Trump Wins Big In South Carolina

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Dang shame we can't embed a pop-up poll in an existing thread. Sure would be interesting to see how many people actually believe that Nimratta received that paltry amount of votes from actual Republican voters in her home state of SC. But I'll take a working search engine any day of the week and twice on Sundays. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Hey dude, know you think you’re being cute by butchering the candidate’s given name, but you’re not.

Either being stupid, racist or both.

Nikki Haley’s name is spelled. Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley

Given your past posts, it’s easy to see what you’re up,to.
eyecu2's Avatar
Racists gonna race.

They don't hide it.

They use it like a badge of Trumpian honor.

Operate just like dear leader.

Fucking disgusting, blatant and hidden as well as a wet fart in church.
DNinja69's Avatar
The numbers for Trump in SC do just as much to expose the struggles he will have in November as they do to show his dominance securing the GOP nomination
txdot-guy's Avatar
The numbers for Trump in SC do just as much to expose the struggles he will have in November as they do to show his dominance securing the GOP nomination Originally Posted by DNinja69
Good luck getting those members of the cult of Trump to see that. It doesn’t fit the narrative they are trying to push. “Trump Wins Big” just like it says in the title of the topic post.
Precious_b's Avatar
The numbers for Trump in SC do just as much to expose the struggles he will have in November as they do to show his dominance securing the GOP nomination Originally Posted by DNinja69
Good luck getting those members of the cult of Trump to see that. It doesn’t fit the narrative they are trying to push. “Trump Wins Big” just like it says in the title of the topic post. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Yup. They are in denial about that.
donny could barely huff above 50% in SC
And someone challenged me about joey getting 90%+ elsewhere without breaking a sweat.

Maybe a libby can explain it with tiny words.
The numbers for Trump in SC do just as much to expose the struggles he will have in November as they do to show his dominance securing the GOP nomination Originally Posted by DNinja69
... And yet - the polls say different...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Not even a 25 percent turnout for the gop primary.
Hardly a true win. And definitely not a big win
DNinja69's Avatar
... And yet - the polls say different...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Feel free to post any polls you feel would defend that comment.

Current polls have about half of Americans saying they believe Biden will be replaced on the Dem ticket yet he holds up head to head against Trump right now.

Unless the goal is just to get on the GOP ticket the indicators from SC do not predict an easy path forward
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Perhaps a technical, aka inside baseball, question: Seeing whereas Trump is spanking Nimarata so badly after Michigan is now in the bag, do the TDS, TDS, Orange Man Bad, TDS, TDS threads automatically need to be moved to the Another Realm forum?!?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
The kid got a delegate or two in the Republican stronghold of Washington DC...

Nikki Haley Projected Winner of D.C. Swamp Republican Primary
...Broken down, nearly 1,300 voters cast a ballot for Haley and nearly 680 for former President Trump...
On the upside, most likely no actual GOP donor dollars were expended in the effort.
The Democrat donors must be feeling Gr-r-r-r-eat about their investments now.
Talk about your basic Wish Sandwich and Rubber Biscuit buffet...