Abusive/Troublesome Hobbyists

Seems to me that if a Provider or client gets a rep for being unruly, it will come back to haunt you, thus, no more fun. Very easy to spread the word these days on somebody. Who wants to be with someone who's a jerk or a bitch?
It is very sad to come on the board and see a new alert up of a man hurting a woman. It makes me sick.
It is very sad to come on the board and see a new alert up of a man hurting a woman. It makes me sick. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Amen to that
verygood69's Avatar
I would love to smack these SOB's that have a mind to hurt any of you Ladies. But thats just me.
@ Adrianna...MUAH!!! Thanx baybee!!! I advertise here & bp.....to be honest, there is no difference anymore. I've never knocked bp, its always been a great site for me. But for this site, that is soppose to be SO MUCH better than bp/cl...WTF is going on? Why do some of these guys feel its appropriate to treat ladies this way. There was a thread a couple days ago that I commented on, the guy used the word "HOE". And he didn't specify any specific catagory, as far as street walkers, call girls or whatever. I'm like are you serious??? Since when is it ok for these gents to call out providers like that. But then when a ladies comes in a calls out a gent.....she gets banned. But, its just like a child, they only do what they are allowed to do. I try to stay off the board because of so much negativity, and thats a DAMN SHAME!!! This board is for hobbiest & PROVIDERS!!!! But its at a point where the providers are not even comfortable posting in threads.....and its not just me. There are alot of ladies that have went MIA as far as this board. Ladies & Gents....and of course mods...lol!! Its up to us to change. Stop with all the negativity. Its ok to speak your mind & have opinions, but have some freaking respect!!!! You better believe that I'm going to always speak my mind, but I do it in a proper manor....seems some of you need to learn to do the same.
Its not just you!!! OMG, I was just thinking the same thing yesterday!!! I don't know whats going on. I've been in the biz 8 years next month.......I've never seen this many complaints in a short period of time. I'll tell you what though, providers & hobbiest need to get their shit together...some of us already have it together, but its getting out of control. People need to start being nicer. I see hobbiest on here being so freaking rude!!! And providers are having to defend themselves. Providers robbing hobbiests. People beating people.....WTF???? Are you serious??? The way things are for hobbiest & providers, we might as well be on the track. Ladies not respecting their own incall on being clean for the gents. Men coming in for an appointment from a long days work.....but don't have the decency to take a shower. Providers robbing hobbiest, hobbiest robbing providers. hobbiest beating providers. Hobbiest trying to negotiate prices. This is all the things that pertain to "Track Activity". But yet some try and talk down on the "Track".......Well, seems to me the "Track" has been brought indoors & online. Ladies & Gents, is this really what we want? I sure in hell don't. Activity like this makes me wanna retire. But Thank Goodness I have some of the BEST clients that make it all worth while!!! I'm so sorry to hear about everyone's bad experiences. Originally Posted by Carly's Angels
Providers can be rude too. Rude can also be construed as not getting an answer from a provider that he or she would like to have a relationship with....I find it ironic too that I am always clean and treat the ladies like they are a queen, yet get ignored by some providers because I am an old 50 year old fart.
you know..someone can only be rude to girls if that persons opinion matters..

perhaps unfortunately but I have yet to meet someone that I held in such high regard that their opinion of me..name calling, etc mattered to me.. no offense to the guys at all.. im just saying..at the end of the day.. we are all glorified prostitutes..aka hoes.. perhaps its not kosher to call a girl that.. but that can only bother someone if that persons opinion of you matters..

there is only 1 person that can judge.. and they ain't on this board.. someone can call me what they like..thats their OPINION of me.. if I gave a damn what they thought of me.. it might hurt.. but i don't so it doesn't..

much like a little kid.. sometimes when people are tryign to be hurtful on purpose.. simply ignoring them takes all the fun out of it.. ruins the whole point in being rude.. someone can only be rude if you allow them to and you let it bother you..

thicker skin for some knit picking is in order.. the childish name calling shouldn't hurt anyone..

abusive and troublesome is ALOT WORSE than being called a "hoe".. or guys not wiping girls asses and being all nice..

as one guy said.. providers are just as rude and more often that not 2 faced as hell.. they wiggle and giggle in public and the whole time they think and act and badmouth when the PAYING CUSTOMER ain't looking..

they blacklist
they refuse vouches

they do everything they can to "get back" at hobbyiest..

understand too.. whether warranted, right or fair.. some girls bring it on. they think they can get away with anything and the minute they get put in their place..that hobbyiest was being rude.. was he? or was he being honest and blunt and calling a spade a spade.. you see thicker skin is needed

abusive i.e hitting, harrassment etc troublesome..i.e stalker types, endless emails, phone calls time wasters.. thats somethign to worry about

shit being said on a silly whore board from guys who's opinions shouldn't matter to you is personally for me..kinda small in the grand scheme of things
I think there are more alerts because there are lots of new girls who don't screen. There haven't been alerts posted by the ladies who have been around a while. There are lots of new BP-esque providers and those are the ones getting hurt and ripped off, but that's just my theory.
@Prolungus.. Very true.. There are a few guys I won't see based on their posts..

@Carly.. Not sure if you've read this, but seems like you may be interested in this thread..

MarieLynn of DFW's Avatar
So, ladies please screen, TALK to references, if your Spiddy senses are on, respect it don't go there. Me, I am sticking with mature providers that I know. Leave the drama for Grand Opera. Originally Posted by LuckJack

Right on. Intuition is a wonderful thing. Listen to your gut, it NEVER steers you wrong.
you know..someone can only be rude to girls if that persons opinion matters..

perhaps unfortunately but I have yet to meet someone that I held in such high regard that their opinion of me..name calling, etc mattered to me.. no offense to the guys at all.. im just saying..at the end of the day.. we are all glorified prostitutes..aka hoes.. perhaps its not kosher to call a girl that.. but that can only bother someone if that persons opinion of you matters..

there is only 1 person that can judge.. and they ain't on this board.. someone can call me what they like..thats their OPINION of me.. if I gave a damn what they thought of me.. it might hurt.. but i don't so it doesn't..

much like a little kid.. sometimes when people are tryign to be hurtful on purpose.. simply ignoring them takes all the fun out of it.. ruins the whole point in being rude.. someone can only be rude if you allow them to and you let it bother you..

thicker skin for some knit picking is in order.. the childish name calling shouldn't hurt anyone..

abusive and troublesome is ALOT WORSE than being called a "hoe".. or guys not wiping girls asses and being all nice..

as one guy said.. providers are just as rude and more often that not 2 faced as hell.. they wiggle and giggle in public and the whole time they think and act and badmouth when the PAYING CUSTOMER ain't looking..

they blacklist
they refuse vouches

they do everything they can to "get back" at hobbyiest..

understand too.. whether warranted, right or fair.. some girls bring it on. they think they can get away with anything and the minute they get put in their place..that hobbyiest was being rude.. was he? or was he being honest and blunt and calling a spade a spade.. you see thicker skin is needed

abusive i.e hitting, harrassment etc troublesome..i.e stalker types, endless emails, phone calls time wasters.. thats somethign to worry about

shit being said on a silly whore board from guys who's opinions shouldn't matter to you is personally for me..kinda small in the grand scheme of things Originally Posted by DeAnna Luv
I hit the like button on this
Yes, its true, its only name calling. But in reguardless, its disrespectful & rude. So if its so ok for anyone to call out names like that, why do we have the words "hobbiest" & "providers"? Why not just go ahead and use the names "Tricks" & "Hoes"? Why? Because its freaking rude!!! All I'm saying is we need to have more respect for one another, inreguardless of what we do for a living or what we do as our hobby. I'm a woman and a mother before I'm anything. So using the word "hoe" does not hurt me, but thats not the point. The point is there is no respect anymore & I'm sick of reading all the disrespect from both sides. Yeah, I know, if you don't like what is here on the board, then don't get on the board. LMAO! But thats an issue too. Why should any provider or hobbiest have to avoid something they enjoy participating in, because of ignorance, stupidity & disrespect? This goes for ladies & gents. And I'm sure alot of the issue is new ladies not screening, so thats the chance they take. I don't wish bad apon no one, but screening can save a life or a beating. I'm mainly speaking on threads, when ladies & gents are calling names. For example, the gent that used the word "hoe". He is mos def on my DO NOT see list. Why? Because using those terms basically means he feels he is in a higher position than me, so he is the type to come to my incall and be a straight up dick. Maybe even aggressive. Using those terms shows he looks down on providers...so there is no telling what his real intentions are. As I said, its a reason we use the terms "hobbiest" & "provider".
Luckjack, I agree that the best way to avoid drama and problems with the ladies is to stick to mature ladies. I only see ladies over 35 and have never had a problem. On men, though, unfortunately there are slimeballs in all age groups.. I like to think there are less in us pre-baby boomers, but they do exist.
Yes, its true, its only name calling. But in reguardless, its disrespectful & rude. So if its so ok for anyone to call out names like that, why do we have the words "hobbiest" & "providers"? Why not just go ahead and use the names "Tricks" & "Hoes"? Why? Because its freaking rude!!! All I'm saying is we need to have more respect for one another, inreguardless of what we do for a living or what we do as our hobby. I'm a woman and a mother before I'm anything. So using the word "hoe" does not hurt me, but thats not the point. The point is there is no respect anymore & I'm sick of reading all the disrespect from both sides. Yeah, I know, if you don't like what is here on the board, then don't get on the board. LMAO! But thats an issue too. Why should any provider or hobbiest have to avoid something they enjoy participating in, because of ignorance, stupidity & disrespect? This goes for ladies & gents. And I'm sure alot of the issue is new ladies not screening, so thats the chance they take. I don't wish bad apon no one, but screening can save a life or a beating. I'm mainly speaking on threads, when ladies & gents are calling names. For example, the gent that used the word "hoe". He is mos def on my DO NOT see list. Why? Because using those terms basically means he feels he is in a higher position than me, so he is the type to come to my incall and be a straight up dick. Maybe even aggressive. Using those terms shows he looks down on providers...so there is no telling what his real intentions are. As I said, its a reason we use the terms "hobbiest" & "provider". Originally Posted by Carly's Angels
..but if you'd just see me, you'd find out how wonderful & sweet I am....
Carly, I am not PC, but do like the term "provider." "Escort" is also ok. I reserve the term "whore" for low-lifes that rip the customers off. There are even respectable street-walkers that do not rip people off. Unfortunately SWs are usually there because of drugs and are to be pitied. Ironically, I will always spring for a cop's meal if I see them in a restaurant and will always give a SW or homeless person a few bucks for a meal (I don't care what they do with it). Courtesy and respect costs us nothing and goes a long way.