Our Dallas Fire Stations, their needs, and Christmas

LovingKayla's Avatar
Ps to lust.... The Dallas police and fire VOTED THEMSELVES to cut their own percentage in the drop. I've never been so proud. That says a lot since that's also my inheritance they have cut. We can't have an actual conversation about this tea party vs dema thing because it ends at a draw (because of our simply fabulous government) who ever is in power siffens off the cash that's meant for city workers (who ever is in power.) T he side that isn't talks cutting spending to limit the "waste" of things not being paid but into some bureaucrats pocket. It's a never ending cycle. So yes I think the funding should be cut. Our taxes should be cut. Then WE take the reins as the people and get it squared away. Yes I know that won't actually work but I sure wish it did. I think we'd all get along better.
Um, my whole town's firefighters are volunteers.

Sooo, what the hell does that mean?

I'm a bit confused but Shea - and I know we are friends (and Kayla - you're my fucking girl, I mean shit - I'm your bitch right?)

But I've done freecycle - those people that use that are like flies on shit - they are like flies on shit with swords - but worse! It's awful!

It's almost better to know where there is a need and go give to it.

I think this is a better option to know there is a need and give to it.

Maybe if the firemen had gotten some decent rest they'd drive better? just sayin...(shrug)

I'm not saying nuttin bout sand in pussies - hell, i've had sand in mine plenty of times. I lived on the beach - sex on the beach is no picnic!

Secondly - why does republican have to equal whatever the fuck that rambling shit meant.

seriously man? shit - i hate fuckin obama, doesn't mean I'm a hard core fuckin republican, or a democrat. I just don't fuckin like obama nor do i want this thread to turn into a fuckin political debate.

it's about a need noticed and if you have something to give - hey, it's nice to give...that's all!

shit, chillax!

pic sucked pulled it
Shea you got a little sand in your vagina there. Might want to see that. I hear it can make a person quite irritating. I mean irritable. My bad.

I've gotten in a habit of not revisiting threads I've already posted on
Originally Posted by LovingKayla

*Yawns* Take your cat litter and sling it somewhere else. No need to keep entertaining the masses here. It's become quite unnecessary, really.

Speaking of revisiting threads, I'm absolutely done with this one. Go find someone else to run down.

What makes me an expert? 34 years as a firefighter brat and 4 in the Coast Guard. Wanna go head to head with stories there Shea girl? Originally Posted by LovingKayla

Whatever blows up your skirt and makes you happy, Kayla ...

37 years with every branch of the military in my family and 12 years of running a security business with a retired Army sergeant (my ex SO who served 22 yrs).

HAHA! Maybe we'll compare notes again later.

37 years with every branch of the military in my family and 12 years of running a security business with a retired Army sergeant (my ex SO who served 22 yrs).

HAHA! Maybe we'll compare notes again later.

. Originally Posted by Shea Veile
Wait just a damned minute.

Your showcase says you are 30!
+1 on Raylan. The ex-SO Army sergeant who married her must have married her pretty young.

2nd - Meow. Little cat fight is always good for a boring Thursday night watching my SO cook supper while she thinks I am on a sports blog.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Oh well shit Shea, you weren't suspossed to make this so easy. Did you seriously just take my bait and try to swim away? The way you word that post makes you 49. Damn girl you still look beautiful. Kinda getting easy to fuck with though. Is that a sign of aging?

Ok ok another topic for another thread.

Just don't forget about our brothers in red at hm y'all. Gnite!
hell, fuck me in the uniform - i'll find a fuckin tv for ya. it may not be a flat screen - but i'm sure i've got one laying around here.

probably got a wii the kids don't use any more.

maybe a dvd player.

what else is there....

boots, jacket, helmet and a rain coat (for the ol johnson)

The bait was kinda bland. Must've been the store-bought vareity. You really should've prepped the fresh stuff. Too bad it didn't taste like sugar cookies.

I'm not 49 by a long shot. Still get asked for ID all the time.

Yes, I met him when I was young (20). Love men with experience!

Thank Gawd I didn't marry him but he really wanted me to.

LovingKayla's Avatar
I love the shit outta u Shea. thank you for the dance my sweet.

She is actually much much younger than 49 so please don't start any rumors about that. This is all in fun.
TexTushHog's Avatar
What do you expect when Republicans are in power. After all, it's a Socialist fire department. It's not privatized, why support it. Firemen are union workers, therefore they must be bad, so let's screw them. Y'all are reaping what you have sown. Unfortunately, you're apparently going to have to ruin the country before you figure it out.

I feel sorry for the firemen who have been betrayed. But no more sorry than I feel for public school teachers. Or clerks at the County Clerks Office. Or somebody who work in Dallas' street maintenance department. But when one of the political parties wages war on our own institutions of government, using lied as weapons, what the he'll did you really expect??
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Ahhhh delete is so nice.... And just so you know Mr Randy, I'll say what I damn well please, anytime I please. You are such a sad little king of a sad little hill. Spare me your public trashing of another member. Hmmm, Glenna, just because you can't connect the dots.....

I'm willing to bet that none of you have ever even set foot inside a fire station. You lose.

To answer all the PMs asking why I don't post here... here is a perfect example. Though I may come back just to piss off certain people. Ignore me or be ready to listen to me. Either way, I affect your life. Muuah! LOL, your effect is so great that I spent hours figuring out how to make my first post oh, so PC - just for you. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Just keep on ignoring any fact that doesn't fall in line with the goose stepping over there at Faux Noise. Little knowledge is a dangerous thing - but one can't beat it for convenience.
i think my wittle head just exploded
What do you expect when Republicans are in power? After all, it's a Socialist fire department. It's not privatized, why support it? Firemen are union workers, therefore they must be bad, so let's screw them. Y'all are reaping what you have sown. Unfortunately, you're apparently going to have to ruin the country before you figure it out.

I feel sorry for the firemen who have been betrayed. But no more sorry than I feel for public school teachers. Or clerks at the County Clerks Office. Or somebody who work in Dallas' street maintenance department. But when one of the political parties wages war on our own institutions of government, using lies as weapons, what the hell did you really expect??
Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Well said, TTH. A whole group of parrots here echoing the crap at Fox "News" and they can't even figure out why our socialistic fire department needs equipment they cannot afford based on Republican blockage of the debt ceiling and other arbitrary cuts!

These are the same people who ignored the fact that Bush put our socialist soldiers on the ground in Iraq without adequate body armor and forced them to drive under-armored vehicles and also cut veterans benefits to wounded warriors until the Dems and numerous public demonstrations shamed him into signing a budget bill with more VA funding. Go back and read the facts. He was all for paying for the surge but was against raising VA appropriations that would have helped the returning wounded. That mentality is STILL interfering with VA and other agencies funding that provide treatment for PTSD and other needed programs.

Yeah! Let's just privatize everything so the Bush "Pioneers" and those giant industries who pay for the lobbyists on K Street can continue to rake in profits. They even privatized the Sea Bees and most of the people in the military who built things and gave those jobs at four or five times the salary to private contractors who then built field barracks, command stations and restrooms that have water pipes that are grounded to the wiring. Hey, what are a few electrocuted soldiers when larger profits are the quest? They are still using YOUR tax dollars to pay exorbitant fees to rebuild Iraq while they fight living wages for public sector workers here.

This is why I only post occasionally in this forum. Republican Parrots have small brains and all the arrogant Libertarians leave too many bodies floating face-down in the surf because they think everybody should be able to swim on their own or shouldn't go into the water in the first place. Riptides, leg cramps and inexperienced children with inexperienced parents be damned.

Again, well said, TTH! And you, too, Shea and Randy and the others who can read between the lines. The rest of you can go take a shit and flush the socialistic water you decry down the toilet and hope you never have to "buy" water from the corporations who are cleverly trying to control/lease it all. You can then take the socialistic water treatment plant that cleans your sewage for granted and curse the workers who run it for wanting a living wage. In India, where your hero corporations sent OUR jobs, they let people like you die of cholera.

After you figure out how wrong you've been, maybe you'll already be enduring fake Social Security administered by Wall Street Casino Mentality and maybe you'll be allowed to "know" it in an "Enron sense".

The fucking morons were AGAINST a Consumer Protection Agency and were actually bitching that you and I have now have a consumer watchdog/advocate that had to be appointed over uproarious opposition using a recess appointment? Really?

No Capitalistic society can exist successfully without a social conscience just as Socialism fails when there is no reward for hard work and innovation. It is the blend of both that used to make America the envy of the rest of the world. You'd better figure that out pretty soon and before the so-called "free market" becomes survival of the most fiscally fit because 99% of the people here won't make the cut!

What TTH says bears repeating a third time: when one of the political parties wages war on our own institutions of government, using lies as weapons, what the hell did you really expect?
LazurusLong's Avatar
In the most recent annual report I could find:
it shows 56 total fire stations.

Scanning through it, it jumped out at me that if you truly wanted to DO something concreate to help the community but felt that instead of updating an individual fire station, why not go buy a couple dozen, or hell, a couple CASES of smoke alarms and look at the number of actual fire call for a given station and find out the best way to get them in homes that currently lack them.

The lack of smoke detectors probably leads to more total loss of structures and deaths than anything else in the city.

I take it for granted that I have smoke alarms in ALL the rooms in my house along with a central alarm system that can notify the fire department if a fire is detected. Elderly are very susceptible to fires more so than many other groups so maybe check with local churches in the busy stations to see about asking them for help to distribute and install them.

Just a suggestion.
cookie man's Avatar
Budgetary shortfalls can't be attributed to one particular party. The city needs good leadership not disfunctional bickering. Don't bring in national politics to state and local issues.
It's simple. The city needs more revenue and an efficient operating system. The leader of this could be Democratic or Replublican. Plus the citizens have to get busy and do their share to contribute to the greater good...not milk the system. The dead weight hurts the whole community.