So What Should Happen To This Punk?

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  • WTF
  • 05-06-2013, 09:08 AM
When I was a kid, ( '50's), playing little league baseball, I remember parents climbing the fence to get after the umpire.

Things haven't changed that much.

The big difference in this instance is we have a dead body in the morgue.

I hope this sorry piece of shit gets what ever the maximum penalty is as prescribed by law. Originally Posted by Jackie S
This 17 year old probably has parents like the one whose 5 year old shot his two year old sister.

My parents would's beat the shit out of me if I even looked a umpire wrong. That said, I had a 22 at around 10 years old!
LexusLover's Avatar
"The majority had a Hispanic surname." Yep, had to get your ethnic stereotyping in, didn't you. Can't talk to the specific player, for you it has to be a "hispanic" thing. Not that it surprises me in the least, not from you.
Originally Posted by Old-T
I guess you have never lived in a community in which "The majority had a Hispanic surname." Gnad is not too uppity .... it should be ... "an" Hispanic ... so you really shouldn't judge him too harshly.
Link?????? Originally Posted by bigtex
You need a link to sarcasm?
JCM800's Avatar
He'll probably get 7 years, out in 5. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
that will probably depend on how good his lawyer is.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-06-2013, 09:26 PM
I guess you have never lived in a community in which "The majority had a Hispanic surname." Gnad is not too uppity .... it should be ... "an" Hispanic ... so you really shouldn't judge him too harshly. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Far be it for me to jump on anyone for small gramar mistakes.

And not that it matters to the discussion, but the barrio started 1 block south of my parent's house. Three blocks to the west was the Korean district. Never did learn Korean grammar--or even their alphabet.
LexusLover's Avatar
And not that it matters to the discussion, .... Originally Posted by Old-T
It does when one implies another is "prejudice" by their factual remarks.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-07-2013, 08:25 AM
It does when one implies another is "prejudice" by their factual remarks. Originally Posted by LexusLover

And you know that Gnad's remarks are factual by just how?

Is this factual?

The majority of soccer players in houston are hispanic, therefore the majority of soccer penalities are done by hispanics.

You do realize that the majority of baseball beanings are done by white people. That is because the majority of pitchers are white.

All he was doing was distorting the 'factual' facts to suit his bias.
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  • Old-T
  • 05-07-2013, 09:31 PM
It does when one implies another is "prejudice" by their factual remarks. Originally Posted by LexusLover
One can say only true statements and still be very predjudicial. Tell me, what relevence does "most had hispanic surnames" have to do with whether this individual is guilty or what should happen to him? Nothing.

If I see that an asian man is accused of some hideous act I san spout off a whole lot of drivel that is predjuiced but truthful:
--The sick dictator in Korea is an asian
--Most the attrocities committed in the pacific in WW II were done by asians
--Mao was asian and a filty commie! And there are more communists in Asia than any other continent!
--Even the muslims in Afghanistan and Iran are Asians!

Pray tell, what do YOU think the implication of the Hispanic surname comment if not an ethnic slur? Just would like to be enlightened about the other reasonable possibilities for making the statement in this context.

In the same way you claim that whether I lived in a community with many hispanics is somehow relevent. Enlighten me on that one as well please. Now that I told you the barrio was 1 block away, how does that make my comments more correct than had I lived 10 miles away? Less correct? More or less worth listening to? Why?

Yes, I implied that GF's comment was an ethnic slur. I have heard nothing to make me change my mind. And yes, I still say that how many Hispanics I lived near is irrelivent to the topic.
I guess you have never lived in a community in which "The majority had a Hispanic surname." Gnad is not too uppity .... it should be ... "an" Hispanic ... so you really shouldn't judge him too harshly. Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL, don't sweat Old-Timer. He's just a racist who wants to throw others off his trail. He's never been to Dynamo game, a NL Tigres game, other neighborhood games in with predominately Hispanic teams. I doubt he works with Hispanics that are involved in organized soccer. They are passionate about the game and yes the newsletter had many, many assaults with and without weapons. All types of stuff happens on the field especially with the older teens, 20s crowd. That's the way it is here in South Texas.

The fact that a ref was punched and killed does not surprise me. I have no idea who the perpetrator was since it was in Utah. If it was here in SW Houston, I'd have a pretty good idea.

And you know that Gnad's remarks are factual by just how?

Is this factual?

The majority of soccer players in houston are hispanic, therefore the majority of soccer penalities are done by hispanics.

You do realize that the majority of baseball beanings are done by white people. That is because the majority of pitchers are white.

All he was doing was distorting the 'factual' facts to suit his bias. Originally Posted by WTF
This is one person I sweat less than Old-Timer. Soccer is HUGE in the Hispanic community here in Houston. Your analogy is false, like almost all of your analogies. I was distorting the "factual" facts - HILARIOUS.
One of my Reps sons was head butted at a soccer game. He had just blown out a team by scoring multiple goals. The thug did it when the game was over and they were shaking hands. Shattered his face and nothing really happened to the criminal.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-08-2013, 01:25 PM
One of my Reps sons was head butted at a soccer game. He had just blown out a team by scoring multiple goals. The thug did it when the game was over and they were shaking hands. Shattered his face and nothing really happened to the criminal. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Based upon your description I find it disgusting that the thug was not held accountable. In the course of a soccer game a head butt can happen with no malace intended--I've got a lot of dammage to attest to that--but there is NO excuse in a post-match hand shake. And that goes no matter what the ethnic affiliation of the attacker or victim.
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  • Old-T
  • 05-08-2013, 03:46 PM
LL, don't sweat Old-Timer. He's just a racist who wants to throw others off his trail. He's never been to Dynamo game, a NL Tigres game, other neighborhood games in with predominately Hispanic teams.
You got me! I've never been to a Dynamos game--probably because I avoid Houston as much as possible. But I hate to break it to you, check the number of Hispanics in NYC, Miami, etc., among other places. I ask again, what does your "mostly Hispanic" comment have to do with how a thug player should be treated? You tossed in the totally bogus point, so explain to us what it has to do with anything--if not your predjudice showing through?

I doubt he works with Hispanics that are involved in organized soccer. They are passionate about the game and yes the newsletter had many, many assaults with and without weapons. All types of stuff happens on the field especially with the older teens, 20s crowd. That's the way it is here in South Texas.
Again, hate to burst your myopic bubble but the key is "the older teens, 20s crowd", not "hispanic" or "south texas".
--it happens at mostly Black basketball games in Harlem (and mostly White ones in Indiana)
--it happens in mostly Hispanic baseball games in Miami
--I was involved for about 4 years with organized soccer in Florida and it sure as hell happened there--but it was the Burbs and the players were about 90 WASP. That didn't stop parents from confronting officials, coaches, other parents. One Good Ol' Redneck took a baseball bat to a coach's car windows AT A U8 GAME!! Another one (mom this time, just to prove any gender can be a sick wacko) told a coach she would castrate him if he didn't give her charming little girl more minutes as a striker.
--it happens in damn near every NFL stadium and parking lot where the "fans" are so drunk they have no clue what their own race is, much less the poor slob who thought he should be able to wear the opposing colors at a game.

But somehow it only seems to bother you today when it's hispanics.
Originally Posted by gnadfly
PS: For two bonus points, tell me what race I harbor ill will towards? Hell, tell me what my ethnic background is (hint: it's a mix). I DO admit I am very predjudiced against bigots, stupid people, and wackos--so you fall on at least the double dose list, and possibly the triple dose one.
Here's a good discussion on whether on "a Hispanic" v "an Hispanic."

BTW, the 17 yo was charged with murder as an adult today according to NPR.
chefnerd's Avatar
Looks like he was charged with homicide by assault, apparently a slightly lesser charge then manslaughter. No word yet on whether he will be tried as a juvenile or adult.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-08-2013, 05:23 PM
Looks like he was charged with homicide by assault, apparently a slightly lesser charge then manslaughter. No word yet on whether he will be tried as a juvenile or adult. Originally Posted by chefnerd
Based upon what has been written, that sounds reasonable. Hopefully this doesn't become the kind of zoo the Zimmerman case became.