Ladies, Would/Could You Become a Mistress?

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... Eventually, something else sours the deal. But drop $20 - 30k a month plus an apartment on the table and watch them line up.... Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I'm more affordable, I guess. I'd line up for considerably less. But my main requirement would be financial consistency.

I've been a mistress. With very unsure wages. I was in my twenties, cute and not very bright in the ways of men. I guess that my situation would compare to the "sugarbabies" of today, but I did work, most of the time at least.

It's not a pretty place to be. Reminds me of the old saying: "A mistress is unsure of her wages. A wife has none. And they're both amateurs."

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Who wouldn't love to be kept? Only problem is the attachment, the waiting for his attention, the wondering who he is with, the loneliness and the estrangement from friends and family, (because you have to keep your time open for him or be at his beck and call).

There would have to be some extreme circumstances for me to ever consider such an arrangement. Money doesn't buy love and pays the bills. Being my own master and deciding who, when and how I spend time with others is probably the only route I will ever take. It's all about me...LOL
i am aware of all the pros and cons, yet i know i still want to do it. It just sounds like an amazing adventure.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
The only thing, and I mean THE ONLY thing, that keeps Reese's scenario from being a factor is a real two-way street based on caring and respect. Now, if we're talking a medium to short term (6-12 months) arrangement, then it's doable. Git-'er-dun and change yo' pardners. Otherwise, the ol' "I'm paying the bills - blah blah blah - so you WILL do - blah blah blah - WHEN I - blah blah blah - " (you get the idea) kicks in. If that's the case, then it's just an extended "session."

See if you can find an old (1930's) movie called "Backstreet," check it out and get back to me.