My maximum risk level has been reached and I am worried

GDLMAN's Avatar
Your odds are very low you acquired HIV from that exposure. 3 in 10,000 with that kind of exposure per incidence even if she was HIV positive.
Tailgunnr's Avatar
I am guessing that there wont be a review on this right?

Just kidding man! you have to laugh or you will cry. Worry is a mother fucker and it sucks when that is all that is on your mind.

You cant put the toothpaste back in the tube! worry wont do anything to help or prevent issues. If you keep the worry going you will just create a movie in your head that keeps on playing over and over.

One time, one event- maybe you have nothing and it will all work out. Go get tested!
daddyo67's Avatar
When I see something like this I try to put myself in that place. at my age it wouldn't upset me too much. my worst fear would be giving it to someone else. I would get tested as soon as possible switch to L1 only. not put alcohol on my dick, but probably drink about a quart a day untill the results were in. when I find out that I'm clean I'd probably go back and try that girl again. you said her prices where good.
Houston, as you can read from us, the best advice is to get examined. That is the only option, period. Go to a Urologist and explain what happened and tell the truth (that it wasn't your S.O.). He'll keep it confidential and it might be the best money you've spent.

He'll explain to you the upcoming symptoms for next few days:
Day 1. On and off lightheaded feeling
Day 2. Slight nausea, accompanied by mild headaches.
Day 3. Headaches intensifying, followed by projectile vomiting and extreme uncontrollable flatulence.
Day 4. Junior falls off.
Day 5. IRS comes a callin'

Just having a little fun, man!

Seriously, see the doc. And, no more sex until you get the green flag, which I'm sure you will. Good luck, and let us know.

He'll explain to you the upcoming symptoms for next few days:
Day 1. On and off lightheaded feeling
Day 2. Slight nausea, accompanied by mild headaches.
Day 3. Headaches intensifying, followed by projectile vomiting and extreme uncontrollable flatulence.
Day 4. Junior falls off.
Day 5. IRS comes a callin'

Just having a little fun, man!
... Originally Posted by Prolongus
You're a cold SOB.
houstonguy's Avatar
After some thought and some sleep I feel mildly optimistic. I am familiar with the substances that HIV lives in and I was not in contact with any of those. I think in order for a serious risk to be there I would have to see a visible amount of blood dripping all over my penis and down into my urethra. However, testing is still the best option.

The thing that had me worried though is the knowledge that homosexuals (particularly the receiving partner) seem to have a high incidence of aids. There seems to be something that makes transmission through anal sex more common.
Although aids is a very real risk, Prolongus gave the best advice of anyone when he said see a urologist and be straight with him. Do not tell him that you have "painful urination" or any other false symptom. You have much bigger worries than aids from shit inside your dick.........infection! Quit screwing around, get checked now! I have a good urologist in the N. Dallas area. PM me if you want the info. You should be on the phone Monday asking for an immediate appointment. If you cannot do that, go to an ER. Infection, Infection, Infection, that is the major risk.
onyx7100's Avatar
This point is critical - do NOT have sex with anyone until you get tested. Right now, it is YOUR issue and YOUR worry. You can get tested confidentially and, if necessary, you can get treated confidentially. A pain in the ass that will be over within weeks. Even if you picked up something, it doesn't have to blow up your world. HOWEVER, if you infect someone, you can consider your world blown up. Truthfully, you would deserve it for knowingly putting someone else at risk because of your cowardice. So be brave, get tested, and no sex until you know the results. If you have a partner who expects sex, pretend to throw out your back or something like that which will also give you a reason to get 'treatment'.

Good luck... Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife

I agree abstain ,get tested, abstain and get tested again. Good luck ...its time to talk to that one person that knows the real deal about what you do to get some in person support(if you have one). If not hang tough and stay positive.

All the best
Houston, you have the opportunity to share some valuable knowledge to the rest of us if you follow thru with an appointment. I think I speak for everyone when I say we would appreciate the details of your urologist visit. It would be valuable, man. Your health ins. would probably pay for it. Don't diagnose yourself...Abraham could be right about the infection. I also have a good urologist in the southwest Dallas County area. PM me and I'll give you his #. DO IT, DUDE!
Dose anyone really have any perspective on how much "more" risky anal intercourse is (provided no blood is visible, it was quick and no abrasions were apparent on my penis) than vaginal intercourse? Originally Posted by houstonguy
It does not matter if you have abrasions on your penis, you have an opening there, that will be there no matter how healthy you are. I have never participated in anal sex, however, I think the "risk' is the same as vaginal intercourse, the "fecal matter" has any disease(s) that she may have just as much as her "juices" do.
jafun's Avatar
  • jafun
  • 12-13-2010, 07:42 AM
Most of what you are experiencing now is from the fear. Just don't keep thinking about it. Give it 3 weeks and then get tested. Your odds are good and you should be fine.

Be careful in the future. It is just a lesson from the universe...

Now what was this girl's name and what club does she work at?

You might be saving a life...
Not sure how long ago this happened, BUT other than the fear of contracting an STD or worse from this gal, you need to consider the fact you could get EColi since the head was inside and as you said, covered in ...yeah.

My daughter got EColi when she was 15 months because someone at Daycare didnt wipe her properly or was in a dirty diaper too long, something. But she got poo poo inside her. She was in the hospital for 3 days before they figured out what it was and another 6 days being treated, but the point is...she nearly died from it. She was "sick" for about 2-3 days before I decided it was time for the ER. Like I said, not sure when this happened and not sure of the incubation period before symptoms start showing, but had I listened to my ex hubby who kept telling me I was being an "over active paranoid Mother and worrying too much", my daughter wouldn't be alive today.

Get checked! Just tell the doctor you had anal sex and the condom broke. No harm, no foul. But, GET CHECKED! Better safe then sorry.
Introuble's Avatar
Personally I would go get drunk, get a great provider, fuck my brains out, take two aspirin, and get a good nights sleep. In 50 years no one is going to give a shit and you can tell your grandkids about it.

Don't happy
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 12-13-2010, 11:05 AM
After some thought and some sleep I feel mildly optimistic. I am familiar with the substances that HIV lives in and I was not in contact with any of those. I think in order for a serious risk to be there I would have to see a visible amount of blood dripping all over my penis and down into my urethra. However, testing is still the best option. Originally Posted by houstonguy
Unless you went to medical school or similar education, you're only make uneducated guesses. As you stated, get yourself tested.

The thing that had me worried though is the knowledge that homosexuals (particularly the receiving partner) seem to have a high incidence of aids. There seems to be something that makes transmission through anal sex more common. Originally Posted by houstonguy
May be it's that they don't use condoms as much as heterosexual couples performing vaginal intercourse?