Myth vs Fact for Discussion #1

GneissGuy's Avatar
Maybe we should rename OUR site the Prostitution Research and Education Institute.

There is at least one valid point, though. Sometimes "legalization" may be worse than being illegal. In a lot of ways, prostitution is more illegal in Nevada than it it is elsewhere in the country. The legal brothels are a fraud and don't supply the demand in any meaningful way. It's such a hassle to go to the brothels as a client or worker that probably 95% of the business is outside the system.

I wonder if Nevada is actually harder on free-range prostitutes than other states because they see them as competition for the state sanctioned, taxpaying brothels.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-28-2010, 05:33 AM
free-range prostitutes. Originally Posted by GneissGuy
Hadn't heard'em called that!

As much as it pains me RK has come closes to hitting the nail on the head.

Once legal , instead of calling one a pimp, you would call them head hunters....same as they call'em in the coperate world. Adminastaff would take over the lower end free-ranging chickies.

Of course the ladies want the best of both worlds Decrimed is the best route for them. Unregulated and basically legal. What group of workers wouldn't want them apples?
Rudyard K's Avatar
As much as it pains me RK has come closes to hitting the nail on the head. Originally Posted by WTF
Try eating a piece of chocolate. It'll take that nasty taste out of your mouth.
I always tend to over explain myself, using TMI to try and get a point across. One of those pesky quirks I have. I know that Farley person is a fruit loop (I'm sure she would think I was one as well), I know the site is bullshit for her propaganda. I was just trying to get y'alls opinion on what she calls myth/fact. In other words.....

If prostitution were legalized/decriminalized/whatever, how would that affect pimps and traffickers? As a benefit or deterrent?

That's the question I would like to get your views on.
