Why is Trump President Anyway?????

Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
Janis Ian posted this on Facebook. It speaks to the fools who say "just deal with it" and speaks loud and clear about why there will be 4 years of resistance

In the past 48 hours I have been told to "get over it" and "suck it up" by more than 100 people on my own page.
Here is my response. I will continue to post as many political comments and memes as I like. I will also continue to post as many free downloads, funny photos, and interesting quotes as I like. Why? Because this is my page.

This is also my country. My grandparents did not watch their families slaughtered by Cossacks and gutted by so-called Russian "patriots", then WALK across Russia and Ukraine, endure unimaginable hardships, and finally arrive at the Statue of Liberty - and then learn a new language, a new way of life, a new way of government - so I could give up the right to dissent.

That is why my family came here. That is why my grandfather bagged groceries and my grandmother ran a boarding house and my other grandmother took in mending. That is why my father went into the service and then to college on the G.I. bill, why my mother took night courses, why everyone and everything in my family was geared toward thinking and questioning and moving forward. So that I, a second-generation American, could, through merit and hard work, become "the American dream".
So here is my answer to those of you who would normalize what is happening around us right now.

Dear James (and Elizabeth, and Harold, and all the rest) -
Thank you for posting. I appreciate your suggesting that I now "let it go" and "suck it up" because "like it or not, he's our president." (Or in the case of all the Australians and New Zealanders chiming in for some reason, "he's your president now.")

All right! Which part would you like me to let go of? Shall I drop the "grab pussy" part? or maybe the "gay people need conversion therapy" part, since Pence said it, not Trump?
How about the Muslim registry, so wonderfully reminiscent of that bright yellow star my forebears had to sew on their coats? Or maybe I should heed Trump's statement "It's cold in New York - we need global warming".
Wait. I can suck it up and try to forget the part where he dodged the draft, then said of John McCain "I like people who weren't captured" Wouldn't that be patriotic?

And as a Jersey girl, I could just "suck up" and "let go" of the part where he said "thousands and thousands of people" in Jersey City were cheering as the World Trade Center buildings fell.

Wait, I know! Let's forget freedom of the press, his veiled threats to allow White House briefing access only to periodicals that agree with him. Suck on that, you liberal swine. Maybe I can also let go of the part where he threatens newspapers with changes in the libel laws, so he can sue them - and I can suck up to the National Enquirer, owned and run by Trump's dear friends.

Wait! My grandparents were always terrified they'd have to prove they had a right to be in America, so even though it was always illegal to require it, they carried their "papers" with them everywhere. Yeah, if there'd been a Jew Registry, they could already have been counted.

How about I about I let go of him saying “An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud”? Or when he said Mexico would pay for "the wall", except now we have to front the money?

Or my personal favorite, the part where he promises and promises to release his tax returns if he's elected....
C'mon, James. Which part should I let go of first?

No no no!!! I take it all back! I want to let go of this part, because somehow, I can't un-hear it. I can't un-see it. And I sure as hell can't "suck up to it":
"I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look. I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." Donald J. Trump

Nice. Go after married women. Cheat on your first two wives (at least). Kiss someone who doesn't invite it and consider yourself a "magnet". How presidential.
Yes, folks. I'll "suck it up" and "let it go". When hell freezes over.
You are being way too dramatic. What page are you talking about? You can post whatever you want on your "page"and I can post what I want on mine--- did someone hurt your feelings and tell you to stop posting? Awwwwww,poor baby.

Janis Ian posted this on Facebook. It speaks to the fools who say "just deal with it" and speaks loud and clear about why there will be 4 years of resistance

In the past 48 hours I have been told to "get over it" and "suck it up" by more than 100 people on my own page.
Here is my response. I will continue to post as many political comments and memes as I like. I will also continue to post as many free downloads, funny photos, and interesting quotes as I like. Why? Because this is my page.

This is also my country. My grandparents did not watch their families slaughtered by Cossacks and gutted by so-called Russian "patriots", then WALK across Russia and Ukraine, endure unimaginable hardships, and finally arrive at the Statue of Liberty - and then learn a new language, a new way of life, a new way of government - so I could give up the right to dissent.

That is why my family came here. That is why my grandfather bagged groceries and my grandmother ran a boarding house and my other grandmother took in mending. That is why my father went into the service and then to college on the G.I. bill, why my mother took night courses, why everyone and everything in my family was geared toward thinking and questioning and moving forward. So that I, a second-generation American, could, through merit and hard work, become "the American dream".
So here is my answer to those of you who would normalize what is happening around us right now.

Dear James (and Elizabeth, and Harold, and all the rest) -
Thank you for posting. I appreciate your suggesting that I now "let it go" and "suck it up" because "like it or not, he's our president." (Or in the case of all the Australians and New Zealanders chiming in for some reason, "he's your president now.")

All right! Which part would you like me to let go of? Shall I drop the "grab pussy" part? or maybe the "gay people need conversion therapy" part, since Pence said it, not Trump?
How about the Muslim registry, so wonderfully reminiscent of that bright yellow star my forebears had to sew on their coats? Or maybe I should heed Trump's statement "It's cold in New York - we need global warming".
Wait. I can suck it up and try to forget the part where he dodged the draft, then said of John McCain "I like people who weren't captured" Wouldn't that be patriotic?

And as a Jersey girl, I could just "suck up" and "let go" of the part where he said "thousands and thousands of people" in Jersey City were cheering as the World Trade Center buildings fell.

Wait, I know! Let's forget freedom of the press, his veiled threats to allow White House briefing access only to periodicals that agree with him. Suck on that, you liberal swine. Maybe I can also let go of the part where he threatens newspapers with changes in the libel laws, so he can sue them - and I can suck up to the National Enquirer, owned and run by Trump's dear friends.

Wait! My grandparents were always terrified they'd have to prove they had a right to be in America, so even though it was always illegal to require it, they carried their "papers" with them everywhere. Yeah, if there'd been a Jew Registry, they could already have been counted.

How about I about I let go of him saying “An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud”? Or when he said Mexico would pay for "the wall", except now we have to front the money?

Or my personal favorite, the part where he promises and promises to release his tax returns if he's elected....
C'mon, James. Which part should I let go of first?

No no no!!! I take it all back! I want to let go of this part, because somehow, I can't un-hear it. I can't un-see it. And I sure as hell can't "suck up to it":
"I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look. I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." Donald J. Trump

Nice. Go after married women. Cheat on your first two wives (at least). Kiss someone who doesn't invite it and consider yourself a "magnet". How presidential.
Yes, folks. I'll "suck it up" and "let it go". When hell freezes over. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
gfejunkie's Avatar
Well, sorry to let you in on a little secret, but with the House, the Senate, the White House and the Supreme Court all sewn up, the opposition party is going to be out of power for a minimum of 25 years. Maybe longer if they keep behaving the way they have. Thanks to your buddy Harry Reid changing the rules, the filibuster is DOA. Non-existant. Gone!

Enjoy the ride. As Barack was so fond of saying, "I won. Elections have consequences."

Call it a 'reality check'.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
[QUOTE=Austin Ellen;1059097897]You are being way too dramatic. What page are you talking about? You can post whatever you want on your "page"and I can post what I want on mine--- did someone hurt your feelings and tell you to stop posting? Awwwwww,poor baby.[/QUOTE

Awwwwww,poor baby? Is that how its going to be, poor grandma ellen? You can't read? Why are you asking if someone hurt my feelings? I didn't write it and you didn't read it. I posted it because it gave answers to why people will resist wherever they can for the next 4 years. But either you want to ignore the facts about Trump OR you agree with what he has done and said.

You don't give a shit whether Trump lies and cheats and deceives the American public. To you it was all about winning and being all white about it. So you and likeminded old white folk can take your victory lap. We will see whether his presidency even helps the white racist and bigots who so fervently support him. The only thing I know is it will help a lot of filthy rich white people get even filthier rich, at our expense.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
People on the anti-Trump side are not resisting to protest the results. That's already history. Trump won. We will use all means at our disposal to call out behavior that is detrimental to this county's health, both financially and morally.

So stop crying about it. Stop whining about people picking on poor little (hands) Donald Trump.

Get used to resistance against morally bankrupt behavior.

You Twittler followers feel won the election along with ihre fuhrer; but you did not win America. And since most Americans do not think like you do (THANK GOD!!!! ) The story ain't over!
Well, sorry to let you in on a little secret, but with the House, the Senate, the White House and the Supreme Court all sewn up, the opposition party is going to be out of power for a minimum of 25 years. Maybe longer if they keep behaving the way they have. Thanks to your buddy Harry Reid changing the rules, the filibuster is DOA. Non-existant. Gone!

Enjoy the ride. As Barack was so fond of saying, "I won. Elections have consequences."

Call it a 'reality check'. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
The filibuster isn't DOA. You can still filibuster Supreme Court nominations because the majority needed is still 60. The Republicans can change the rules like the Dems did with Cabinet nominations and other votes. But I don't think they will do it because they know that in this country, it ebbs and flows. If they do that and lose control of the Senate and/or House in 2018, they will be screwed.
pussycat's Avatar
pussycat, you are nothing but a racist, bigoted moron. Your opinions are useless. I respect people who are part of the solution, not scum like you who are an embarrassment to this county. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
The only "embarrassment" here are those who insult others and call people names like children.

The fact is that Trump is President, just as I predicted months and months ago before he was given any chance by the media or so-called experts.

I was right and people like you were wrong, and so again instead of making arguments all you do is insult and name call.

That's because you're a troll on this board who has no arguments to make. All your opinions, such as they are, are not defensible.

Trump's supporters, me among them, will watch happily as our new government once again enforces the immigration laws just like we always used to do. We will start by deporting 2 million illegals in America who have criminal records here.

If you think that is "racist," then so be it. They're fucking outta here.

And the next step will be to slap tariffs on the countries like China who we have trade deficits with because they trade unfairly by paying twenty dollars a day to workers instead of 20 dollars and hour like they should.

And then all those American companies who produce thier American owned products there but falsely treat them as Mexican production under our trade agreements with Mexico will have to bring all those factories back, or else sell these factories to real Mexican companies.

And the trillions of dollars in American company profits outside of the U.S. will be brought back to America because we won't have the highest corporate tax rates on earth anymore.

And while our economy grows and grows and our competitors' economies shrink and shrink you will be waving your angry fist at Trump and calling him a "racist" LOL

gfejunkie's Avatar

Get used to resistance against morally bankrupt behavior.

You Twittler followers feel won the election along with ihre fuhrer; but you did not win America. And since most Americans do not think like you do (THANK GOD!!!! ) The story ain't over! Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch

This is an interesting article from The Politico. Hardly a 'right-wing mouthpiece'. It describes the decimated state of the Democrat party as well as details of the massive losses they have suffered since Barack Obama took office. State and Federal levels. You should read it. Then tell us who is winning America.


BTW, discussing "morally bankrupt behavior" on a hooker board is pretty laughable. Wouldn't you say?

Unless you want to talk about blue dresses, blow jobs, and DNA.
pussycat, you are nothing but a racist, bigoted moron. Your opinions are useless. I respect people who are part of the solution, not scum like you who are an embarrassment to this county. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch

pussycat's Avatar
Janis Ian posted this on Facebook. It speaks to the fools who say "just deal with it" and speaks loud and clear about why there will be 4 years of resistance

In the past 48 hours I have been told to "get over it" and "suck it up" by more than 100 people on my own page.
Here is my response. I will continue to post as many political comments and memes as I like. I will also continue to post as many free downloads, funny photos, and interesting quotes as I like. Why? Because this is my page.

This is also my country. My grandparents did not watch their families slaughtered by Cossacks and gutted by so-called Russian "patriots", then WALK across Russia and Ukraine, endure unimaginable hardships, and finally arrive at the Statue of Liberty - and then learn a new language, a new way of life, a new way of government - so I could give up the right to dissent.

That is why my family came here. That is why my grandfather bagged groceries and my grandmother ran a boarding house and my other grandmother took in mending. That is why my father went into the service and then to college on the G.I. bill, why my mother took night courses, why everyone and everything in my family was geared toward thinking and questioning and moving forward. So that I, a second-generation American, could, through merit and hard work, become "the American dream".
So here is my answer to those of you who would normalize what is happening around us right now.

Dear James (and Elizabeth, and Harold, and all the rest) -
Thank you for posting. I appreciate your suggesting that I now "let it go" and "suck it up" because "like it or not, he's our president." (Or in the case of all the Australians and New Zealanders chiming in for some reason, "he's your president now.")

All right! Which part would you like me to let go of? Shall I drop the "grab pussy" part? or maybe the "gay people need conversion therapy" part, since Pence said it, not Trump?
How about the Muslim registry, so wonderfully reminiscent of that bright yellow star my forebears had to sew on their coats? Or maybe I should heed Trump's statement "It's cold in New York - we need global warming".
Wait. I can suck it up and try to forget the part where he dodged the draft, then said of John McCain "I like people who weren't captured" Wouldn't that be patriotic?

And as a Jersey girl, I could just "suck up" and "let go" of the part where he said "thousands and thousands of people" in Jersey City were cheering as the World Trade Center buildings fell.

Wait, I know! Let's forget freedom of the press, his veiled threats to allow White House briefing access only to periodicals that agree with him. Suck on that, you liberal swine. Maybe I can also let go of the part where he threatens newspapers with changes in the libel laws, so he can sue them - and I can suck up to the National Enquirer, owned and run by Trump's dear friends.

Wait! My grandparents were always terrified they'd have to prove they had a right to be in America, so even though it was always illegal to require it, they carried their "papers" with them everywhere. Yeah, if there'd been a Jew Registry, they could already have been counted.

How about I about I let go of him saying “An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud”? Or when he said Mexico would pay for "the wall", except now we have to front the money?

Or my personal favorite, the part where he promises and promises to release his tax returns if he's elected....
C'mon, James. Which part should I let go of first?

No no no!!! I take it all back! I want to let go of this part, because somehow, I can't un-hear it. I can't un-see it. And I sure as hell can't "suck up to it":
"I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look. I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything." Donald J. Trump

Nice. Go after married women. Cheat on your first two wives (at least). Kiss someone who doesn't invite it and consider yourself a "magnet". How presidential.
Yes, folks. I'll "suck it up" and "let it go". When hell freezes over. Originally Posted by Cap'n Crunch
I'm sorry your family members in Russia were oppressed by Cossacks, but that's not exactly relevant to the problems America faces right now. When your family members came here they came in legally, using the rules and regulations that applied at that time. Furthermore, I can tell by what you posted that they were intelligent, educated people who were preferred by Americans, and they they made very positive contributions here.

However that is completely different from the hoard of illiterate third world peasants from Guatamala, Honduras, El Salvador and such hell holes where these illegals are now coming from.

They just invite themselves into our country, and they bring with them the corrupt and criminal attitudes which are common in the shit holes where they came from.

They have not one God damn thing in common with eastern Europeans like your family.

Your family [Good]

Illegal illiterate third world peasants with leaf blowers [Bad]
pussycat's Avatar
These central American peasants drain America of tens of billion of dollars every year in remittances that they send back to their peasant families because their own elites and governments won't bother to feed or clothe or educate them.

And Mexican drug cartels take 40 billion dollars every year out of the American economy and channel it through Mexican banks. Until recently about half of this was actually recycled back into American banks like J.P. Morgan Chase, but they were caught and accused of money "laundering."

So now we don't even have that money back anymore.

Under Trump all these assholes will be put up against a wall and shot.

And "el Chapo" the little shit from Sinaloa who liked to chop off the heads of the wives and children of his employees who lost their drug shipments or monies here WILL BE THE FIRST.

Hurrah for fascism!

pussycat's Avatar
This is an interesting article from The Politico. Hardly a 'right-wing mouthpiece'. It describes the decimated state of the Democrat party as well as details of the massive losses they have suffered since Barack Obama took office. State and Federal levels. You should read it. Then tell us who is winning America.


BTW, discussing "morally bankrupt behavior" on a hooker board is pretty laughable. Wouldn't you say?

Unless you want to talk about blue dresses, blow jobs, and DNA. Originally Posted by gfejunkie
You consider the hobby to be immoral?

You consider "hookers" and their clients "immoral?"
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
pussycat, I didn't write that post, I reposted it. My family members are not from Russia, but you're not slick enough to catch the very first part of the post where I say who's post it is! duhhhhhhhh.

Sometimes its best to actually understand things before commenting on them.

And as for name calling, YOU have called names to all sorts of people on this board; pretty much anyone who does not fit your white racist profile. And THAT is the only reason why I call you out that way.
Cap'n Crunch's Avatar
And we will see where Trump Administration policies on immigration, trade and taxes take us. You have your opinion that his ideas will work. I believe many other crucial things will be sacrificed by the means used. Trickle down Trump urine economics will surely fail our country and only magnify the chasm between the filthy rich and the poor and middle class.

I don't care to waste time explaining in detail why Trump's policies won't work, nor will I bother explaining to YOU why Democratic policies are far better for middle Americans. I know there is ZERO chance that you would understand.

Now that the alt-right has the reins, we will see what happens with your approved methods.
lustylad's Avatar
The Republicans can change the rules like the Dems did with Cabinet nominations and other votes. But I don't think they will do it because they know that in this country, it ebbs and flows. If they do that and lose control of the Senate and/or House in 2018, they will be screwed. Originally Posted by Milly23
Yeah Millsy, how come Harry Reid didn't fret about how the country "ebbs and flows" when he went for the "nuclear option" back in 2013 so he could stack the federal courts with far-left zealots? Now all of a sudden you expect the Republicans to be wise and prudent and statesmanlike, after you failed to complain when Dirty Harry did exactly the opposite? Too late for that. The rules are changed, why change them back? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.