Thank you President Trump

LexusLover's Avatar
Bullshit. I've acknowledged the debt problem many times on this board. Especially when the SS outlays exceeded the intakes more than a decade earlier than expected. You're a dumbfuck with serious reading comprehension issues. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He's slow at math and map reading, also!

He's even worse at predicting jury verdicts in criminal cases, but being a dumbshit doesn't slow his mouth down. I'm beginning to wonder if he's any better at persuading rub girls to ...


... than AssUp is.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What are the odds of that, LLiarMan.
LexusLover's Avatar
Thank you Mr. Trump for drying up AssUp's health care slush fund!

It'll make the tax cuts easier to handle.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-09-2017, 08:26 AM
He's slow at math and map reading, also!

He's even worse at predicting jury verdicts in criminal cases, but being a dumbshit doesn't slow his mouth down. I'm beginning to wonder if he's any better at persuading rub girls to ...

. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I'm one for two in jury cases. Was right on OJ , was wrong on Zimmerman.

I'm one for one on predicting the Astros beating the Dodgers in the WS.

I've noticed you do not make prediction , you just sit back and Monday morning critique. That is rather chickenshit don't ya think?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-09-2017, 08:30 AM
You don't even have children so stop using that analogy.
But thanks for reminding me my defense stocks are "booming."
Or the dangers of "free money."

WDF, or just plain ol' DumbFuck.

Originally Posted by gnadfly
“I don’t want to see a single war millionaire created in the United States as a result of this world disaster.”
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, May 22, 1940.
“Worse than traitors in arms are the men who pretend loyalty to the flag, feast and fatten on the misfortunes of the Nation while patriotic blood is crimsoning the plains of the South and their countrymen mouldering the dust.”

President Abraham Lincoln.

So your Defense Stocks are booming because the government is pouring our tax dollars in them.

That is like waging on the death of our soldiers. The more war and dead soldiers , the more money you will make on your Defense Stocks.

I hope you are proud of yourself.

I would never invest in the Defense Industry for that very reason.

Besides it is way that the Government is picking winners and losers. Something you cried about 8 years ago.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-09-2017, 08:31 AM

Be sure and click on either YTD or 1 year.

I'm making right at 21-23% on my money this year.

Blue horseshoe loves President Donald J. Trump. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
If only you loved your children's and grandchildren's future as much.

To better help you understand wtf has been happening the last 9 years (and may I suggest you pay special close attention to the last paragraph I have highlighted :

Governments have two ways to pay for their expenditures. They can take the money from their citizens through fees and taxes. Or they can have the central bank create new money. (Borrowing the money can be thought of as a third way, or it can be viewed as simply deferring the choice between taxing and printing).

To understand the seductive allure of printing money, consider the U.S. program of drone strikes in Afghanistan. Some of the missiles that the U.S. fire cost $1 million each. So 1,000 drone strikes costs $1 billion.

The government can fund the $1 billion by taxing people. If the government uses taxes to pay for the drone strikes, the people who pay for the missiles know who they are, and they generally are not happy. The political cost to additional taxes is very high.

Instead of raising taxes, the Federal Reserve can print an extra billion. In terms of real resources, $1 billion is taken from other uses, made into missiles and exploded. The billion dollars is gone, and it doesn’t matter whether it was paid for with taxes or printing money.

Economically, it matters not whether the drone strikes are paid for by printing money or raising taxes. Politically, however, the two alternatives are currently perceived to be very different. In fact, when the Fed prints $1 billion to pay for 1,000 drone strikes, who pays?

Printing more money does not alter the size the economy; it simply reduces the value of each dollar. The seductive aspect of having the Fed pay for government expenditures is that, unlike taxes, the cost of printing money is invisible. Almost no one is even aware that they have paid for part of a drone strike.

Trump or World access to easy money?

For months, I've been hunting for a lasting explanation for the stock market's seemingly unstoppable rally.
My investigation has led me to consider earnings growth, which some say is the undisputed driver of share gains. Then there's surprisingly strong economic expansion, which some see as underpinning the move higher.
And if President Donald Trump is to be believed, he is responsible for the 8-1/2-year bull market's new highs — something I found to be true only in the months right after the election in November.
After my latest story on the subject earlier this month, things took a crucial turn when Peter Cecchini, the chief market strategist and head of equity derivatives at Cantor Fitzgerald, sent me a message. He told me that while I was on the right track, I needed to get back to basics and recognize the root cause of the drivers outlined above.
"The mother of all causes is global central-bank balance-sheet accommodation and how aggressive they've been," Cecchini said on a follow-up phone call. "I don't think it's possible to deny the power of global rates."
To gain an appreciation for the sheer amount of money central banks have pumped into the global economy, look at the chart below. The red line shows the Federal Reserve's balance sheet, while the blue one shows the aggregate sum of those of the Fed, the European Central Bank, the People's Bank of China, and the Bank of Japan.

The balance sheets of global central banks have swelled over the past decade.Business Insider / Andy Kiersz, data from Bloomberg
And as you can see, the expansion has been an astronomical $13 trillion of capital pumped into markets around the world since the start of 2008. The US alone has seen its balance sheet grow by almost $4 trillion over the period, while the market value of US equities has expanded by $12 trillion since the financial crisis.
The way Cecchini looks at it, everything stems from this unprecedented stimulus, while the other factors I was looking at — namely earnings growth — are symptoms of it.
Near-zero interest rates have made massive stockpiles of money available to companies at a very low cost, and they've used much of it for share repurchases. While these companies have been able to issue cheap debt, they've had a veritable war chest of capital to use to buy back their stock — a tactic that causes immediate share-price appreciation and helps the broader stock market through lean times.
Easy lending conditions have also allowed companies to use heaps of money on other endeavors, like mergers-and-acquisitions activity or internal capital expenditures. Goldman Sachs says the latter practice — which involves investing money back into core businesses — is getting more important and that stock traders are increasingly rewarding corporations for doing it.

Of course. It makes perfect sense that the biggest looming worry for the market is the reversal of what got us here in the first place.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
WTF, didn't you just post this exact same post a couple of hours ago?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-09-2017, 08:52 AM
WTF, didn't you just post this exact same post a couple of hours ago? Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN the top of the second exact same post or the top of this one and you will see 'Worth repeating'

I'm trying to save you from posting stupid as fuck shit about Trump.

He is no different than any other lying ass politician. They can lie repeatedly because there are a huge % of people that believe them.

I also posted that making money on the stocks of Defense Contractors is akin to Treason.

So hopefully your government subsidized 401k does not have them in your portfolio.

I want people to understand that the Stock Market is being subsidized by our kids future tax dollars.

So I may repost this again if it gets to a page three.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
If only you loved your children's and grandchildren's future as much. Originally Posted by WTF
No kids or grandchildren. So I'm not concerned about 20 years from now and after that.

Now before anybody tells me what an asshole I am for feeling like this, let me stop you in your tracks.

Over the years, I've paid tens of thousands dollars to the local school district. So when somebody has 6 children and don't know who the baby daddy is, plus will have more in the future, my tax dollars are going toward these lowlifes. I'm talking all races here, black, brown, white, etc.

So pardon me if I want the best for my wife and myself. My future is the next 10-15 years, and with the world tearing itself apart right now, it's not really my concern what happens past then.

However I do have compassion for the younger kids right now, there's no telling what the future has in store for them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-09-2017, 09:14 AM
No kids or grandchildren. So I'm not concerned about 20 years from now and after that.

Now before anybody tells me what an asshole I am for feeling like this, let me stop you in your tracks.

Over the years, I've paid tens of thousands dollars to the local school district. So when somebody has 6 children and don't know who the baby daddy is, plus will have more in the future, my tax dollars are going toward these lowlifes. I'm talking all races here, black, brown, white, etc.

So pardon me if I want the best for my wife and myself. My future is the next 10-15 years, and with the world tearing itself apart right now, it's not really my concern what happens past then.

However I do have compassion for the younger kids right now, there's no telling what the future has in store for them. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I like you honesty...Fuck all you other peoples kids and grand kids. I want mine now!

I get it.... I do not have kids or grandkids either.

Do you realize what out GDP would be if everyone was like us and had no kids?

So fuck it, Do like Gnad , invest in Defense Industry Stocks and pray for War and more Dead American soldiers we have in the military , courtesy of all those low life people. You do realize that those kids are the one's paying for your stock market wealth and security , right?

Just remember this about Trump...

LexusLover's Avatar
No kids or grandchildren. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
WTF lacks the common sense to comprehend the value of raising one's children in such a manner that they will have the "empowerment" and "qualifications" to take care of themselves and THEIR CHILDREN, by providing THEIR CHILDREN with the "empowerment" and "qualifications" to take care of themselves!

He, as his custom, "believes" that because he can't do it, no one else can! But I can understand why any woman would want to abort anything he conceived to assure that the genetic defects would not be a further burden on Mankind.

That is whether his pathological lying is genetic or environmentally acquired from his "parents" who obviously failed at "child rearing"!
WTF's Avatar
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  • 11-09-2017, 09:24 AM
No kids or grandchildren. So I'm not concerned about 20 years from now and after that.

. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
WTF lacks the common sense to comprehend the value of raising one's children in such a manner that they will have the "empowerment" and "qualifications" to take care of themselves and THEIR CHILDREN, by providing THEIR CHILDREN with the "empowerment" and "qualifications" to take care of themselves!

He, as his custom, "believes" that because he can't do it, no one else can! But I can understand why any woman would want to abort anything he conceived to assure that the genetic defects would not be a further burden on Mankind.

That is whether his pathological lying is genetic or environmentally acquired from his "parents" who obviously failed at "child rearing"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Let's quote in context.

DJ is not worried about this country in 20 years and I am....and you think my parents raised me improperly? Hmmmmm, ok.

At least DJ was honest , something you'd be advised to try for once.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Let's quote in context.

DJ is not worried about this country in 20 years and I am....and you think my parents raised me improperly? Hmmmmm, ok.

At least DJ was honest , something you'd be advised to try for once. Originally Posted by WTF
WTF, at the end of my post I stated I have compassion for the young people, which I do.

I also worked my ass of for over 40 years facing dangers and working parts of town that people don't even know exists. I had guns pulled on me, and got my hand scarred for life from a pit bull. Outside of my family, nobody gave a if I want things good for myself and wife, it's something I earned.

I do take exception to the implication about how my parents raised me. In real life I bought kids shoes, paid fees, supplied football equipment, bought a kid a baseball glove, etc. I did this for over 25 years. We're talking kids of all races, and I didn't do this just for good athletes, I did this to get the kids away from bad apartment complexes no matter their physical abilities. I also sponsor two kids a year that have type 1 diabetes and get them insulin pumps so they won't have to give shots, but have insulin given with a small pump that looks like a pager. How many times did I buy some elderly or disabled people lunch at places like Kelley's or Golden Corral and told their waiter not to tell them who did it, as it may embarrass them? Plus I don't itemize my income taxes, so this charity I give isn't a matter of money, but a matter of values that my parents taught me.

At the end of the day I've taken care of a hell of a lot more people than have taken care of me. But that's OK.

Hopefully in the future, we can leave my family out of any conversations here. or even any implications about them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-09-2017, 10:16 AM

Hopefully in the future, we can leave my family out of any conversations here. or even any implications about them. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I did not bring up your family, LL brought up mine.

I in fact gave you a compliment for your honesty.

You said you are more worried about you and your wife getting yours and the future of kids be damned....or something like that.

Compassion for kids , yet you are for government actions that rape this country's future for short term Stock Market gains?

Look, I get it.... if Trump gave me 5 millions bucks I'd probably compliment him. I'm just not a cheap whore! ....and I'm not complimenting him for something he is hardly responsible for.

You are giving the Rooster credit for the Sunrise.

Give credit to the Fed if you want to thank someone for the market's rise.
LexusLover's Avatar

Hopefully in the future, we can leave my family out of any conversations here. or even any implications about them. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
WTF is "all inclusive," except for his own RW information. He's only interested in dwelling on others' RW information, whether it's factually correct or some lameass fabrication he's dreamed up.

He even gets pissy when he outs himself and someone reposts his self-outing!!!!