New to the Hobby - terrible experience so far =/

JustMeCLTXGG's Avatar
Hello......................... .......I wrote a lengthy thread over in Diamonds and Tuxedos titled "Where are the Classy Girls?, so I won't elaborate at length about what I think on men and women.

I've made three calls thus far, unsuccessfully. All three calls were for a dinner date - a requirement for an initial meeting that I don't plan on changing.

Call #1: She didn't show up at the restaurant, and when I called to confirm, the person at the other end said I had the wrong number. It was from a BP ad, and given that I was soliciting dinner conversation instead of sex, it made me wonder if it was a sting looking for johns.

Call #2: She didn't show up at the restaurant - I texted her to tell her what I was wearing and looked like 15 minutes prior to the arranged meeting, and she texted me back that her car was broken down outside of Houston and that she had to call her mother to pick her up. I asked if she needed help, or a ride, and she said that her mom had her covered. I told her that she was welcome to bring her mother to dinner with her as a chaperone, since I was intending a "G" rated conversation and was reimbursing her for her time and dinner conversation - nothing I'd be concerned with her mother seeing - she texted me back that it was weird, and went silent when I inquired about a reschedule.

Call #3: She *did* show up, but wearing something indecent. I politely thanked her for showing up, gave her $20 to cover gas, and explained that I didn't think what she was wearing was suitable for a dinner date, especially opposite a suit and tie, and told her that I didn't wish to pursue our date any further. We weren't at Morton's, but what she was wearing was still inappropriately undressed.

I'd welcome advice from anyone on how I should proceed. Should I make a post here explicitly explaining the type of woman I'm after? The few that that have caught my eye (I care first and foremost about a winning smile) are explicitly newbie unfriendly.

I don't want to "work my way up" the lists. I have zero interest in making the acquaintance of many women. I don't expect to ever have provider references - a woman can be the judge of me through appearance, conversation, attitude and behavior. I'm married - happily so for the most part. There are some things in life that she has no interest in, so I'm looking for a beautiful creature to explore some of those interests with.

If pressed for details, the single most important thing I'm looking for is someone who can sit across a restaurant table with me, look dazzlingly beautiful, and if she doesn't know that Petite Sirah originated in the U.S. from Durif grapes being crossed with Syrah pollen, she has the confidence to say that the most important part of being a wine enthusiast is drinking the wines that taste good.

Advice is most welcome. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
where to start? ha, ha.

ok first things first, do you know what this hobby is? your wife has no interest in sitting across from you in a restaurant and looking dazzlingly beautiful? lost me here. do that with your wife.

you come here for other things some wives don't do. or what are your "other" interests? book clubs? wine clubs? you know they have those right? even brew clubs. don't think eccie has them or I'm missing out. (someone better not tell me eccie has a bowling team! ha, ha.) if you're here most would think those interests pertain to this hobby. if so then, you're doing something wrong or just not trying enough. maybe you lost your game being married? don't know.

as for getting around references why make it more difficult than it has to be? take some of the newbie friendly girls out to dinner and get a couple of references. then meeting the ones you have more interest in you could tackle them for a dinner session. the system is in place and change doesn't go over very good. the system is also in place for a reason and most know how to work within the system. you're asking them to work outside what they know. you can fight it and you'll eventually find some that will be up for meeting you but there is no shortcut. which brings me to, the girls are not going to be used to your kind of request since it rarely happens if ever. maybe a first for some of them. when you make a presentation out of the norm it's sorta like when meerkats see a hawk. ha, ha! gotta take your lumps if you want to try the hobby out. otherwise maybe try a sugar daddy site or AFF.

probably forgot something I thought reading all that. one thing I didn't forget -
you invited her to bring her mom? dude! now that's classic. hey, new idea for a session - who wants to come meet my family and pretend to be my SO? ha, ha. (*sarcasm* so it's clear) that just didn't even seem like common sense if her mom really was helping her. odds are that was an excuse. you aren't gonna go far trying to outsmart excuses either. excuses you receive you just post on the board and sit back and learn.

.............................. .............................. .............................. .........

I've read your profile and gather that you're a RenFen connoisseur. When you go this fall, stop by the German food boothes and ask for Mead. Dessert Mead - Viking Blod, not to be confused with Honey wine. Honey wine is fermented grape beverage that has been flavored with honey, while actual mead - the real deal - is fermented honey. It smells and tastes like honey. It doesn't pour quite as thick, but if it did, it would be hard to drink. It's what vikings and Arabs drank long before homo sapien discovered that yeast and hops could ferment wheat to create beer - and sadly a mostly forgotten art and beverage. of the tastiest things you'll ever sample. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
uh, for a cona-conno-eh, wine pro you don't know much about mead it seems. ha, ha. mead IS honey wine. the crap you're talking about is labeled as mead because there is no rules against it. you got it right that it is crap. did you know mead can be carbonated also? don't care for it. and you didn't even mention sweet mead of dry mead. sweet I find way better. some like dry drinks though. mead can be stored at room temp also. and the longer mead ages the better it gets. 3/5/10+ it just gets better and better. especially for the higher proofed meads. also mead greatly depends on the honey used. do you have any idea how many types of honey there are? and that's not even all of it. I will say I have often wondered how the vikings did it. not like they had as many different yeasts back then, which also make a difference. or how did they initiate the process? I should look that up someday. also doubt they had pure honey types unless by luck. one of the most liked is mead from orange blossom honey. heck some honey doesn't even exist across the sea.

straight from wiki -
The terms "mead" and "honey-wine" are often used synonymously. Honey-wine is differentiated from mead in some cultures. Hungarians hold that while mead is made of honey, water and beer-yeast (barm), honey-wine is watered honey fermented by recrement of grapes (or other fruits).

don't know about everyone else but I'm not Hungarian (so now everyone knows!) and typically that type of honey wine/mead is called and considered a melomel. store boughts ones suck. homebrewed ones can be quiet good.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Fancy - can I make a recommendation? Think of Moscato as three steps down from Champagne, not quite bubbling wine (which is for all carbonated and fermented grape beverages not from Champagne, France), but not quite Ice Wine.

Ice Wine is especially sweet (uncarbonated) wine that is fermented from grapes that have been frozen - crystallizing the sugar inside the grapes and producing an extremely sweet wine. If you stop into Target or Specs, you can find an ice wine - probably in the $30 range at the low end, although even the lowest grade of ice wine is an extravagant flavor boutique.

I've read your profile and gather that you're a RenFen connoisseur. When you go this fall, stop by the German food boothes and ask for Mead. Dessert Mead - Viking Blod, not to be confused with Honey wine. Honey wine is fermented grape beverage that has been flavored with honey, while actual mead - the real deal - is fermented honey. It smells and tastes like honey. It doesn't pour quite as thick, but if it did, it would be hard to drink. It's what vikings and Arabs drank long before homo sapien discovered that yeast and hops could ferment wheat to create beer - and sadly a mostly forgotten art and beverage. of the tastiest things you'll ever sample. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Ah, I do enjoy ice wine (particularly a late-harvest Riesling Eiswein) from time to time, but so far, I have not found a single champagne I cared for, not even the most expensive. I'm just odd, I suppose.

I have tried mead, but evidently not the right type yet. The TRF brand is not palatable at all, but I haven't sampled Viking Blod. I will make a point of it. However, I actually don't like any type of beer, ale, or much in the similarly fermented but undistilled product line, to the embarrassment of the rest of my Irish family. They think I'm "uppity." Have ever since I put on my first pair of high heels, not approved for an Irish lass near 6 ft tall already. (My granny used to say, "Why d' ye want to be all fancy in dem heels, lassie? The lads dinna like it when ye kin see dere bald spots from da top.")

Celtic Honey is a nice, sweet, honey-laced spiced whiskey I find quite pleasing.

Expanding on what Lorde said, you will encounter much whine here, TG. Drink it out of Styrofoam and save the flutes for the bubbly lass of your dreams.
Guest072015-2's Avatar
There are some here who are upscale low volume courtesans who do appreciate and thrive in social settings(although you're not likely to find them on BP!).
Keep looking. You'll find what you're looking for. Read reviews!
Also, because you have no references, I would suggest going through an agency such as True Companions. Once you gain at least two references, it will become easier for you to book an appointment with an independent. It goes both ways. We need references before seeing you just as you need to see our reviews before seeing us. We are all better safe than sorry.
Good luck and welcome!
I'm still trying to figure out what she wore to the restaurant that the OP deemed "inappropriate."
Considering it was a BP girl, it likely was work attire, which could have meant anything from a fishnet body stocking to that crotchless thing on Page 137 in the Hoochie Mama catalog.

Can you enlighten us, OP? (just for chuckles)

Good luck, by the way.
Sarunga's Avatar
My guess is....she was wearing a two-piece bikini.

Am I correct, TG?
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
where to start? ha, ha...

uh, for a cona-conno-eh, wine pro you don't know much about mead it seems. ha, ha. mead IS honey wine. Originally Posted by JustMeCLTXGG
Good sir, I read everything you wrote quietly and with humor until THESE fighting words. Mead is *NOT* Honey wine. Wine is a fermented grape drink. Flavoring it with honey and herbs makes it honey wine.

Mead - think of Trojniak. Honey that been based with water only insofar as much as is required to allow yeast to ferment. While meads vary by region, bee pollination, and honey mixture, this self-evident truth remains:

While honey-wine and mead may be interchangeable terms for the unwashed masses who use wiki as an academic reference source, I encourage you to step into the wider internet.

Try googling What is mead?
Or try What is Mead made from?

Honey, water, and yeast. The nasty honey-wine swill that you suckle upon has been getting passed off as mead much like Budweiser and Coors light are passed off as beer. I suppose that if you bend the definition of "mead" to suite your taste, then sure - you've got mead.

If you want to try the real thing sometime's a handy article about the best meads in the world, interestingly none of which have been diluted with wine.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
I'm still trying to figure out what she wore to the restaurant that the OP deemed "inappropriate."
Considering it was a BP girl, it likely was work attire, which could have meant anything from a fishnet body stocking to that crotchless thing on Page 137 in the Hoochie Mama catalog.

Can you enlighten us, OP? (just for chuckles)

Good luck, by the way. Originally Posted by bpurple66
Ripped jeans, high heels, and a midriff shirt. Fine for lounging about at home - not appropriate for a social engagement.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar

Also, because you have no references, I would suggest going through an agency such as True Companions. Once you gain at least two references, it will become easier for you to book an appointment with an independent. Originally Posted by Alexie Amor
I checked out their website - there are a couple of phenomenal beauties there (presuming the pictures are real), but the employment piece scared me off. They want to call...who? My secretary? My boss? Neither would work. I'm in a position where employment verification isn't a part of life. Employment verification is used when potential employers are inquiring about someone's work history. An inquiry by anyone into my company about my status would start rumors about my tenure - which I can't have.

Could you elaborate more on how that is supposed to work? Safety is paramount for all, but from a selfish perspective, *MY* safety and security is first and foremost.
My best advice to you is this...

Being new you are going to find it very challenging to find a quality provider to have dinner with prior to any BCD. Establish yourself first on P411 and use that site to begin the process.

While there are definitely some quality providers here on Eccie, they are now few and far between.

Look for quality newbie friendly providers to meet. Show up on time, be clean and freshly showered, don't discuss any other providers you have met with or plan on meeting, don't try and negotiate rates as it only makes someone look like a cheap ass and definitely do not become "needy" or begin to think you can have a relationship with a provider....

The rest you are just going to have to learn as you go..

oh and one last thing....get a hobby phone or use google voice...

Good luck...
I am a fan of ice wine, especially from the Niagara region. It's that delicate balance of sweetness that I love. I especially consider it a treat when I get a small bottle as a gift.

As for your search, be diligent. They are out there, but like you, may have discriminating tastes. Good luck.

Do not pay any attention to this other guys. It gets pretty wild in here at times. There are plenty of loving ladies here on Eccie that I'm sure would be more then happy to meet with you for dinner and dessert. Specifics in the ISO definitely would help.

Don't give up yet. Sometimes it just takes time to find what you want.

Hopefully your comment about "Moscato" was not a put down. LOL I love the sweet taste of Moscato!
tbone77494's Avatar
As you have found, newbie friendly Bp chicks and ravishing ladies who even own an outfit that fits in at Mortons are pretty much apples and oranges. You might try someone like Yummy Marie or AddisonO - I don't know if they'd allow for alternate screening but they could pull of the date at least.

All in all though, Russ gave good advice. This isn't where you find well dressed dinner dates for Mortons, it's where you find naked 20 year olds where they technically don't need to say a word during an hour at Palace Inn.
pink taco's Avatar
Don't you people know when you're being trolled? If someone ask for advice then says he's not changing, you might just be trolled. Don't feed the troll. He will just counter with a contrary response.

Not everyone on Eccie does business at Mr. Patel.
You can have your choice of many types of ladies on this board. But maybe its Mr. Patel that you are seeking tbone.
SamHouston's Avatar