Tell me that again in 12 years if you're still around.
Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
It takes Socialist-Liberals forever to figure out the distinction between "immigration" and "illegal immigration" just like they are still struggling with the concept of "climate changes" vs. "MAN-MADE climate change" ... because they like to accuse people of being "anti-immigration" if they oppose "illegal immigration" and accuse them of being _______ "racist"?______________ if the say there is no proof that MAN is MAKING the changes in the climate!
Or is it they call them all kinds of other names?
They just haven't been able to explain why if the "climate changes" are MANMADE there have been "climate changes" on Earth for 100's of million (if not billions) of years before man was around.
Their customary response: You're stupid! You're a racists! Oh, yea, Gnad is correct: "anti-scientific"!
You know, those thoughtful scientific explanations.