And the WINNER is.......

He has already been a benefactor of Annie's generosity.
Recipient the word you were looking for.....
albundy's Avatar
He has already been a benefactor of Annie's generosity. Originally Posted by Nicolet
(Shhhhhhhh...Ixnay on e-may already-way inning-way.)

What the fuck?!? LOL!
Thanks L4B.
When is the redraw?
annie@christophers's Avatar
Since its a holiday and 2 of the girls were called out on overnights, we can extend it until tomorrow..
:::erks up:::: Redraw?
Yo' Nic! Yer welcome ... Beneficiary is also another word that you were prolly going for..... Hehe
annie@christophers's Avatar
And you'd be my again. Jcgh3@hotmail. annie
annie@christophers's Avatar
Seriously. AL! man..I am to stupid .ugh. that suKS vic. Man...
annie@christophers's Avatar
Sorry. We are gonna draw at midnight. Last couple again can't make it. We are getting a lot of non Board members so it's harder to reach them in time. Spot if you won would you come claim prize . We actually have had a couple win from there and theyou actually came. On said cause he had never won before. Anything . He flew in like overnite. Now that was a excited gent. Lmaof. Xxoo annie
erosmystique's Avatar
Good luck to everyone on the re-draw!
Yes, good luck everyone on the re- draw!! I cannot win again darn it, but some lucky gent. will get a charming lady to swoon on..
SirBonington's Avatar
Awesome! Hope i have some luck with me this time! Good luck to everyone else as well!
At this point with my luck, I'm surprised that I have not been hit by lightning or had a airplane crash into my house with me inside. But there is always hope.