Trump Backs Down to Nancy Pelosi

themystic's Avatar
To expand on my above post! Trump had to do something as all the libs. wanted to do is go on vacations paid for by tax payers.
Trump is the master negotiator ! The govt. will be back open. Thank You Mr. President! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Nancy straight up bent Trump over and fucked him in his ass. But she did miss a flight so I guess its uh.....right?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2019, 03:58 PM
To expand on my above post! Trump had to do something as all the libs. wanted to do is go on vacations paid for by tax payers.
Trump is the master negotiator ! The govt. will be back open. Thank You Mr. President! Originally Posted by winn dixie
He shut it down and then opened it for the same deal he had in Dec!
bambino's Avatar
Trump said Mexico was going to pay dor the wall. That was a lie.

The money Obama gave to Iran was their own money.

Speaking of dim... Originally Posted by WTF
Like I said, only the dimwiited took him literally. Just like you jumped on the MSMs Russian collusion narrative. Some people can’t see the Forrest through the trees. Iran’s money? Fuck them!!! Obama sent them cash as they requested. What a dumbass. 5 Presidents didn’t give them “Their money”. My man, you lost your fastball. You’re just throwing junk now. So sad.
Only 35% of the country is stupid enough to want a wall Originally Posted by WTF
I noticed a wall around the pool of that house you built in Houston and posted a picture of awhile ago - so who's idea was that wall?
When will Nancy and Chucky wake up in the middle of the night and realize they just got had?

President Trump gave them 3 weeks. The Government is open.

But, when that 3 weeks are up, he now has the high ground in declaring a Natiownl Emergency and taking money from whom ever he pleases to start on the Wall.

Of course, the Left will go straight to the 9th Curcuit and get an injunction. But President Trump should do just what President Lincoln and President Roosevelt did in National Rmergencies.

Just ignore them.

Of course, the House will scream for impeachment. But it will never get through the Senate.

See how important those Senate seats are to the President now?
themystic's Avatar
Like I said, only the dimwiited took him literally. Just like you jumped on the MSMs Russian collusion narrative. Some people can’t see the Forrest through the trees. Iran’s money? Fuck them!!! Obama sent them cash as they requested. What a dumbass. 5 Presidents didn’t give them “Their money”. My man, you lost your fastball. You’re just throwing junk now. So sad. Originally Posted by bambino
I heard that Mexico was going to give Trump the money only after Michael Flynn is exonerated.
themystic's Avatar
When will Nancy and Chucky wake up in the middle of the night and realize they just got had?

President Trump gave them 3 weeks. The Government is open.

But, when that 3 weeks are up, he now has the high ground in declaring a Natiownl Emergency and taking money from whom ever he pleases to start on the Wall.

Of course, the Left will go straight to the 9th Curcuit and get an injunction. But President Trump should do just what President Lincoln and President Roosevelt did in National Rmergencies.

Just ignore them.

Of course, the House will scream for impeachment. But it will never get through the Senate.

See how important those Senate seats are to the President now? Originally Posted by Jackie S
I know Jackie. Trump negotiates unlike any other businessmen I know. He has experience that few have. He is considered an expert in bankruptcy and its laws, Pro Sports franchises, Casinos, 3,500+ lawsuits and was even the President of his Own University!! What Pelosi and Putin don't realize is that he played them even though everyone thinks he backed down from them. He was a master on winning the Senate and willingly giving up the House. To us common folks it looks like that was a horrible miscalculation but hes so much smarter than the rest of us. The Art of the Deal sure is confusing to a simpleton like me. It sure looks like Pelosi fucked him straight up his ass, but what do I know
  • Tiny
  • 01-25-2019, 05:14 PM
A friend and colleague at work who's an astute political observer is about the same place on the political spectrum as The Mystic. She believes Trump benefited mightily from reopening government today, much more so than Pelosi. She says the majority of Americans blame him for the shutdown. She also said shit was starting to hit the fan and get worse, with flight delays at LaGuardia and other airports.
themystic's Avatar
A friend and colleague at work who's an astute political observer is about the same place on the political spectrum as The Mystic. She believes Trump benefited mightily from reopening government today, much more so than Pelosi. She says the majority of Americans blame him for the shutdown. She also said shit was starting to hit the fan and get worse, with flight delays at LaGuardia and other airports. Originally Posted by Tiny
Tiny it did benefit him with people who would never vote for him under any circumstances. He lost credibility within his own ranks. He looked weak just like he did with Putin. Nancy punked him out. Listen to the conservative mouth pieces and tell me who won
winn dixie's Avatar
I heard that Mexico was going to give Trump the money only after Michael Flynn is exonerated. Originally Posted by themystic
Please stay on topic!
Tiny it did benefit him with people who would never vote for him under any circumstances. He lost credibility within his own ranks. He looked weak just like he did with Putin. Nancy punked him out. Listen to the conservative mouth pieces and tell me who won Originally Posted by themystic
Trump won bigly today! HE reopened the govt. today!
Why don't you listen to your socialist buddy aoc and others who are heavily criticizing pussolinni! Not to mention how unhappy the public is with the libs. in congress. Especially pussolinni! I will wait for an original and new post from the usual blah blah blah regurgitated crap you libs. spew.
I will not however hold my breath.. hahahahahahahahahaha
Chung Tran's Avatar
shit was starting to hit the fan and get worse, with flight delays at LaGuardia and other airports. Originally Posted by Tiny
this is what forced the issue.. Trump caved. why wait 3 weeks to declare an emergency for something you said was an emergency a month ago?

because it's not really an emergency..
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 01-25-2019, 06:16 PM
This is a bunch of bullshit.

"Fuck this Shit. Now, where did I hide that Hobby Phone? I'm Callng a Hooker" Originally Posted by Jackie S
That shit is funny. I just spit my five dollar Starbucks drink on my screen.
I know Jackie. Trump negotiates unlike any other businessmen I know. He has experience that few have. He is considered an expert in bankruptcy and its laws, Pro Sports franchises, Casinos, 3,500+ lawsuits and was even the President of his Own University!! What Pelosi and Putin don't realize is that he played them even though everyone thinks he backed down from them. He was a master on winning the Senate and willingly giving up the House. To us common folks it looks like that was a horrible miscalculation but hes so much smarter than the rest of us. The Art of the Deal sure is confusing to a simpleton like me. It sure looks like Pelosi fucked him straight up his ass, but what do I know Originally Posted by themystic
What you fail to see is President Trump is fighting a war, in this case, the victory is the Wall.

He gave up a public relations victory today because he knows in three weeks, Nancy P and Chuckie S will still say no to the Wall. That is when he plays his “trump card”, declaring a National Emergency.

He will have the high ground. People will see that he compromised, that he got the Government open, and now the Democrats have left him no choice.

He wins his war.

I wonder if Martha Raddatz will cry again?
Trump had 2 years to get one going but he was more concerned about a tax cut for the rich. Originally Posted by themystic
The top 1% PAY MORE than the BOTTOM 90% combined...who pays most of the taxes!!?!?!
You're one class warfare clown!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
A friend and colleague at work who's an astute political observer is about the same place on the political spectrum as The Mystic. She believes Trump benefited mightily from reopening government today, much more so than Pelosi. She says the majority of Americans blame him for the shutdown. She also said shit was starting to hit the fan and get worse, with flight delays at LaGuardia and other airports. Originally Posted by Tiny

a bunch of texas airport's ATCs resigned which is prolly what triggered the agreement.