So what's with...(Warning! Rant! )

Grace Preston's Avatar
ain't nothing wrong with neck tats dude Originally Posted by babi_gurl21
Unless, of course, you'd like a job someday that pays well north of minimum wage without taking your clothes off. I'm not anti-tat... I have a tat and many of my friends are tatted, some heavily. But reality is that a LOT of places won't hire you if you cannot reasonably keep your tats covered.
Chung Tran's Avatar
if you think a neck tattoo is okay...

you're talking out of the side of your neck..
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I've got to fucking ask! A.) What the bloody hell is with the trousers sitting below ones bum? B.) Then there's the obviously showing underwear--WHY? C.) Or, the over sized tshirt? The tshirt issue is perplexing to say the least! If a bloke weighs 160 lbs why would he fancy wearing a fucking caravan for a shirt??? It's obvious a whole fucking village could fit in there! I've also noticed full grown adults donning this look--shocking. *Don't make this a racial thing because I see all sorts of ethnicities looking like donkeys. Every fucking time I see these people I think, "What a fucking dick head!" You don't look cool mate, you look like a total cunt! Same goes for those fucking twats with neck tats. Why not get a tat on your head saying, "Unemployable peen"? Fucking people are unbelievable. Right, rant over.

DBD Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Last time I fucking checked 41 wasn't old luv. But, I am indeed trying to talk sense on a slag board which might be a wee bit hard for you to understand with a mouth full of ....

#stuffoldwhiteguysthinkabout Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
SweaterPuppies's Avatar
DBD is a master troll in the making, he holds character well.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Sagging pants started in the jail system to show who was a bitch and could be fucked. It made its way out as those people got out and it caught on.

Makes for some pretty fun sharking scenarios.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I don't need a persona mate. I'm indeed a real life cunt. This was just my opinion. I saw in another thread--someone accused you of having multiple handles as well as being a bird(female). Me thinks you are the real troll. Now run along little girl. Stop talking rubbish. Loads of posts with no reviews seems a bit dodgy.

DBD is a master troll in the making, he holds character well. Originally Posted by SweaterPuppies
#stuffoldwhiteguysthinkabout Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Yep. It's not "white" enough.
Little do those crazies know that sagging is a penitentiary code (exposing of the bum) to show your DTF (Down to Fuck) other inmates. Yet these young men embrace that mentality...
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Okay mate enlighten me? I'm now a racist old bag of hot air because I think people (ALL PEOPLE) who sag their trousers and wear over sized clothing look like proper dick heads? Or, am I just English therefore an old white racist twat? Do try to help me with your logic. I'm sure you'll try to be as clever as your reviews. This was never a racial thread. I think gold teeth also looks ridiculous--does that also make me old and racist? For fucks sake.

Yep. It's not "white" enough. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
Okay mate enlighten me? I'm now a racist old bag of hot air because I think people (ALL PEOPLE) who sag their trousers and wear over sized clothing look like proper dick heads? Or, am I just English therefore an old white racist twat? Do try to help me with your logic. I'm sure you'll try to be as clever as your reviews. This was never a racial thread. I think gold teeth also looks ridiculous--does that also make me old and racist? For fucks sake. Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
I never called you a racist. I said "It's not white enough."

Would you be complaining if said people walked around in (what you might call) "appropriately fitting" dockers and a collared shirt? Would you be ranting if they wore a polo, shorts and sandals?

What I'm saying is that if it is a part of that culture, who are you to complain? It's not your culture. It's not your generation.

In the 80's it was long/big hair, an Ozzy shirt, ripped jeans, spandex pants, flat tops, Gumbies, etc.

In the 90's it was cross colors, pro Africa shirts, and other shit.

Every generation has their style and rebellion statement. The problem a lot of older white people have is that these kids born in the late 90's all grew up with hip hop being what was hot. So the culture now reflects that.

Let people be people. If these fuckers want to sag, who cares. If they wanna dress like Scooby Doo, fuck it. I dress like a dope boy (minimal sag) and I'm faaaaaaar from needing welfare.

But this is just another one of the racist ass threads on this site. But I don't give a shit if someone's racist. That's your business and I'm pretty racist myself against humans in general.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Not a racist mate. Stop talking rubbish. You do this in several different threads I've read. Looking like a proper fucking dick head isn't a cultural thing, it's a cry to be noticed. And, you're correct I wouldn't have a rant if I witnessed someone (colour not important) wearing a polo and loafers. Why? Because, that's fucking normal. I'm opinionated which is a far cry from being racist. You can't throw every post in your "racist" column that doesn't agree with your world view. I think rap is mostly fucking shit as well--still not a racist. Love Chuck-D, hate his music. Not a racist. Love Eric B & Rakim. Too each their own.

I never called you a racist. I said "It's not white enough."

Would you be complaining if said people walked around in (what you might call) "appropriately fitting" dockers and a collared shirt? Would you be ranting if they wore a polo, shorts and sandals?

What I'm saying is that if it is a part of that culture, who are you to complain? It's not your culture. It's not your generation.

In the 80's it was long/big hair, an Ozzy shirt, ripped jeans, spandex pants, flat tops, Gumbies, etc.

In the 90's it was cross colors, pro Africa shirts, and other shit.

Every generation has their style and rebellion statement. The problem a lot of older white people have is that these kids born in the late 90's all grew up with hip hop being what was hot. So the culture now reflects that.

Let people be people. If these fuckers want to sag, who cares. If they wanna dress like Scooby Doo, fuck it. I dress like a dope boy (minimal sag) and I'm faaaaaaar from needing welfare.

But this is just another one of the racist ass threads on this site. But I don't give a shit if someone's racist. That's your business and I'm pretty racist myself against humans in general. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
I'll never understand why the Scots thought it was proper(?) to wear a kilt (skirt), especially on the battlefield.

If forced to make a choice to my wardrobe, I think I'll take the saggy pants over the kilt. But I'm glad I have other choices. To each his own.
I've got to fucking ask! A.) What the bloody hell is with the trousers sitting below ones bum? B.) Then there's the obviously showing underwear--WHY? C.) Or, the over sized tshirt? The tshirt issue is perplexing to say the least! If a bloke weighs 160 lbs why would he fancy wearing a fucking caravan for a shirt??? It's obvious a whole fucking village could fit in there! I've also noticed full grown adults donning this look--shocking. *Don't make this a racial thing because I see all sorts of ethnicities looking like donkeys. Every fucking time I see these people I think, "What a fucking dick head!" You don't look cool mate, you look like a total cunt! Same goes for those fucking twats with neck tats. Why not get a tat on your head saying, "Unemployable peen"? Fucking people are unbelievable. Right, rant over.

DBD Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
I have the best picture to show you. I was literally shaking my head. (Wait, am I allowed to write that out or do I have to write SMH? Lol.) I saw this kid at a convenience store in oak cliff and there was probably a half an inch between his boxers and his shorts and he had no belt on. He had to "assume the position" (of being frisked) to hold up his pants while he counted out his quarters to pay for whatever he was buying. When he walked to the car he had to put everything he just purchased on the roof to hold up his shorts with one hand and open the door with the other. I just had to take a picture.

ain't nothing wrong with neck tats dude Originally Posted by babi_gurl21
Not the grammar police but... Coming from the girl who says "ain't" & "dude" in the same sentence. Which saying at a job interview would also not get you hired.

Unless, of course, you'd like a job someday that pays well north of minimum wage without taking your clothes off. I'm not anti-tat... I have a tat and many of my friends are tatted, some heavily. But reality is that a LOT of places won't hire you if you cannot reasonably keep your tats covered. Originally Posted by GracePreston

+1. I have tattoos but they can all easily be covered. I would never get anything on my neck, hands, face, etc.
Not a racist mate. Stop talking rubbish. You do this in several different threads I've read. Looking like a proper fucking dick head isn't a cultural thing, it's a cry to be noticed. And, you're correct I wouldn't have a rant if I witnessed someone (colour not important) wearing a polo and loafers. Why? Because, that's fucking normal. I'm opinionated which is a far cry from being racist. You can't throw every post in your "racist" column that doesn't agree with your world view. I think rap is mostly fucking shit as well--still not a racist. Love Chuck-D, hate his music. Not a racist. Love Eric B & Rakim. Too each their own. Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
I never called you racist. I don't know what you're so upset about. But I will say that the things you're complaining about in your thread (or "hate" as you said) come out of black culture. So what does that say?

Like I said, "'s not white enough." But from what you've said, you seem pretty racist to me.

As far as how you feel about my posts, I could care less what you or anyone else thinks about me. I'm not a people pleaser. If you don't like me, so what. Fuck you. I'm Me.

That goes for everyone from my mother to worst enemy (if I had one) and everyone in between.

And since we've never met, had a beer, sent each other Christmas cards, high fived, texted, telegraphed, winked, crossed streams behind a tree, or shook hands, I think you can respect that.