Biden Has To Beg and Pay Anti-Vaxxers $100 to Keep Delta From Crippling Our Country

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
President Trump says he saved up to 2.2 million lives through his administration’s response to COVID. Democratic politicians and anti vaccine RINOS say he’s a liar. I say he’s not. Originally Posted by Tiny
Majority of vaccine deniers aren't H I M supporters.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-30-2021, 03:51 PM

Shameful that some of you refuse the Vax because of allegiance to Qanon and Right-Wing philosophy, complaining that ''they (Democrats?) want to take away my freedom''!

You are not free when a fast-spreading crippling virus reigns.

Dirty people, a.k.a. anti-vaxxers, aided the spread. We should have reached herd immunity 2 months ago.

You have to be paid to do what you should have proudly done months ago. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
The problem is, the RWWs don't actually believe any of what they say--either that or they don't believe their own supposed principles.

Here is what they SHOUD be pushing for, IF they were actually something other than hypocritical zombies:

1. NO treatment for people who get this fake disease called COVID. It doesn't really kill anyone (no more than a million or so) and it's just a cold. Der Fuhrer said so, so it must be true. So why waste money on a fraud. Anyone who dies was just destined to die, so let them.

2. Everyone just has to step up and accept responsibility for their actions. If someone spreads the disease recklessly by not doing their due diligence (masks, quarantining, vaccines) that's their right--but they become libel for anyone they spread it to. If there is an outbreak at a church that exceeds best practice crowd density, the church is sued to cover any expenses of the people who caught it.

You would think the RWWs would loudly support such a thing.
They are the "personal accountability" folks, are they not?

But don't hold your breath. Most of them refuse to hold a parent accountable if their kid gets a gun and goes on a killing spree, so why would we expect differently here? I don't, they will quickly sidestep and actual responsibility and blame the person who caught the disease saying they should not have breathed. That's what they say Geo. Floyd should have done--hold his breath for 9 minutes, right? So nothing different in this case. They just change slogans from "I can't breath!" to "Don't breath!"
winn dixie's Avatar
old-t is a comedian now?
respectfully... FOAD. Seriously. You argue that abortion is a right, but not to be jabbed with an experimental mRNA therapy isn't. Make sense much? I know you're just a pot stirrer and likely don't believe a thing you're writing but at least try to be internally consistent. There is nothing shameful about asserting ones rights to abstain from taking experimental drugs.

The why is irrelevant. Your Qanon issues are simply Blue-anon talking points.

Don't they? I mean the mask mandates that they don't follow, the distancing rules that they don't follow, and the travel restrictions that they don't follow... what exactly would you call those if not restricting my liberty without just cause? The masks mandates are KNOWN to be worthless yet here we are. The death rate among children is lower than from choking on chicken bones and dying yet we're going to mask the kids up again?

I'm sorry, I didn't see those exception policies in the Declaration on Independence, the Constitution, or the bill of Rights. Care to point out where those exceptions are?

Clearly you don't understand the term herd immunity. Had we done NO lockdowns, we would have reached herd immunity even faster. Remember you're calling ethnics dirty because they are one of the lowest vaccinated groups in the US. That's why it's going to be so much fun to watch the Federal govt. force vaccinations on the ethnics... say at the post office. Get out your popcorn, bitches!

Nope, the more money they offer, the harder they push, the more I KNOW I'm right by refusing to get the shot. The government is classifying the toxicology reports on the mRNA shots... This all comes down to trust. Do you trust the government to do the right thing?

The short answer is: not on your fcuking life.

The government is using a study from India involving a drug that is not even authorized for EUA use in the US to justify the mask mandates... and this is all just battlefield prep for the 2022 mid terms.

If the mRNA injection works, you have nothing to fear from an unvaccinated person. If it doesn't, you're no worse off than an unvaccinated person.... well unless those spike proteins break off, spread through your body to your lungs and start causing respiratory issues by clotting. LOL. No. No thanks. You made your choice, I shall make mine. And if the govt. is hell bent on forcing people to get the mRNA injection they will have a bloody mess on their hands...

Add to the fact that the Biden administration has opened the Southern border and is turning loose illegals they KNOW are COVID infected and you can take your mandates and mRNA shots and shove them into your fourth point of contact sideways. If it's REALLY an EMERGENCY (exert tip: it's not) then they wouldn't be allowing that. But you're too STUPID to understand what is going on around you. You want the anti-mRNA crowd to get the jab? Well, the govt. can release ALL of Fauci's emails un-redacted so we can ALL understand who PAID to fcuk us like this. The Govt. can shut the border and then I might MIGHT actually consider the shot... because at least then it MIGHT actually be an emergency... but until then, respectfully, FOAD.

COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralizing antibodies may sensitize vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated- The National Institutes for Health. Originally Posted by texassapper
Well said. Thanks for saving me 15 minutes of typing.

Thanks for that. I haven’t been able to read it yet but suspect it will help a lot in understanding your point of view. Originally Posted by Tiny
YR always asks for links. When they are provided he never responds to the link. You need to read and respond.

Up until Jan 30th, Carmella Harris and Bejing Joe didn't trust the "vaccine" what happened?


Mark my words, this is all going to end in bloodshed. Originally Posted by texassapper
Agree. All of a sudden the Dim pollies who refuted "Trumps Vaccine" are ordering people to take it.

This isn't a threat to any board members but I think you're correct about the bloodshed.

Majority of vaccine deniers aren't H I M supporters. Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong
Agreed. Govt "workers" are pushing back.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
The problem is, the RWWs don't actually believe any of what they say--either that or they don't believe their own supposed principles.

Here is what they SHOUD be pushing for, IF they were actually something other than hypocritical zombies:

1. NO treatment for people who get this fake disease called COVID. It doesn't really kill anyone (no more than a million or so) and it's just a cold. Der Fuhrer said so, so it must be true. So why waste money on a fraud. Anyone who dies was just destined to die, so let them.

2. Everyone just has to step up and accept responsibility for their actions. If someone spreads the disease recklessly by not doing their due diligence (masks, quarantining, vaccines) that's their right--but they become libel for anyone they spread it to. If there is an outbreak at a church that exceeds best practice crowd density, the church is sued to cover any expenses of the people who caught it.

You would think the RWWs would loudly support such a thing.
They are the "personal accountability" folks, are they not?

Originally Posted by Old-T
All of that requires perverse government intervention, which is what many are fighting against, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, and all across the world.

Plus, people who are unvaccinated do not fall into a single political group that you can call "those that enjoy in TOWE."

Additionally, not all unvaccinated people contribute to spreading the virus.
old-t is a comedian now? Originally Posted by winn dixie
His Act Sucks though.
texassapper's Avatar
The problem is, the RWWs don't actually believe any of what they say--either that or they don't believe their own supposed principles. Originally Posted by Old-T
blah blah blah..... your opinions are worth what we paid for them I guess.

Here is what they SHOUD be pushing for, IF they were actually something other than hypocritical zombies: Originally Posted by Old-T
Here's where you attempt to "think" and pretend to be a Conservative but actually just illustrate your own ignorance.

1. NO treatment for people who get this fake disease called COVID. It doesn't really kill anyone (no more than a million or so) and it's just a cold. Der Fuhrer said so, so it must be true. So why waste money on a fraud. Anyone who dies was just destined to die, so let them. Originally Posted by Old-T
sigh... #1 and you went straight for the old Godwins law thing... I leave my comments at that because there's nothing really sensible in your word salad to even bother responding to.

2. Everyone just has to step up and accept responsibility for their actions. Originally Posted by Old-T
Now you're talking! agree! a little personal accounatbility goes a LONG way...

If someone spreads the disease recklessly by not doing their due diligence (masks, quarantining, vaccines) that's their right--but they become libel for anyone they spread it to. Originally Posted by Old-T
Do we do the same for any other infectious diseases I wonder? Perhaps you can tell us where this liability idea comes from? How exactly do you intend to execute such a policy? Yeah, see this is where you've already gone off the rails. This isn't something a Conservative advocates... this sounds more like your standard libtard talking points about how the un-vaxxed are responsible for everything, although we already know that the vaxxed are the ones ending up in the Hospital (see the recent CDC study that forms the basis for the renewed calls for masking by the Federal govt.

If there is an outbreak at a church that exceeds best practice crowd density, the church is sued to cover any expenses of the people who caught it. Originally Posted by Old-T
Can I sue the govt. for funding the Wuhan lab that released the virus? I mean if we're going to go after the root cause, THAT IS THE ROOT CAUSE. How exactly are you going to ascertain that it was spread at Church? How do you know it wasn't at Walmart where some vaxxed moron spread it? Because we know that's possible (see CDC study just mentioned)

You would think the RWWs would loudly support such a thing.
They are the "personal accountability" folks, are they not? Originally Posted by Old-T
personal accountability would be related to, "if you feel ill stay home"... not blame the people at Church. I know that personal responsibility isn't something that the left understands very well, so you can have a pass on this rather ignorant rhetorical question.

But don't hold your breath. Originally Posted by Old-T
Luckily, us Conservatives don't need to tattoo "BREATHE" on our wrists because we have fully functioning Medula Oblongata. Don't hurt yourself looking that up.

Most of them refuse to hold a parent accountable if their kid gets a gun and goes on a killing spree, so why would we expect differently here? Originally Posted by Old-T
Most... well at least a few of us would... that's good to know. Do you actually have any pertinent examples you can point to for this ludicrous statement or are you just full of shit? (I know how I'm gonna bet)

I don't, they will quickly sidestep and actual responsibility and blame the person who caught the disease saying they should not have breathed. Originally Posted by Old-T
Assertions without evidence... all it really illustrates is that you probably should get out of Moms basement more.

That's what they say Geo. Floyd should have done--hold his breath for 9 minutes, right? Originally Posted by Old-T
Oh, we're changing topics? Well maybe George shouldn't have swallowed a lethal amount of Fentanyl. If he hadn't it wouldn't have mattered how long the cop kneeled on him... but the cop was simply incidental to the entire thing. Whatever, one less drug addicted criminal on the streets.

So nothing different in this case. They just change slogans from "I can't breath!" to "Don't breath!" Originally Posted by Old-T
Oooo you took the long way to get to this zinger. Sorry it sucked harder than Karmela Harris at a backroom DC fundraiser. Seriously, comedy is about timing. Your timing on the whole George Floyd thing is off by at least 6 months like so 2020.. but anyway, thanks for playing, T. Look forward to reading more of your stuff after Mom serves the meatloaf!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Follow the science , Masks no need for vaccine, Vaccine no need for masks ,HMM that was the CDC like 2 weeks ago
Side note Feds are the biggest employer in the world that move will get Puddens the 70% For heard immunity
So what will they say then ?
It would be kinda nice to just let everyone use what they want (vaccine, HCQ, Ivermectin, social distancing, masking up, etc.) to battle COVID-19, and not force people down a path (or spend yet more money we don't have to encourage people to take that path). It appears, at this point, there is no "magic bullet" that is going to stop this pandemic except time and herd immunity.
LexusLover's Avatar
Shameful that some of you refuse the Vax because of allegiance to Qanon and Right-Wing philosophy, Originally Posted by Chung Tran
So you think it's inappropriate to refuse to be injected with a substance that has not been approved for public consumption in the general population?

Do you regularly buy dairy and meat products in plain containers without any labeling along the side of the road on the way home for you and your family to consume? I thought so!
  • Tiny
  • 07-31-2021, 10:41 AM
It would be kinda nice to just let everyone use what they want (vaccine, HCQ, Ivermectin, social distancing, masking up, etc.) to battle COVID-19, and not force people down a path (or spend yet more money we don't have to encourage people to take that path). It appears, at this point, there is no "magic bullet" that is going to stop this pandemic except time and herd immunity. Originally Posted by SecretE
They didn't know it and would never admit it, but the antivaxxers and the anti-maskers had an unholy alliance with the progressive politicians. Run up the COVID infection rates so you can impose lockdowns. And then since people aren't working and are afraid to go out of their houses and buy things, throw massive amounts of money into the economy, not only for unemployment but also for every boondoggle known to mankind. So now we're going to end up about $10 trillion deeper in the whole, depending on how things shake out in months to come.
Chung Tran's Avatar
So you think it's inappropriate to refuse to be injected with a substance that has not been approved for public consumption in the general population?

Do you regularly buy dairy and meat products in plain containers without any labeling along the side of the road on the way home for you and your family to consume? I thought so! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Red herring, and an excuse Anti-vaxxers make. If the FDA approved it 6 months ago, you would find an excuse to say they waited untill the Big T was out of office. You praised Trump's effort and getting the Vax's to Market, but since he lost you take the counter argument
texassapper's Avatar
They didn't know it and would never admit it, but the antivaxxers and the anti-maskers had an unholy alliance with the progressive politicians. Run up the COVID infection rates so you can impose lockdowns. Originally Posted by Tiny
WTF are you on about? There was no alliance intentional or not. The Totalitarians on the left decide to use the Pandemic as an excuse to exercise control over the populace to enforce regulations they did not subject themselves to. Frankly the fault of all of this falls directly on the ChiComs and their allies in teh Democrat party. Do you think it coincident that Jan 3, 2019 the Senate introduced a bill to approve of any and all mail in ballot laws? That PA passed their ballot fraud mail in scheme on Oct 31, 2019? Dude the Democrats knew what was coming.... hence all the dubious stock trading.

Wake the fcuk up and smell the coffee. The Democrats knew and the Chinses released ot on purpose... possibly even using the military games in Wuhan in mid OCT of 2019 to test the effects.

The Democrats knew, The Chinese did it on purpose and the Democrats had the taxpayers fund the fcuking development.

You praised Trump's effort and getting the Vax's to Market, but since he lost you take the counter argument Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Find me an example of an anti-experimental drug injection person who celebrated the drug development? The VAERS reporting is said to be undercounting by some five times. The CDC cannot issue any effective statement and that's on purpose... sow doubt, destroy faith in the fact that if you get it, you will likely survive it and the symptoms are similar to a bad case of the flu for most. Or take the shot that expressly shields the manufacturers from defect? No thanks I'll take my chances with nature vs. man made...
bambino's Avatar

Shameful that some of you refuse the Vax because of allegiance to Qanon and Right-Wing philosophy, complaining that ''they (Democrats?) want to take away my freedom''!

You are not free when a fast-spreading crippling virus reigns.
..... Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Laughable. I'm surprised you didn't ask "Do you still beat your wife?" Its just not Reps who are not taking the jab but you knew that.

Dims: $100 for a COVID shot. Don't forget to bring your absentee ballot.