the latest bad news for the DPST's

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, the simple answer would be if you worked for a company that has stock and it's doing good - you have more job security hence - income. It use to be just getting a job was good - now it's getting a job with benifits (401k plans,ect) is whats happening. More employee benifits and such. Which translates into folks being able to save money and if they choose - they can invest it. The Great Depression comes to my mind. After that crash - folks were out of work and couldn't feed their families. Hopefully, that won't happen again.

Voters may have other things on their minds but I guarentee you it will come down to the economy. Yes, there will be some folks who hate Trump so much they will not vote for him. However, faced with an Elizbeth Warren - they might turn into a secret Trump voter. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Again you are drawing a correlation between a company's stock price and company policy. There is none. Profits drive company policy. I worked for one of the largest corporations in the world for 45 years. Our benefits, and hiring/firing practices, were based solely on profit goals met or not met. The recent corporate tax cut gave companies the ability to raise employee salaries or give other benefits they previously did not have. Stock price is irrelevant in such decisions.

And again I only have to go back to November 2018 to point out that even with an economy that was even better then than today, Republicans lost the mid-term elections big time. You are a business person. Study Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Religious worship of Obama?
Careful CT, Michelle will get upset. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
not from me.. from "y'all" you worship Trump.

Explain that to those older Americans who look for fixed market returns and do not like to see the President keep calling for lower rates.
Originally Posted by WTF
that's the mindset, though.. spike asset prices, and fuck Savers. Trump said negative interest rates might be a good thing. he wants the federal government to get all the saver money, so he can ramp up the deficit, and pay it back with cheap dollars.
Spare me. I didn't hear any concern from you two when interest rates fell to historical lows during all of Obama's term.

I had to put several tens of thousands into life insurance policies because the the vig wasn't paying the premium.

Concern about chipping away at old people's savings now...puhleese.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
you mean ..

income redistribution. vote loser for Democrats.

illegal immigration. vote loser for Democrats.

Gun confiscation. vote loser for Democrats.

health care. Democrats want single payer, end private insurance. vote loser for Democrats.

foreign relations. who cares? America First! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
This is not my priority list. It represents what the majority of the people in this country deem to be important.

Gun control does not mean gun confiscation in the minds of most. Even Democrats.

Republicans have no answer for health care reform. At least Democrats are discussing the issue.

I travel overseas for 5-6 weeks each year. Foreign policy is very important to me.

Trump's approval rating on immigration is about 40%, lower than his overall approval rating.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Spare me. I didn't hear any concern from you two when interest rates fell to historical lows during all of Obama's term.

I had to put several tens of thousands into life insurance policies because the the vig wasn't paying the premium.

Concern about chipping away at old people's savings now...puhleese. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I was absent from this section of ECCIE, but I did squawk about it. but Obama's low rates was a market force, unwinding the Bush historic recession. Trump's are blathering imbecile driven, slamming the Fed Governor on Twitter, bitching that other countries have lower rates, suggesting that negative rates are a good thing.
And how is the GDP doing? And the deficit? And U.S.


"U.S. manufacturing dives to 10-year low as trade tensions weigh"

The negative impact of Trump's tariffs are hurting everyone in this country. Yes, if one chooses to focus solely on the stock markets, the country is in terrific economic shape. Explain that to the 46% of the people in this country who do not have money in the stock markets and don't give a damn about it. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
And the jobs Obummer said were never coming back...they found their way home!!!
I don't like homeless jobs do you SPEED???
Please tell me, as someone who has little to no funds in the stock markets that will produce income for me, how the growing market will positively impact me? Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I guess this isn't the same SPEED that previously said...the stock market didn't effect you one way or another.
I guess that just depends on your spin that day SPEED.
If you're on that bike...start back peddling!!
Health care. Immigration. Foreign relations. Gun control. Income distribution. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yeah SPEED tell us about the terrific plans the front runners of the democraps have that any sane person is going to be running to the polls to cast their ballot.
The spin of yours on this will be interesting as always
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I guess this isn't the same SPEED that previously said...the stock market didn't effect you one way or another.
I guess that just depends on your spin that day SPEED.
If you're on that bike...start back peddling!! Originally Posted by bb1961
Where is the contradiction?

I said the stock market does not impact me. Then I said I have little to no funds in the stock market.

I have very little funds in the stock market that will impact my lifestyle. A few thousand dollars in a draw down account that will be at $0 in a year or two. In fact, I think that money is in a CD rather than the stock market. So the rise, or fall, in the stock market just does not impact me.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yeah SPEED tell us about the terrific plans the front runners of the democraps have that any sane person is going to be running to the polls to cast their ballot.
The spin of yours on this will be interesting as always Originally Posted by bb1961
Tell you what. You tell me what plans you believe Republican have for those issues then I'll tell you what plans I believe Democrats have for those issues. I'm not very worried since you have shown little knowledge of understanding the issues of the political scene.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
And the jobs Obummer said were never coming back...they found their way home!!!
I don't like homeless jobs do you SPEED??? Originally Posted by bb1961
What companies that have manufacturing facilities outside the country have moved them back to the U.S.?