Obama fail, Trump Triumph

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  • 04-23-2017, 01:11 PM
When he flinches ... it is a "hard low life move"!

His marginalizing and vilifying of others ...

... is an attempt to elevate himself ..... in his own mind!. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm not vilifying Trump for using The Art of the Deal to gain the freedom of an accused sex trafficker!

I am laughing at you boys cheering on this deal though.
LexusLover's Avatar
I am laughing at you boys cheering on this deal though. Originally Posted by WTF
"you boys"? Does that make you feel "older and wiser"?

You're not! You're just a "home builder" ...

... who borrows from Paul to pay Peter, from whom you borrowed ..

... to pay John!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
She was trafficking children!?

God Damn....great job Donald.

The link you provided shows the person accusing this chick of " juveniles were paid by the foundation to disobey the police and military " and much worse. Of which we can not talk about in this forum.

Basically Trump negotiated for a Human Trafficker.

If he were in office in 2003, instead of going to war , maybe he could have rescued Saddam's sons!

. Originally Posted by WTF
i know what the link said idiot. it also said this ..

The case of Aya Hijazi and her co-defendants has been nothing less than a travesty of justice. Defendants have been unable to meet privately with lawyers, hearings have been repeatedly adjourned for long periods, while the court has routinely rejected, without explanation, numerous requests for release on bail, resulting in what appears to amount to arbitrary detention.

Prosecutors in the case certainly dragged their feet when pursuing the charges against the defendants. Hijazi, her husband and the other co-defendants were held beyond the two-year limit “for pretrial and provisional detention under Egyptian law,” Human Rights Watch wrote.

who would you believe .. Egypt who has become more radical Muslim after "Arab Spring" .. which was encouraged by Obama .. or basically everyone else watching this issue? you simply won't accept that these people had false charges levied on them, which if true could should have resulted in an easy trial for Egypt .. to make it known they didn't want these people doing this outreach work in their Muslim country. made 'em look bad.

all of the children gave contradictory statements .. which in itself is a red flag to any legal or police expert .. and you can bet that the authorities and parents pressured the children into making these allegations in the first place.

you despise Trump to such a degree if he'd freed snow white you'd come up with some bullshit on why it was fucked up
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  • 04-23-2017, 01:53 PM

you despise Trump to such a degree if he'd freed snow white you'd come up with some bullshit on why it was fucked up Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You believe in Snow White?

Sounds kinda Dopey to me!

So the Egyptian government bad...

Release American sex trafficker, Egyptian government good now!

Got it. You're Pro sex trafficking. Maybe she can bring back some asians for DSK!

LexusLover's Avatar
You believe in Snow White? Originally Posted by WTF
Why would he believe in you? You're the Fake!
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  • 04-23-2017, 02:07 PM
Why would he believe in you? You're the Fake! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Snow White is a male figure in your world?

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  • 04-23-2017, 02:13 PM

... who borrows from Paul to pay Peter, from whom you borrowed ..

... to pay John! Originally Posted by LexusLover
No Hispanic names in that scenario...

Please explain why homebuilders borrow this silly way you believe tjey borrow and pay.

Makes no sense to me. Could you explain in English just wtf you are trying to accuse me of. Am I some bad hombre

LexusLover's Avatar
Snow White is a male figure in your world?
. Originally Posted by WTF
Just come on out of the closet. Geeezzzz. You are obsessed!

It's transparent like all the other defects you have.
LexusLover's Avatar
No Hispanic names in that scenario...

..... Originally Posted by WTF
I guess you're "stuck" on the word "Peter" ....

... did that "throw you off"?

It was not my intention to distract you away from the topic.

But, as usual, you have drifted to thinking of dick!
argued last week that anecdotal stories about disillusioned Trump supporters were overdone. The fact is that, on a broad scale, Trump supporters say they aren't disappointed. In fact, a poll showed they were more pleased than disappointed, by about 5 to 1:

...The Pew Research Center released a poll showing very little buyer's remorse among Trump voters. The poll showed just 7 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say Trump has performed worse than they expected him to. Fully 38 percent — five times as many — say he has performed better.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll confirms this — in spades. And, in fact, it shows more buyer's remorse for Trump's opponent in the 2016 election, Hillary Clinton. And were the 2016 election held again today, it shows Trump would avenge his popular-vote loss.
While just 4 percent of Trump's supporters say they would back someone else if there was a redo of the election, fully 15 percent of Clinton supporters say they would ditch her. Trump leads in a re-do of the 2016 election 43 percent to 40 percent after losing the popular vote 46-44.
That 15 percent is split between those who say they would vote for Trump (2 percent), Gary Johnson (4 percent), Jill Stein (2 percent), and either other candidates or not vote (7 percent).

© Provided by WP Company LLC d/b/a The Washington Post
It's not hugely surprising that the losing candidate in an election would see this kind of drop-off. People don't like voting for losers, and if you look closely at polls after an election, some voters won't even admit to having cast their ballots for the losing candidate. The winning margin for the victor is generally exaggerated.
But against the backdrop of stories about how Trump hasn't delivered what his supporters thought he would, it's notable how much his backers are sticking by their candidate, relative to his opponent. There is basically no real defection to the one candidate who could have delivered a different result.

© Provided by WP Company LLC d/b/a The Washington Post
Of course, you can still be disappointedin Trump and not say you wish you had voted differently. But this poll also reinforces the idea that Trump supporters aren't even disappointed. Not in the least, in fact.
Just 2 percent of those who voted for Trump say he has been a worse president than they expected. Only 1 percent say he has been “much worse,” and 1 percent say he has been “somewhat worse.”
In contrast, 62 percent say he has been better than expected, with one-third (33 percent) saying he has been “much better.”
That's not disillusioned Trump supporters; that's quite the opposite. And we have yet to see a poll that suggests there are a bunch of disgruntled Trump voters out there, stewing over their decision to install a reality show star as president
LexusLover's Avatar
argued last week that anecdotal stories about disillusioned Trump supporters were overdone. Originally Posted by gary5912
Can anyone say .... "Georgia"?

Did Trump go to Georgia?

After he reads the "tea leaves" (like he did re France) the decision will be made long before "the final" straw. Jon-Jon's going Gon-Gon!
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  • WTF
  • 04-23-2017, 03:37 PM
Just come on out of the closet. Geeezzzz. You are obsessed!

It's transparent like all the other defects you have. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You keep dreaming of Peter paying Paul....I've just asked wtf you mean by that homosexual chant. You keep repeating in in every thread.

LexusLover's Avatar
...I've just asked wtf you mean by that homosexual chant. Originally Posted by WTF
There you go again ... being all "homo" on here!

You can drift from shit to dick at the bat of an eye!

Just go ahead and suck some .... the ladies love it.

You will also!

Then you can give Assup some help down at the stalls!
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  • WTF
  • 04-23-2017, 04:01 PM
There you go again ... being all "homo" on here!

You can drift from shit to dick at the bat of an eye!

Just go ahead and suck some .... the ladies love it.

You will also!

Then you can give Assup some help down at the stalls! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL can you quit with the dreaming about Peter paying your Paul and get back to the subject at hand...you boys cheering Trump freeing an alleged sex trafficker!

LexusLover's Avatar
LL can you quit with the dreaming about Peter paying your Paul ..... Originally Posted by WTF

.... did you mention "traffic"?

You were stuck on "Gay" back then with someone else!!!!!
