F daylight savings time

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 01:42 PM
Stupid fuck, your comments above were totally ignorant. Choke on that reality while everyone else laughs at your sorry ass. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

thats your answer smart guy, and Im the stupid fuck?

anyone who went to school, and got past 6th grade is aware of the sun/earth orbit and the direct relation to seasons ... whats your excuse

out of left field eh Italian-o ... I suppose a science book would be left field so some
I B Hankering's Avatar
thats your answer smart guy, and Im the stupid fuck?

anyone who went to school, and got past 6th grade is aware of the sun/earth orbit and the direct relation to seasons ... whats your excuse

out of left field eh Italian-o ... I suppose a science book would be left field so some Originally Posted by CJ7
You've hijacked your own thread, you dumb fuck!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-15-2012, 02:21 PM
cant explain the northern hemisphere seasonal sequence huh Albert?

nobody expected you to anyway chump, errrr champ.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
I don't fancy it because by the time I go to bed at night its only been bloody dark for a bout an hour. Doesn't seem normal to have it light outside so bloody long. Silly reason for having issues with it I reckon.
I B Hankering's Avatar
cant explain the northern hemisphere seasonal sequence huh Albert?

nobody expected you to anyway chump, errrr champ. Originally Posted by CJ7
CBJ7 is doing his 'cat in the litter box' routine again. CBJ7 fucked-up; so now he is trying to cover the shit-pile with kitty litter so he can pretend it didn't happen.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If I remember correctly, Daylight Savings Time was started in the Nixon Administration as a response to the energy crisis. It was thought that moving the clocks ahead, causing sunrise and sunset to occur later less energy would be used in the evening hours. It is turned back in the winter so children don't have to wait for the school bus in the dark. Yes, I'm serious.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
If I remember correctly, Daylight Savings Time was started in the Nixon Administration as a response to the energy crisis. It was thought that moving the clocks ahead, causing sunrise and sunset to occur later less energy would be used in the evening hours. It is turned back in the winter so children don't have to wait for the school bus in the dark. Yes, I'm serious. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
you are correct COG

"Nixon Now"
I B Hankering's Avatar
If I remember correctly, Daylight Savings Time was started in the Nixon Administration as a response to the energy crisis. It was thought that moving the clocks ahead, causing sunrise and sunset to occur later less energy would be used in the evening hours. It is turned back in the winter so children don't have to wait for the school bus in the dark. Yes, I'm serious. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
A reflection of the needs of an industrialized society. The farmers complained that the roosters and the cows failed to heed the government directives, so the 'official' changes didn't affect their daily and seasonal routines: it just screwed up their clocks.
you are correct COG

"Nixon Now" Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
cpt is correct on COG's correctness.

Now am waiting for WTF to post how Nixon started a war he had no intention of paying for.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-16-2012, 04:10 PM
I was waiting for a daylight savings time thread to turn politically hijacked ..

not too much of a waiting period either
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CBJ7, it was a political issue, why are you offended it took a political turn? Hey, even though you can't blame Bush for this, you can still blame Nixon. That should make you happy.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-16-2012, 04:46 PM
CBJ7, it was a political issue, why are you offended it took a political turn? Hey, even though you can't blame Bush for this, you can still blame Nixon. That should make you happy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

anything to keep you morons from answering my question, which in fact would prove yourselves to be morons

want to try again?

please expalin the tilt of the earths equatorial plane relative to the sun which is responsible for the seasons and why the shortest days are in December and the longest days are in June.


thanks nixon
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What has that got to do with Daylight Savings Time? Google a damn textbook. How many scientists do you think read this damn board?

It all started with a Big Bang . . .
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 03-16-2012, 04:53 PM
it has everything to do with daylight savings time and the length of days during each season

yanno, the days you say are all the same, and IB agreed.

I could care less how may scientists read the board ... Iam curious how many self proclaimed smart guys here made it out of 4th grade.
I B Hankering's Avatar
it has everything to do with daylight savings time and the length of days during each season

yanno, the days you say are all the same, and IB agreed.

I could care less how may scientists read the board ... Iam curious how many self proclaimed smart guys here made it out of 4th grade. Originally Posted by CJ7
It's obvious you didn't.