Do you judge a provider on her music choices BCD?

I belive that this was already disccussed here. Research people Originally Posted by Tara Evans
That was rude. Actually, I did research. What was discussed here was favorite music choices for BCD activities. What followed was a lengthy discussion with everyone's favorite songs. Yet another musical topic, was "What songs make you think of providers". Again, not the question I am asking. That is not what I wanted to know, so I asked the question above. But I'm glad you don't want the co-ed cluttered with inane topics and one-liner responses, Tara. Good of you to be on the lookout like that. In the meantime, spell check, people.

Back to the topic at hand....
Thanks for your responses! Upon further review of my music selection, it seems I have a lil' something for everyone, so I guess if they don't like what's playing, if they wait a song or two, something they like is bound to play. Thanks for the input, everyone!
I like all music, I just wish the ladies would share it with me. I feel so disconnected when they put their headphones on when they start the session.

I bring the music. Even if it is incall, i bring a whole kit with me, including an IPod and speaker system, candles, strawberries, chocolate, little bottles of Asti, grape seed oil. . .

I seek a GFE, and provide a BFE and that includes the music. Originally Posted by ANONONE
A bottle of Asti?

How absolutely petit bourgeois of you.
I like all music, I just wish the ladies would share it with me. I feel so disconnected when they put their headphones on when they start the session. Originally Posted by cpi3000
Damn! You're never gonna let me live that down, are you?
If it gets your motor turned on I don't care what it is! I do like something playing softly in the background.

Definition of "Softly" --cannot hear the song when your thighs are clamped around my ears.
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 05-10-2010, 01:47 PM
I think Dannie could get away even with Air Supply
That was rude. Actually, I did research. What was discussed here was favorite music choices for BCD activities. What followed was a lengthy discussion with everyone's favorite songs. Yet another musical topic, was "What songs make you think of providers". Again, not the question I am asking. That is not what I wanted to know, so I asked the question above. But I'm glad you don't want the co-ed cluttered with inane topics and one-liner responses, Tara. Good of you to be on the lookout like that. In the meantime, spell check, people.

Back to the topic at hand....
Thanks for your responses! Upon further review of my music selection, it seems I have a lil' something for everyone, so I guess if they don't like what's playing, if they wait a song or two, something they like is bound to play. Thanks for the input, everyone! Originally Posted by Dannie
Seriously Hunnie??? Do the research, like I said, it has been discussed because I was the one that asked it. I mispelled one word, get over it, it happens!
Seriously Hunnie??? Do the research, like I said, it has been discussed because I was the one that asked it. I mispelled one word, get over it, it happens! Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Actually, it was two words, but whatever.

"Hunnie", If that is the worst thing to happen to you today, you are doing great. Another option would be to ignore my thread instead of being mean/rude.


Actually, it was two words, but whatever.

"Hunnie", If that is the worst thing to happen to you today, you are doing great. Another option would be to ignore my thread instead of being mean/rude.


OXOXO Originally Posted by Dannie
Hunnie, actually I have had a great day, sounds like you havent? When you bring up my name and say that I cant spell, I will call you on it. You are the one being mean/rude. Oh and hey I did spell check for ya mom.
I think Dannie could get away even with Air Supply Originally Posted by aka

Don't make me go R.E.O. Speedwagon on your ass!
ANONONE's Avatar
I like all music, I just wish the ladies would share it with me. I feel so disconnected when they put their headphones on when they start the session.

A bottle of Asti?

How absolutely petit bourgeois of you. Originally Posted by cpi3000

I like the little mini bottles--they go well with strawberries, and just enough to taste good without dulling the senses.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I like all music, I just wish the ladies would share it with me. I feel so disconnected when they put their headphones on when they start the session.

A bottle of Asti?

How absolutely petit bourgeois of you. Originally Posted by cpi3000
If you're speaking of Asti an Italian vino..........shouldn't the term be "piccolo borghese".
TexTushHog's Avatar
"Judge" is a peculiar word in this context. But if you mean "does it matter," the short answer is that in a business, everything matters.

This is a customer service business. If you're in a customer service business, why wouldn't every single choice you make be geared to retaining customers? Frankly, your taste in music is irrelevant. You should be seeking to please the customer, or doing research on what sort of music makes customers more likely to come back. That same goes for your selection of drinks, bed sheets, etc.

My choice, as expressed in the previous thread is no music. But if music is going to be played, like (I suspect) most folks a year or two over 50, I don't want rap of any kind. I want something I'm familiar with or like. I personally don't care for country. The next guy may hate rock and roll. The third guy may think that Miles Davis is God and there is nothing he'd rather hear than Kinda Blue.

I'd suggest getting about 10 to 20 mix CD that you make up that should satisfy any genre of music. Make them well thought out. Add maybe 20 iconic albums from a few eras. Then ask the customer to if they would like music and then ask them to pick one for you. Then, no matter what they pick, tell them it's one of your favorites. And once you've said that, know enough about the band(s) or song(s) to converse intelligently for a bit to make that claim plausible.

Like others have stated, I definitely don't "judge" a provider in regards to what's playing. If nothing else, it can lead to great conversation regarding favorite bands, different genres, etc,etc. My iPod playlist is all over the place when it comes to types of music and I like finding out what others like and why.

I know we're all different, but any music is cool by me - just helps me to get to know the person better and can help kick off the conversation.

P.S. FWIW, I think this is a great thread and could care less if it's been covered or not. People come and go, so it allows different perspectives to be heard. Not to mention the fact that, if old topics were not allowed to be covered again, this board would be pretty damn empty!
Like I said and TexasTushHog said in the thread that was already posted by me on the same subject, you can pull it up and see what other people have said as well about the music bcd to get more information about this topic.