly after you just pulled in.

You did panic.

You should had stayed put in the parking lot.

You needlessly attracted unnecessary attention to yourself by panicking.

If they came up to you while you were parked there and asked you what you were doing there, said you stopped to make a phone call because after all, it is unsafe for you to drive and talk on the phone without a hands free device and at the same time, you want to abide the Texas law regarding only using a cell phone while driving when it's safe to do so.

You will be surprised how nice those cops will be to you when they hear that.

Always have a story made up and one that you can back up with evidence in your mind ready to tell it over and over to one or two or three different cops without any deviations from it and without studdering no matter how many times you are asked by the police to repeat the same story over.

People incriminate themselves because cops knows the more time they ask you to tell the same story over, the more time you are likely to make tiny little changes to your story without knowing it and they take that and turn it against you and that gives them a reason to arrest you.

Remember, cops are the biggest liars around.

They are not your friends.

They try to get you to screw yourself by saying things to you like:

help me out and I will help you, tell me the truth, honesty goes a long way for me, what were you doing there? Were you here for this and that?

People fall under this trap all the time: they think if they are honest and admit they were here and there to buy drugs or do this other not very legal thing, the cop will let them go.

(Part of that thinking on our part is because our parents taught us that from the day we were old enough to understand our parents:

tell the truth, don't lie.

But what we were taught at home while growing up or in the classroom doesn't always work or apply in the real world. does it?)

Nope! The cop has already made up his or her mind you are under arrest but haven't detained you or put any handcuffs on you because he or she needs to hear from you that you are up to no good and is looking for reasonable suspicion or probable cause.

He knows he didn't have reasonable suspicion or probable cause to stop you and detain you and arrest you and the law does give the police some leeway to stop a person on the street to talk to them even if they haven't seen that person commit a crime, do not suspect that person has committed a crime and that person doesn't fit the description of anyone who has recently committed a crime that the police is looking for - the cop is waiting for that person to hand him or her that reasonable suspicion or probable cause to him on a silver platter.

Best thing is to keep your mouth shut and only ask:

You: AM I under arrest?

Cop: NO.

You: AM I free to go then?

Cop: YES.

When they say that YES you are Free to go, shut up and leave.

Those are the only 2 things that come out of your mouth if the handcuffs haven't gone on you yet.

IF you are already in handcuffs, your only words should be:

I exercise my right to remain silent and to have an attorney present during questioning.

Don't fall for the cop's game to push you to admit anything like are those drugs the found in the car yours? Were you here in this neighborhood where you don't belong to be up to no good? If you are honest with me I will work with you!

BS! Work with you with what? He will put in a good word with the judge saying what a good decent honest boy you were? He will take the handcuffs off and let you go?

NOPE! Once the handcuffs go on, they will not come off until you are put in a cell!

Also when asked questions such as: Were you here in this [shitty] neighborhood at 1 am to buy drugs? Who did you come to visit here at 2 am?

You don't have to say anything except again:

(if the handcuffs are not on you):

AM I under arrest? AM I free to go?


(if he handcuffs are on you):

I exercise my right to remain silent and to have an attorney present during questioning.

There is no law against visiting any resident of a neighborhood you don't live at at 2 am whether that's a nice neighborhood or a bad neighborhood.

Cops are good at taking what you said to them, turn it around, put it back in your mouth in an incriminating manners, and make you repeat it back the way they want you to repeat it while at the same time incriminating yourself.

So they have an audio recorder recording the entire conversation between you and them or a body camera video recording it?

The contents of those audio and video recordings can be edited to their advantage or mysteriously lost or they can claim there isn't any due to technical malfunctions. Originally Posted by CG2014
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 02-04-2019, 02:28 PM
$150 for a car date?? Originally Posted by Mental AtrraXXXion
He paid $100 too much, he was super scared and she was super happy $
They had no probable cause nor reasonable suspicion to pull you over.

You pulling into a parking lot and then pulling out, whether you saw them or not and they can't prove you pulled in and pulled out quickly is because you saw them, is not evidence of you having committed a crime.

The only thing they can do is to follow you and see if you break any traffic laws while at the same time run your license plate on their MDT to see if it has any warrant hits on it.

You didn't break any traffic laws and you had no warrant hits on your license plate - that's why you weren't stopped.

You were lucky those cops in those 3 shops knew the laws they swore to uphold and knew the limitation of their police power and they didn't abuse it - otherwise they would had already pulled you over soon after you pulled out of the parking lot quickly and suddenly after you just pulled in.

You did panic.

You should had stayed put in the parking lot.

You needlessly attracted unnecessary attention to yourself by panicking.

If they came up to you while you were parked there and asked you what you were doing there, said you stopped to make a phone call because after all, it is unsafe for you to drive and talk on the phone without a hands free device and at the same time, you want to abide the Texas law regarding only using a cell phone while driving when it's safe to do so.

You will be surprised how nice those cops will be to you when they hear that.

Always have a story made up and one that you can back up with evidence in your mind ready to tell it over and over to one or two or three different cops without any deviations from it and without studdering no matter how many times you are asked by the police to repeat the same story over.

People incriminate themselves because cops knows the more time they ask you to tell the same story over, the more time you are likely to make tiny little changes to your story without knowing it and they take that and turn it against you and that gives them a reason to arrest you.

Remember, cops are the biggest liars around.

They are not your friends.

They try to get you to screw yourself by saying things to you like:

help me out and I will help you, tell me the truth, honesty goes a long way for me, what were you doing there? Were you here for this and that?

People fall under this trap all the time: they think if they are honest and admit they were here and there to buy drugs or do this other not very legal thing, the cop will let them go.

(Part of that thinking on our part is because our parents taught us that from the day we were old enough to understand our parents:

tell the truth, don't lie.

But what we were taught at home while growing up or in the classroom doesn't always work or apply in the real world. does it?)

Nope! The cop has already made up his or her mind you are under arrest but haven't detained you or put any handcuffs on you because he or she needs to hear from you that you are up to no good and is looking for reasonable suspicion or probable cause.

He knows he didn't have reasonable suspicion or probable cause to stop you and detain you and arrest you and the law does give the police some leeway to stop a person on the street to talk to them even if they haven't seen that person commit a crime, do not suspect that person has committed a crime and that person doesn't fit the description of anyone who has recently committed a crime that the police is looking for - the cop is waiting for that person to hand him or her that reasonable suspicion or probable cause to him on a silver platter.

Best thing is to keep your mouth shut and only ask:

You: AM I under arrest?

Cop: NO.

You: AM I free to go then?

Cop: YES.

When they say that YES you are Free to go, shut up and leave.

Those are the only 2 things that come out of your mouth if the handcuffs haven't gone on you yet.

IF you are already in handcuffs, your only words should be:

I exercise my right to remain silent and to have an attorney present during questioning.

Don't fall for the cop's game to push you to admit anything like are those drugs the found in the car yours? Were you here in this neighborhood where you don't belong to be up to no good? If you are honest with me I will work with you!

BS! Work with you with what? He will put in a good word with the judge saying what a good decent honest boy you were? He will take the handcuffs off and let you go?

NOPE! Once the handcuffs go on, they will not come off until you are put in a cell!

Also when asked questions such as: Were you here in this [shitty] neighborhood at 1 am to buy drugs? Who did you come to visit here at 2 am?

You don't have to say anything except again:

(if the handcuffs are not on you):

AM I under arrest? AM I free to go?


(if he handcuffs are on you):

I exercise my right to remain silent and to have an attorney present during questioning.

There is no law against visiting any resident of a neighborhood you don't live at at 2 am whether that's a nice neighborhood or a bad neighborhood.

Cops are good at taking what you said to them, turn it around, put it back in your mouth in an incriminating manners, and make you repeat it back the way they want you to repeat it while at the same time incriminating yourself.

So they have an audio recorder recording the entire conversation between you and them or a body camera video recording it?

The contents of those audio and video recordings can be edited to their advantage or mysteriously lost or they can claim there isn't any due to technical malfunctions. Originally Posted by CG2014

You are correct. I am a minority and this is how I successfully handle cops.
Remember... everything you say can and WILL be used against you.

Never talk to cops!

Maybe some of the legit providers who have been around a while can confirm but my guess is that these busts typically happen at cheap motels where other nafarious activities are more inclined to take place by more obvious shady characters.

I never liked meeting in hotels but I can remember the staff giving a thumbs up, winks and atta boys many years ago at really nice extablishiments. Bell hops walked by to catch a peek of the lady. Not to investigate.

Here’s a hint. If the cops are in the parking lot running plates for stolen cars maybe you shouldn’t be getting your dick sucked there.
kingone's Avatar
So what's the point in the story if you're not saying who the provider was? Or the location?
Otherwise cool story?
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 02-04-2019, 07:58 PM
this all sounds good in theory..... until it happens to you. Trust me, ive been there. Scariest thing that has happened to me in my life ( worse than an IRS audit letter). Originally Posted by cage196

You guys go ahead and bow up at the cops.....just hope you all have your lawyer on speed dial. y'all talk a good game tho
hey guess what, I was cordial to the cops when they pulled me over. Told them I needed to use the restroom and a friend of a friend was staying there so I ran in to use the restroom and left. Yep I let them pat me down. yep, I answered their questions , yep I went home.
Ludlumtank's Avatar
I think many of you didnt bother to read my initial post.

Yes I am a man of color. And as one poster noted in Dallas that is dangerous when dealing with police. If you are one of these people who deny that then all of the videos of police/minority interaction are all Disney fiction in your mind. Just ask Botham Jeans family.

Second I didnt say the provider name because I do not know whether she was involved in something or not. And frankly neither do any of you. So I will not accuse someone of something I cannot prove(unlike the local police)

Valid points were made regarding car dates. No I am not cheap or any of the other unsubstantiated claims others made. It is simply what I wanted that night. And what was being offered was worth the $150 as I had several request.

My objective was to share with everyone my experience only and how I learned a lesson to not have car dates anymore.
Lindsay Lee's Avatar
Car dates sound VERY uncomfortable! I’m spoiled, I like a nice bed with pillows and blankets! It also sounds dirty and unsanitary...

Our times are very different now, like many have mentioned, you are risking a very serious charge on top of the obvious. Not very smart.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Unless you have a big ass, old school Buick or Chevy, with the one long seat (anyone remember the tag team effort to let the seat up or back), fucking in a car isn’t what it used to be.

Maybe in the summer time where you can get away with some stand up doggy (if comparable height allows) in a really nicely secluded spot, would this type of encounter has a chance. Being naked in summer air actually feels wonderful. Too chilly to pull off now. Too cramped to actually be IN the car...unless you got that old Buick.

Maybe a van...or a spacious truck.

Or, just get a room. Lol.