Things around here have really changed since I've been away...

L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 08-22-2015, 10:10 PM
What people don't know about you they can't use against you...

Nobody needed to know that you've been in New York City. Nobody needs to know that you had a no call no show in the public coed forum or that people are haggling or asking for pussy pics .Leave that for the ladies room. If you don't want people to talk shit or rehash old news then don't start threADs complaining about your life. You open yourself up for these kinds of attacks. You've done it over and over and over. Just keep to yourself, concentrate on your hustle and keep your mouth shut. These people are not your friends. This is not dear Abby.

The only way you can prove that you've changed is by your actions, not your words or the sabbatical that you took. You do need to take new pics. You will continue to be harassed and gentlemen will continue to be unsatisfied if you are not representing what you truly look like in present day and form. Own who you are by being a truthful representative of that.

This was not meant to be in negative form any level. Your business is your business. Nobody elses. Quit trying to seek approval and camaraderie on a hooker board. Think before you post. Discipline and self control are your friend. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
This post is the best advice you could ever get.
KittyLamour's Avatar
This post is the best advice you could ever get. Originally Posted by L.A.
Thank you Katrina, you are right and that was very good advice I intend to take to heart.

FunInDFW's Avatar
Warning to folks.....keep it Civil in responses. Originally Posted by NYr
Should be an auto-reply bot that posts this on every new thread.
  • Gbfsl
  • 08-23-2015, 05:34 AM
What people don't know about you they can't use against you...

Nobody needed to know that you've been in New York City. Nobody needs to know that you had a no call no show in the public coed forum or that people are haggling or asking for pussy pics .Leave that for the ladies room. If you don't want people to talk shit or rehash old news then don't start threADs complaining about your life. You open yourself up for these kinds of attacks. You've done it over and over and over. Just keep to yourself, concentrate on your hustle and keep your mouth shut. These people are not your friends. This is not dear Abby.

The only way you can prove that you've changed is by your actions, not your words or the sabbatical that you took. You do need to take new pics. You will continue to be harassed and gentlemen will continue to be unsatisfied if you are not representing what you truly look like in present day and form. Own who you are by being a truthful representative of that.

This was not meant to be in negative form any level. Your business is your business. Nobody elses. Quit trying to seek approval and camaraderie on a hooker board. Think before you post. Discipline and self control are your friend. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Wow! This should be a Sticky.

Without a doubt, the best advice I have ever seen written in three years of reading all the advice that has been posted on this site.

Congratulations, Katrina. Incredible advice. We should all live by these words and remember that what you don't say, won't ever hurt you.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Ms Lamour,

You got excellent advice from the ladies here. Ill add another one. Dont start threads in coed. All you do is to attract trolls. Dig into your memory banks from your prior tenure here... Can you remember one time that you started a thread and you were not trolled? There is you answer.

Have a great day m'elle Lamour.
TheEccie... Wow really? I'm not going to rehash old drama... but, there is the slightest bit of truth in there mixed in with a whole lot of exaggerations and flat out lies. Anyways, I'm past defending myself. Yes, I got one no review...but I've also had 3 yes reviews that tell a totally different story. Wouldn't you say majority rules?

I have no need of photoshop... I used to edit my pics a LONG time ago and I quit.

I'm not saying that I'm broke or not making any money... I'm just wondering about all the time wasting stuff that is occurring. Don't try to turn this into something it's not. You may not like me, who cares? There's plenty more who do. So you just do you and believe me I'm going to keep right on doing me. As long as nothing I'm doing affects you personally why would you even worry about it let alone take up a vendetta of slander against me. You've never even met me.

By the way...that little vicious attempt to insinuate I've been somewhere I wasn't... that wasn't cool at all. Would you like me to forward you my travel itinerary regarding New York? That's where I've been. End of story. Smh

This is the one and only response you are getting from me in my own defense. It's totally not worth my time or my energy to respond further.
Originally Posted by KittyLamour
I also agree with what daddyo67 said about TheEccie214's post. He, along with a few others on this site, will construe ANY post by someone they for whatever reason dislike, much more the starting of a thread, hijacking the thread to steer it towards their agenda. Usually doing so by making up stuff out of thin air, aka lying, or stating their opinion as fact to do so. When you have had issues in your past, (we all have) and even if/when you have acknowledged them, trying to wipe the slate clean and looking to do better, here they come again with their bringing up old and basically forgotten about past history and do their baiting tactics.

Katrina gave you some great advice, Kitty, be as anonymous as you can possibly be and keep your personal business personal. As she said, you do not need anyone's approval of what you do and of your life on a whore board. Just be yourself and have fun, do not worry about or even acknowledge the haters. Some will move on to others to spew their garbage to looking for a reaction, while others who are dead set on getting you to bite and keep cyberstalking you and your posts will continue, but what really infuriates them is to ignore their posts. Eventually, they will be the ones to slip up and instead of them RTMing your reaction post, you can RTM their initial post and hopefully, the mods will be the ones to give the reaction!

Now, getting back to your OP. Being NCNSed is one of the worst things that happen in the hobby, but it does happen more often then you think, from both sides, and with otherwise supposedly reputable people, so things have not really changed all that much per say, it is just the way it is reported. It has happened to me numerous times with verified providers with double digit reviews and it is always when I drive across town, 40+ minutes one way, and as soon as I am there at the intersection she wanted me to drive to, the communication goes radio silent.

As far as rates go, stick to your guns, but if you really need the money for whatever reason, run a special rate for a temporary time, with it being 100% your call, but if you do, make it special enough on the BCD activities to where they will be wanting to see you again and happy to pay your full rate at the next encounter. The hagglers that contact you and but refuse to pay your posted rates, once that is said, do not reply to them if by PM, text or email and hang up on them by phone.

Some hobbyists are looking for the most service for the least possible donation and the pendulum swings both ways, some providers are wanting to do as little service as possible for the most donation they can get. That has been going on forever and will never change!

Good luck, Kitty.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Thank you so much for all of the very good advice. It really helps to see things from the perspective of others. I hope everyone has a great day today...and wakes up refreshed for Monday. XOXOXO

Goose2u's Avatar
But thank God Mondays only happened once a week
Boltfan's Avatar
Your history will follow you but if you aren't actively participating in the discussion, one way or the other, it comes off as petty to others reading.

Katrinas advice was priceless. Just stop posting things like this. You have owned your history, without excuse, which is admirable.
KittyLamour's Avatar
Thanks everyone... Thank you Boltfan. I'm going to be fine. I did go get myself a hot little black dress and some sky high black stilettos just to take some new pictures wearing.

It seems unreal to me that so many people are encouraging me, I never ever thought that would happen.

It's all good!

Kitty Lamour
What people don't know about you they can't use against you...

Nobody needed to know that you've been in New York City. Nobody needs to know that you had a no call no show in the public coed forum or that people are haggling or asking for pussy pics .Leave that for the ladies room. If you don't want people to talk shit or rehash old news then don't start threADs complaining about your life. You open yourself up for these kinds of attacks. You've done it over and over and over. Just keep to yourself, concentrate on your hustle and keep your mouth shut. These people are not your friends. This is not dear Abby.

The only way you can prove that you've changed is by your actions, not your words or the sabbatical that you took. You do need to take new pics. You will continue to be harassed and gentlemen will continue to be unsatisfied if you are not representing what you truly look like in present day and form. Own who you are by being a truthful representative of that.

This was not meant to be in negative form any level. Your business is your business. Nobody elses. Quit trying to seek approval and camaraderie on a hooker board. Think before you post. Discipline and self control are your friend. Originally Posted by BBW Katrina

SAGE advice!
TheEccie214's Avatar
SAGE advice! Originally Posted by alaine
Too bad it was totally ignored.