Do you think.....

"Sound wisdom," Chellablaine, to quote a one-liner from the movie Jeremiah Johnson. Sexual performance and objective criteria of physical attractiveness aside, it is amazing, is it not, how powerful the bonds of attraction can be when you genuinely and deeply love and respect your companion/soulmate for whom he/she truly is.
pyramider's Avatar
My past relationships are why I hobby . . . The hobby is much more honest.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 02-27-2011, 08:15 AM
For the most part these wonderful ladies give us exactly what we want, tell us exactly what we want to hear. How can my future wife compete with that? Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
She can't. And neither could a provider if she were required to be with you for more than an hour or two here and there.

Am I thinking too much... lol
No, your problem is that you're not thinking enough.
London Rayne's Avatar
He is concerned with any woman measuring up to his past experiences that are trapped in his mind fantasy. Originally Posted by FatBastard
For EA, I don't think this will be a problem, as his ONLY reason for being here is BECAUSE he is single. I believe true love for him, would win over any meaningless sex act with a stranger.
Naomi4u's Avatar
For EA, I don't think this will be a problem, as his ONLY reason for being here is BECAUSE he is single. I believe true love for him, would win over any meaningless sex act with a stranger. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I agree with this and let me add this. I haven't met EA but we all know that he's a sweetheart. Any woman would be lucky to have him as a companion.
Wakeup's Avatar
I live a completely uncompromising real woman should be subjected to that in a relationship, so I choose the fantasy women...
London Rayne's Avatar
I live a completely uncompromising real woman should be subjected to that in a relationship, so I choose the fantasy women... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Well at least you can admit you're selfish and don't want to expose a woman to it. Bravo, and LMAO.
Wakeup's Avatar
I've made no secret of it since I're welcome...
I've made no secret of it since I're welcome... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
No false pretenses with you!...good stuff
London Rayne's Avatar
Amen! I too can admit I am far too jaded to try to devote myself to one man while doing this. I just would not feel it was fair to him. When this life is behind me (roughly 2.5 years from now lol), I will THEN focus on repairing some of the mind sets I have developed while being exposed to lying and cheating for such a long time.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Naturally I don't plan on laying my past out on a red carpet the first day I meet "the one". However if she decides to start sharing things that she fears she may lose me over wouldn't it be right for me to do the same? Isn't that what emotional intimacy is all about. There are not very many things in my past that I fear that might make a potential SO uncomfortable enough to leave but the hobby would be one of those things IMO.

Isn't the definition of intimacy, talking about things we are uncomfortable talking about.*

When developing a potentially lifelong relationship we take the good with the bad, do we not?*
beautifulbailey's Avatar
I'm not sure how it would affect you men, but it has definitely ruined a past relationship for me Originally Posted by Valerie

beautifulbailey's Avatar
While being in a relationship and providing may work for some I have personally choosen not to date at all until I am done.
While being in a relationship and providing may work for some I have personally choosen not to date at all until I am done. Originally Posted by beautifulbailey
I as well chose not to be in a relationship while I am providing.

Providing has helped me look at relationships differently in a positive way. In the past, when I was first starting to date someone and I liked them - I would project into the future like most women do. I have learned to live in the moment and enjoy right now - it is a lot more fun.
But I don't think real love ever dies....even if you can't be with them...