Infuriating habits of some indy providers

TexTushHog's Avatar
You have to pick high quality providers who don't stand up customers. As long as guys continue to "reward" flaky providers by going back to them, not posting the no-shows, etc., it will continue to happen. As for the "shit happens" excuse, I don't buy it. I 've have probably six to ten appointments per week for the last 34 years. I've never had to reshedule or miss a single one without at least 24 hours notice (not counting a courtesy heads up that we're running twenty minutes behind, or something like that). If you're a professional, you take your business seriously. Period.
genus's Avatar
  • genus
  • 04-17-2017, 04:02 PM
That's why you have me Originally Posted by berkleigh
Absolutely true. teaches me to venture out I'z iz gonna stick to the ladies I have a rapport with such as the one and the amazin Berkleigh.
This evening I was getting prepared to see someone. Now I had already been screened by her and she texts me back and says it will be later tonight and gives me a time range when she can see me. I agree no issues so I make sure my RW life does not interfere and get things ready for my rendezvous.. Originally Posted by genus
i would pass and reschedule in about a week.

9 times out of 10 the reschedule visit does not turn out good cause "the something" that pushed the schedule back will have the provider upset or runs even later.

The RW life is hard enough to schedule around.

Pass and go to the sports bar
It's a vicious circle. As a hobbyist, you start out with what seems like a reasonable assumption on how it works. You select a provider you want to see. You contact her. She responds. The appointment is confirmed. You get the information on location before the appointment time. It works the first few times, but then: 1) you send an inquiry and get no response or it is a week later 2) She says "Yes" she is available on date and time, and then you hear nothing back, 3) She confirms the date and time and you have an official appointment via 411, and then you hear nothing, or 4) You get the address, you get there, and then silence.

It becomes very frustrating, especially for hobbyists who only have limited opportunities and windows of time. Out of frustration, you now realize you must contact 3 providers in order to assure you end up with 1 appointment, and even then it often doesn't work. Then providers complain because they get all these inquiries that don't end up in appointments. So, it is frustrating on both sides, and those that are the most responsive suffer because of those that are the worst offenders.

No, it doesn't make sense. I had NC/NS with a $500/hr provider. She emailed later the next day and let me re-schedule. I said OK, but never did, nor will I. Every time a provider does that, she loses not only the appointment money, but the possibility of a long-time regular client.

For the OP, just move on. There are too many quality providers that won't do that to you to waste time on any that might.
Doesn't seem to happen to me. But, I mostly see ladies that are professionals in other industries and do P4P as an extra.
Not only do they seem much more organized but they arrange their hobby time in specific blocks. My regulars also say that they really enjoy the escape from their other job. Originally Posted by micktoz

I agree with this above. I would also like to add that it could be as simple as your selection of "high volume" verses "low volume". Now I know it is nearly impossible to tell which of those she actually is as most playmates will say they are low volume. However, you can get a general idea through adequate research of threads, reviews, # of reviews in a 30 day period, PMing those who have reviewed her, etc.

My Tyler market is much different than your DFW market. However, we still have the same issues. Early in my hobby life before I knew how to research, I scheduled a 30 minute session during my lunch period. Was scheduled for 12:30 and ended up seeing her at at 1:45. She kept communication open but kept bumping me. I realized later that she was running guys through pretty quickly ahead of me. Since that time, I have been much more selective. I only deal seek out playmates with much better reputations that support she is low volume. Those types of playmates seem to be much more aware on the importance of good TCB skills, IOP, chemistry, etc. I know there are exceptions but these types of playmates also tend to be 35+ in age. They have worked hard on their reputation and are more concerned with the image they project.
Laura Lynn's Avatar
Why do providers think its ok to do this to us hobbyists? If you cant make it or something comes up just be a professional and say so but instead they like to leave us dangling. Can someone on the provider side might have a logical reason or explanation.

This seems to be happening more and more with indy's the only place that seems to be consistent at keeping their appointments are the studios. Originally Posted by genus
Not all providers treat hobbyists this way. Some of us are actually quite organized and professional in how we handle our end.

Maybe research the ladies a little better, look at ladies that have been around a little longer with good reputations or visit ladies that are a little more on the mature side of life.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^^ what she said , However useless without Name