Gents. How forgiving are you?

yaddayadda's Avatar
Hell I got ADD when it come to providers. So many out there I just don't worry about the ones that don't respond to P411 or PMs. Doesn't happen often enough to worry about it.

I feel ya on this one Traci.
I have been bitched at for having some contacts slip through the cracks, it was NEVER intentional, but sometimes theres just so much in my inbox, and my phone is ringing and texts being sent, it gets overwhelming! Not to mention some of us have other jobs, go to school or are raising a family as well.

I hope men are forgiving the first time around. It shouldn't become a habit of the provider but the men should understand it's hard to be 100% organized ALL the time.
My thoughts on the subject are pretty well in line with others here. I will usually give a provider a couple of chances to ignore me, then I'll mark them off the list. If I hear back from them at a later time and they have a good faith reason for not getting back to me, then I try to wipe the slate clean. As others have said, it's a business for the providers and if you ignore or mistreat potential clients, you're only hurting yourself--especially given the amount of competition out there in Dallas.
Thanks for all the responses, gentlemen, and ladies (jeez Jamie you've got some nice big boobies!). You've given me lots of food for thought and reassurance that apparently, I'm not abnormal in getting frazzled and confused every now and then with info coming in from all directions.
ForeverYoung's Avatar
Normally I contact a new lady I haven't seen at least 2 days before the day I'm wanting to schedule. If I don't hear back in about 1 day I'll move on to someone I have seen before. If she contacts me after I've moved on, no problem, I will just schedule with her for a later date. After two emails and no response I mark her off the list as "she's not interested". Same thing for ladies I've seen before.

Seems to me after two emails or phone calls you should hear something... if only "no thanks or I'm booked up" Does this sound too rigid? Hope I'm not missing out on some good times!
My initial appointment request is by email or PM, even for providers that I have seen before. Like others have said, I'm fairly forgiving when it comes to not getting a response - perhaps the time I've suggested doesn't fit her schedule. Of course I'd love to get a response on every communication I send but I won't hold it against her.

If it happens more than once, then I figure she doesn't want to see me for some reason and I'm unlikely to try again. I'm far less forgiving when it comes to NCNS.
Captain Caveman's Avatar
I am pretty forgiving... then again, I haven't contacted a lot of providers and I seem to have not had many issues so far. Pretty much most of my own work is done by e-mail (using rolling through about 70 e-mails a day) and only one or two phone calls. I can understand when e-mails get lost (or someone just forgets to respond).

If someone shows a pattern of poor behavior then I will move on from that person.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
I'm only guessing here, but providers have what, 100 or so emails a day to plow through? So I can be pretty forgiving.
But, hell, I'm not the one making the decisions anyway, the Cap'n and the crew took that over long ago. LOL!
for me it depends how hot she is :-D
Spikebaby's Avatar
you might try limiting the way people contact you. e-mail, phone calls, text, smoke signals....that could overwhelm anyone.
find what works for you and focus on that.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
All you have to do is post on your site that you will offer 10 off the very next session booked with anyone who's correspondence went unanswered. Never expect something for nothing. But make SURE you save each num that calls with a note that says "Owes 10." Stand above the others. And come through with your promise. Always.
That's a really good idea, Kayla, and I would use it, but I don't have a website yet. Perhaps I should put that in my next ad? On my P411 page? What do you recommend?
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Sig line, ad, P411, wherever you can be found. Make it apart of your business. That way, the guys have a good reason to call you. Even if they don't hear from you, they make out that day.

It's a way to prove this is a business and you care about your clients. You have to set yourself apart or "you" will just flow down the river with the rest of the providers that don't care about the actual client.

It's hard work and there is possibility of abuse, but it will be minimal if you're diligent and keep notes at the end of the day, who you were unable to return. (This usually only works with phone messages because email can be so dodgy with timing. )
Saturn's Avatar
I'd say she drops to the back of my list - definelty can be forgiven but I may have moved on to greener pastures. Now if its traci brooks - she is always at the top of my list !
That's a really good idea, Kayla, and I would use it, but I don't have a website yet. Perhaps I should put that in my next ad? On my P411 page? What do you recommend? Originally Posted by tracibrooks

I put the over/under on website offers she gets in the next 10 days at 12.