Joe Biden.....”Running for the United States Senate”....LOL

HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous qualified to diagnose, darling?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Joe also tried to get dead dictators to sign onto the Paris accord...

Poor Joe. Stick a fork in him. He's done. Originally Posted by gfejunkie

but he's alive .. in Corn Pop's mind!

  • oeb11
  • 02-26-2020, 04:34 PM
Not anyone's darling on this site - And not interested in a fascist DPST YR sitting in MOM's basement in Austin pretending to be canuck.

Post your dreams and desires in the gay forums.

And - YES!!
Biden claimed last night that 150 million Americans died from guns last year. At that rate, nobody will be left to vote in November!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
What's crazy is no one on the stage bothered to point out the absurdity of it.

They know he is losing his mind and they must feel sorry for him.

I like it when he gets frustrated and lashes out and yells and bitches about the moderators doing a shitty job.

However, how can people not see he is going downhill - do they vote for him out of pity?
Yous qualified to diagnose, darling? Originally Posted by HoeHummer
I can point out a DPST faggot when I read his posts - you!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yous qualified to diagnose, darling? Originally Posted by HoeHummer

yous sicko
I'm hoping on Saturday that the SC Primary ends Biden's campaign. It's obvious something is not right with him.
I'm hoping on Saturday that the SC Primary ends Biden's campaign. It's obvious something is not right with him. Originally Posted by SecretE
I think those around him see it and don't know how to tell him he is losing it.

It is obvious he is on the road to dementia.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
What's crazy is no one on the stage bothered to point out the absurdity of it.

They know he is losing his mind and they must feel sorry for him.

I like it when he gets frustrated and lashes out and yells and bitches about the moderators doing a shitty job.

However, how can people not see he is going downhill - do they vote for him out of pity? Originally Posted by friendly fred

no one called out Fauxahountus when she lied again about being "fired" when she was pregnant. the cunt is on video saying she decided to stay at home .. nothing to do with being fired!

in fact here is my post with video of that cunt lying about it .. i don't see her getting the nomination but if she does you know Trump will bitch slap her with this .. BIGLY!


part of this, the Warren lie, was written about recently on pjmedia.

our resident leftists .. all 5 of them, will no doubt scream "FAKE NEWS" because pjmedia leans to the right. butt in this case they are right .. and the wonders of the interwebs and YouBoob prove it.

VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Caught Lying About Being Fired from Teaching Over Pregnancy

unless you want to stomach 60 minutes of "Lyin' Lizzy" go to the 6:00 mark where she claims it was her husband's idea to "stay at home" and be a mom rather than the lie she got fired. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
no one called out Fauxahountus when she lied again about being "fired" when she was pregnant. the cunt is on video saying she decided to stay at home .. nothing to do with being fired!

in fact here is my post with video of that cunt lying about it .. i don't see her getting the nomination but if she does you know Trump will bitch slap her with this .. BIGLY!

BAHHAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Excellent post.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 02-27-2020, 06:04 PM
Whats next Creepy uncle Joe taking credit for discovering the cure for the Corona Virus.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar

It helps to remember exactly what office you are running for. Originally Posted by Jackie S
In contrast......
Trump said recently...
If the DOW JOANS ever falls more than 1000 points in a single day, the sitting president should be loaded into a very big cannon and shot into the sun At tremendous speed excuses.

See...your fearless leader gaffes too.. and Don the Con has goofed more than once as you will know if you do your research. But I doubt Faux Fox News will reveal them. They’re too busy propping him up to make him sound credible and cover up his plethora of LIES...
In contrast......
Trump said recently...
If the DOW JOANS ever falls more than 1000 points in a single day, the sitting president should be loaded into a very big cannon and shot into the sun At tremendous speed excuses.

See...your fearless leader gaffes too.. and Don the Con has goofed more than once as you will know if you do your research. But I doubt Faux Fox News will reveal them. They’re too busy propping him up to make him sound credible and cover up his plethora of LIES... Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
You spelled in wrong it's "Dow Jones". Joan is how you spell a women's name it just sounds the same as Jones. Is this another lie you're trying to conjure up?
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
You spelled in wrong it's "Dow Jones". Joan is how you spell a women's name it just sounds the same as Jones. Is this another lie you're trying to conjure up? Originally Posted by Levianon17
No Dumbass...that’s Trumps spelling. Are you just stupid thru practice or does it come natural to you ? I’m just quoting verbatim inc HIS spelling....via Twitter.

Seeing that I do option trading on a regular basis I think I know a thing or two about the markets. But I got out when the shit was going to hit the fan over this virus.

I must admit though, I’d love to see Trump freaking out after the DOW dropped another 1100 points. And guess’s going to plunge more. That’s why you don’t judge an economy on the markets. Trumps ain’t bragging now
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
looka like biden is ahead in polling in s. carolina.

with sanders, bloomie and buttplug, K, warren and tulsi in that order.