Advice On My First OTC With My ATF

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Np! To add little more info like I've said I've known her for a few years now and over the past few months she's started showing more and more affection towards me. I might not of said this is our first otc, let me clarify it. We've went out to eat more times than I can count, we've went to movies, concerts, ect.
This is just the first time we've ever done anything like this.
Regarding the money comments, soon as I say this people are going to reply with the usual "that's what you think" "she's playing you" ect but I know for a fact that I'm her only regular. She doesn't work too often anymore, she actually had to get a full time job because she doesn't make what she use to dancing anymore. So I honestly believe a $400+/night is a big pay day for her. Originally Posted by PJ10
OP, I've done several over nights over the years. Many of them out of town trips. My opinion is like you have it above.

You guys are more than just an OTC now. You obviously have some chemistry. As you've stated surly you're probably her favorite as well or close to it even if she keeps others to herself. If you feel the need to up it for any reason, just say "I'm really looking forward to next time too ", or ask her " wouldn't it be fun to go somewhere out of town on our next outing ?".

Obviously, you're going to spend more than the $400. The hotel, dinner, drinks, etc. No need to feel like you're low balling her at all.

Again, I'd use your history together as a launching pad to go where no man has ever gone. As the lady contributor stated above - let her know how special she is. The first time you speak to her on the day of, just tell her you're really excited about the night and you're glad it's with her.

I know first hand that treating them well during your outing reaps huge rewards. Ladies enjoy men who treat them well as evidenced by what you already have with her.

On one of my overnights I asked the girl to play a game with me on the plane ride down. The game was we each wrote down 3 questions we wanted ask the other and at least two of the 3 had to be related to sex in some fashion. We did this about 4 fold times. By the time the plane landed she told me she might need to change her underwear because she was so wet and I had an obvious boner as I stood to take my bag out of the overhead. Yeah, we fucked like teenagers for a couple of days and it was the first of several outings with this great girl.

Also, this works wonders for your next time with her. Purchase something nice for her before the evening and give it to right before you separate the next day and casually ask her in the days ahead if she was surprised and if she liked it. It creates a mind set that can't be broken as long as it was something nice.

Sounds like you have a jumbo review in the making !