The Rothschild Family Dynasty Owns Half the World's Wealth!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Can you maximize that please? Your statement may be interpreted in many different ways.

Caio for now Originally Posted by HoustonMilfDebbie
Chomsky openly supported the likes of Chavez, UBL, and the Khmer Rouge while declaiming the U.S.

Of all idiots, none is so useful as he [Chomsky] who can masquerade as a genius.

MIT linguistics professor Noam Chomsky recently denounced Hugo Chavez, accusing the Venezuelan strongman of making an "assault" on his nation's democracy and of cruelty with respect to a female judge he imprisoned for issuing an unwelcome ruling. The criticism made headlines, as the "renowned scholar" had long given aid and comfort to Ego-and-Mouth Chavez. In fact, when the leader denounced President Bush in an infamous 2006 U.N. address, it was Chomsky's book Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance that he waved and used as a prop. And Chomsky often praises Venezuela's socialist revolution, most recently saying, "It's hard to judge how successful they [the Venezuelan socialists] are, but if they are successful they would be seeds of a better world."

Well, socialism has only failed every time it's been tried, but I guess Chomsky's renowned intellect has finally figured out a way to do the same thing over and over again and achieve different results.

But some people never learn, and in our time they're known as leftists. It's bad enough when a starry-eyed teenager gloms onto a demagogue and then registers surprise when the scorpion acts in accordance with his nature, but it's downright pathetic when an old man behaves as if he has been born yesterday.

And Chomsky, it seems, is continually born again yesterday. In the late 1970s, he defended the Khmer Rouge at the very time that those Cambodian communists were in the midst of a genocidal campaign that ultimately claimed 30 percent of their nation's population. He steadfastly refused to believe reports of Khmer Rouge atrocities, calling them part of a "disinformation" campaign targeting a group that, he said, could usher in not only "national liberation but also ... a new era of economic development and social justice."

Now, understand that the Khmer Rouge weren't "just" genocidal maniacs -- something not unusual in the annals of communism. They formed what was perhaps the most cruel, bizarre, twisted, and incompetent government in modern history. Immediately upon taking power, they initiated their agrarian revolution, ordering the evacuation of Phnom Penh and other major urban centers; they even emptied hospitals and created a situation in which patients had to be pushed through the streets on hospital beds. They abolished the practice of religion; separated families; started history anew with their "Year Zero"; and murdered those showing signs of Western influence, such as the wearing of eyeglasses. And this is just a small sampling of what was a complete rending of every Cambodian tradition and institution (for more, click here).

Of course, Chomsky didn't "know" about this. Oh, if he had actually walked the Cambodian killing fields, stepped over the thousands of human skulls and retched at the smell of rotting flesh -- and, most particularly, if he had found himself in a re-education camp -- he would have "known." But he was too busy rationalizing. After all, he understood the facts of life: Communists are nice, social justice-oriented people. And they were being targeted by the big bad United States, the source of all the world's woes. So it was obvious that all the negative stories about them were Western propaganda. Renowned intellectuals know these things.

Admittedly, today Chomsky acknowledges reports of Khmer Rouge atrocities. He just denies reports of Chomsky Khmer Rouge support. He has his own Year Zero, I suppose, and it started when reality became sufficiently heavy to make rationalization seem like Holocaust denial. Hey, that fellow in 1977 was a different Chomsky. Renowned intellectuals just don't make such mistakes.

Or, they don't learn from them, anyway. And this brings us back to Chomsky on Chavez. Rory Carroll in The Guardian writes:
He [Chomsky]...faulted Chávez for adopting enabling powers to circumvent the national assembly. "Anywhere in Latin America there is a potential threat of the pathology of caudillismo [authoritarianism] and it has to be guarded against. Whether it's over too far in that direction in Venezuela I'm not sure, but I think perhaps it is. A trend has developed towards the centralisation of power in the executive which I don't think is a healthy development.
Well, Noam, you let us know when you are sure. We'd like the heads-up.

Then there are Chomsky's comments relating to the persecuted female judge, María Lourdes Afiuni. Carroll writes:
Chomsky said Chávez, who has been in power for 12 years, appeared to have intimidated the judicial system. "I'm sceptical that [Afiuni] could receive a fair trial. It's striking that, as far as I understand, other judges have not come out in support of her ... that suggests an atmosphere of intimidation."
Interestingly, Chomsky was never this measured in his statements condemning the U.S. As with all leftists, the worse his judgments, the more sure of them he is.

The great Roman orator and statesman Cicero once said, "Any man is liable to err; only a fool persists in error." Chomsky exhibits that typical leftist inability to discern good from evil, friend from foe. If he'd been a rabbit, he would have hopped into the fox's lair well before getting so long in the tooth. And if he didn't live in the West's cocoon of safety and comfort, he would ages ago have been swept away in a whirlwind of his own design. Chomsky just doesn't learn.

Chomsky's Follies

The professor's pronouncements about Osama Bin Laden are stupid and ignorant.

by Christopher Hitchens

We have no more reason to credit Osama Bin Laden's claim of responsibility, he [Chomsky] states, than we would have to believe Chomsky's own claim to have won the Boston Marathon.

[One] can't immediately decide whether or not this is an improvement on what Chomsky wrote at the time. Ten years ago [2001], apparently sharing the consensus that 9/11 was indeed the work of al-Qaida, Chomsky wrote that it was no worse an atrocity than President Clinton's earlier use of cruise missiles against Sudan in retaliation for the bomb attacks on the centers of Nairobi and Dar es Salaam.

Yeah, he's a bigoted asshole who has potty issues. You figure out the rest of it.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You've got a hard on for someone else from the left who doesn't need a Msrriam-Webstsr to express his viewpoint.

That makes him a liar.

No grey area with you IBIdiot. That Brazil Nut you call a brain is shut tighter than your lips around a hooker's dick!

No wonder you shat on Jesus Christ!
You can take all of the wealth in the world and spread it around equally to everyone and within just a few short years it will all be returned to much of the same people from which it was taken. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
That's absolutely correct. One doesn't ordinarily become rich by accident and no one ever was poor because they had ambition and worked hard. Politicians just want to put people on guilt trips and try to explain all our economic and social woes stem from bullshit concepts like income inequality.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's absolutely correct. One doesn't ordinarily become rich by accident and no one ever was poor because they had ambition and worked hard. Politicians just want to put people on guilt trips and try to explain all our economic and social woes stem from bullshit concepts like income inequality.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So THATS what politicians want to do...
So THATS what politicians want to do... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Actually it's not what they want to do. It's what they want to trick you into believing.

BigLouie's Avatar
It isn't all bad - at least they're Jewish, not Muslim!!! Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Research the Aga Kahn family.
lustylad's Avatar
We need to get rid of all the inheritance tax loopholes. Originally Posted by WTF

Like the one that lets you give away your wealth to foundations that spend it much more carefully, effectively and efficiently than the government?

Yeah, we need to close that "loophole". We can't let private foundations make the government look bad, can we?
I B Hankering's Avatar
... someone else from the left who doesn't need a Msrriam-Webstsr to express his viewpoint. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Wow! You caught my typo, you Funk and Wagnall's.

Now your life has meaning. Unlike those you pick up at bars, when I throw you a bone, it isn't crammed repeatedly up your pooper!

You're welcome!