OK, I concede....

lustylad's Avatar
I just want a reasonable... explanation on why and how she's evil. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Ok, I'll play!

"We came, we saw, he died!"

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-02-2016, 05:30 PM
How old are you? You're parroting politics 101 from the very beginning of time. The email issue was probably one of bad judgement but not nearly as bad or even remotely measure up to other political blunders such as the Iraq war, Sub-Prime lending, Iran Contra, Amnesty by Reagan, etc etc so please spare me the political moral speech concerning the emails. The real issue you have with her is one that some people aren't afraid to admit and it's the fact she's a woman. Guys from your era have a real problem with the fact she's a woman and many have told me so. So I'm guessing that's your real issue. Don't take an issue like an email issue and try to elevate it to World War status. If it was the blood thirsty republicans would have done more with it except be mad about it. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Complete and utter bullshit!

I don't care that she is a woman. I have seen this particular person close up in a number of situations and it is a personal assessment of the individual. She has no moral compass and will lie without thought to advance her career.

Quit the crap that no one can speak ill of her because she is a woman. I speak ill of her because she has earned it by her actions.

I totally agree that all politicians make some poor choices but I try to judge the whole.
lustylad's Avatar
Hey Old-T - you're ok!

I take back everything I ever said about you!

You just can't get those lyrics from Mrs. Robinson out of your head, can ya?

"Laugh about it, cry about it, when you got to choose.... anyway you look at it, you lose!"
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I just want a reasonable well thought out emotionless explanation on why and how she's evil. I'd prefer to not hear the same ole political talking points about email servers and Benhazi. Give me some tangible shit on why she's evil otherwise it's just another typical far right rant. Emails and Bengahzi are subjective political points. Show me evil actions she's done that doesn't have a partisan bent. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Two problems; because of your partisanship you'll never accept ANYTHING I say as being non partisan and we will never agree on the definition of evil.

Taking in 3 billion dollars for the people of Haiti and only spending about 100 million in the entire country is evil to me. Good people will stop contributing or worrying about things because they have been told that the problem is solved according to the Clinton foundation. Have you seen Sean Penn down there recently?

Allowing four Americans to die when we had the power and the responsibility to save them is evil. Especially if you let them die to cover up something that you were not supposed to be doing at the time. Covering up that malfeasance with lying is another evil. Sending an innocent man to jail for something he did not do is evil.

Besmirching the reputations of women for telling the truth is evil. When you use the power of the White House to do it is a greater evil.

This is where you say that that this is all partisan rhetoric which just goes to prove my first point. These three items are just the beginning of the evil list.
lustylad's Avatar
I would say lying to the faces of the relatives of the Benghazi victims as they stood next to the caskets at Dover AFB on September 14, 2012 was evil. And then lying about her lies when she was called out on it.


I've even considered - how did it all go down at Odumbo's White House? When someone first brought up the "let's blame the video" story, did hildebeest flinch? I mean, she could've said nah, that's not gonna fly. She could've tried to talk Odumbo and Ben Rhodes and Stephanie Cutter out of it.... but she didn't. At best, she went along with the big lie. At worst, she was the one who promoted it.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I have never seen anyone vent a spleen like Old T did over Donald Trump.

its obvious he doesn't like Hillary. bit doesn't like donald too much either.

so, who's he voting for??? Gary Johnson or Jill Stein if not the above 2?
I have never seen anyone vent a spleen like Old T did over Donald Trump.

its obvious he doesn't like Hillary. bit doesn't like donald too much either.

so, who's he voting for??? Gary Johnson or Jill Stein if not the above 2? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

I want My Vote to matter!

FUCK the Uni-Party Globalists...

Donald J Trump2016!
Donald Trump Supporters United Across all Demographics – Just Americans…

Posted on October 2, 2016 by sundance

According to Hillary Clinton’s current basket campaign strategy:

♦ Black voters are potential “Super Predators”
♦ Hispanic Voters are “Taco Bowls”
♦ Trump voters are “Deplorable” and “Irredeemable”
♦ and Bernie Sanders voters are “Basement Dwellers”.

The desperation and anxiety amid team Clinton continues to be exhibited within each ridiculing attack. Meanwhile Team Unity, Team Donald Trump, continue registering non hyphenated, “just Americans“:


And, just so you are aware…. Team Unity is winning. Our team is winning, because the focus remains consistent: Make America Great Again for EVERYONE !


[Borrowing from Farmhand1927 Yesterday] […] “Do your part to pull the plug on the UniParty. Surely, you haven’t as yet gone to your county GOP office to find out how to volunteer for Trump, but if that is the case, do it today.

If you can volunteer an hour, do it. If you have a smart phone you’ll love working with the app the Trump campaign uses to contact voters.

We are running out of daylight. If there is not a bright new dawn coming on Nov 8 then we will live in darkness, depending on our age, the rest of our lives. It is often said within my age group–the ‘seasoned citizens’–that it will be our grandchildren or great grandchildren that fix things.

My response to that is always, “How will they even know what we let slip away and who will teach them how to ‘fix’ America? Already our history, our founding, our glory as a nation is being trampled into forgotten dust. What will be their starting point? Faith is being destroyed so how many of them will have trust in the Almighty or know that He wishes all men to be free?”

If we allow a President Hillary Clinton: Freedom of speech (commenting here, for one thing) will be further reduced. Voices silenced. Books banned. Communication moderated 100% by Government. Right to bear arms becomes a distant memory. Ammo and guns so expensive due to taxes we can no longer afford them. Gun manufacturers and dealers shut down due to liability, taxation and regulations.

Freedom of religion will essentially be gone. Unless your church disavows the true teachings of Christ, declares the 10 Commandments are as outdated and irrelevant as the U.S. Constitution, and allows crucifixes be removed and replaced with minuets and prayer rugs, your church will become extinct.

The Caucasian race will continue to be hated and attacked, especially by young white people that will be sufficiently educated and shamed in the evils of white privilege. The private sector will continue to shrink, the best jobs will be govt jobs and preferential treatment will be given to immigrants and refugees in getting them.

What is happening right now in the job market in Twin Falls, ID, will be nationwide. In law enforcement, sheriffs voted in by the people will be eliminated, police chiefs will be appointed by fed’s. Our military will continue to slide into a social experimentation laboratory rather than a mighty force feared around the globe.

The EPA and other regulatory agencies, run by unelected hacks appointed for their good works during this very campaign will remake your home, your lawn, your farm, your every existence and decide what’s fair in terms of how warm you stay in winter and how cool in summer, to name a few.

American citizenship will be further cheapened to where it won’t be required at all in order to take one’s ‘fair share’ of the rights, privileges and bounty of our country. The fate of the Supreme Court will be sealed in tyranny and darkness for 30-40 years. By then, American history will be lost, what remains will be rewritten to where future generations won’t begin to know what once was or what could have been.

All of this is already underway, along with so much more. Some of us notice and see the even larger iron fist and iron curtain looming. Others are too enthralled with which NFL star will take a knee on Sunday or which entertainment star will perform in the nude at a Hillary fundraiser. In reality, Hillary will be a placeholder president as Obama has been. She is bought and paid for in advance by the Soros’ of the world. That’s why there is no concern for her health. The Huma’s and Cheryl’s—The Immunity Gang—will run the govt while Hillary rests and holds court.

If Donald Trump doesn’t win, if Americans in droves don’t turn out to volunteer on his behalf, America is lost. Plain and simple.

Can you spare an hour today or will you take a knee?”
  • IAMA
  • 10-02-2016, 07:16 PM
I read some where Luke Watts has less than a week ... what to live or jail or fake death kick out country?
• When you see that justice is measured, not by due process, but by compulsion;
• when you see that in order to invoke your sixth amendment right to due process, you need to obtain permission from representatives who rebuke the constitution;
• when you see that justice is determined by those who leverage, not in law, but in politics;
• when you see that men get power over individual liberty by graft and by scheme, and your representatives don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you;
• when you see corruption holding influence and individual liberty so easily dispatched and nullified – you may well know that your freedom too is soon to perish.
Borrowing from Mike Vanderboegh – This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.

But I tell you this:
We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance on eight November such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.
And when we are gone, the scattered, free survivors hiding in the ruins of our once-great republic will sing of our deeds in forbidden songs, tending the flickering flame of individual liberty until it bursts forth again, as it must, generations later. We will live forever, like the Spartans at Thermopylae, in sacred memory.