assault fork - lets ban it!

LexusLover's Avatar

We are second to Brazil in firearm deaths. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
pbs .... The Public Bull Shit Network.

I'm sure that Mexico, et al, have a highly reliable reporting system.
FrankZappa's Avatar
Thanks, instead of addressing the article you just say it is a lie. That sounds exactly like what the President does .When you don't like the news you say it is a lie unless you agree with it and then you will say that the NYT or Washington Post says this. Insanity and bad for Democracy. I guess you can pull up an article from Fox News that will only list an opinion with no mention of gun deaths or how we rank in the world and sing God Bless America.
FrankZappa's Avatar
pbs .... The Public Bull Shit Network.

I'm sure that Mexico, et al, have a highly reliable reporting system. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Btw, I own plenty of guns. We just need to keep them out of hands of nuts. If we bury our heads in the sand, we will turn into Brazil, or Columbia or a Mexico.
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2018, 07:53 AM Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Please use search function- this CDC information already is discussed
BTW - CNN is a bastion of antiFa DPST propaganda
It is clear from the article that White males die at a rate of more than 21/2 times the next group
The Dems should be super happy that guns are killing off the opposition group- Old White Males.

Why is there a problem for the DPST's???
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2018, 07:58 AM

Btw, I own plenty of guns. We just need to keep them out of hands of nuts. If we bury our heads in the sand, we will turn into Brazil, or Columbia or a Mexico. Originally Posted by FrankZappa

Aha - I own plenty of guns- BUT!!!
Please explain how to "keep guns out of the hands of nuts" - which means anyone not DPST Socialist totalitarian.

You got a constructive answer - let[s hear it.

It is a DPST cover for confiscation of all weapons - not just firearms, but edged weapons, pointed weapons, clubs, bows and arrows, axolotls, and slingshots - not to mention stones.
After all - Nanny State knows best - A dull spoon might be appropriate after elimination of knife and fork in the DPST future - but only registered and licensed and regulated, with a four year training program mandated before use.
FrankZappa's Avatar
Aha - I own plenty of guns- BUT!!!
Please explain how to "keep guns out of the hands of nuts" - which means anyone not DPST Socialist totalitarian.

You got a constructive answer - let[s hear it.

It is a DPST cover for confiscation of all weapons - not just firearms, but edged weapons, pointed weapons, clubs, bows and arrows, axolotls, and slingshots - not to mention stones.
After all - Nanny State knows best - A dull spoon might be appropriate after elimination of knife and fork in the DPST future - but only registered and licensed and regulated, with a four year training program mandated before use. Originally Posted by oeb11
The fear mongering that you talk about is just counterproductive. If we ever get to the point that the govt is going to confiscate our guns they will do it with a tank or a bunch of troops. I have heard that argument that people are going to put down an oppressive regime, for Christ Sakes we live in the USA. For instance , Germans own a lot of guns. If you want a gun then you have to buy a license for each gun yearly. If you want to own 10 9mm's than you have to explain why. They will ask you why you need 10 9mm's or 5 AR-15's and you have to pay a tax on each one yearly and they know who has them.

If you have to pay a tax of $100 a year for each gun, it would cut down on the amount of guns people have.

People don't need to own military style weapons. They are not useful for anything besides shooting a lot of people.

No gun show sales without a background check and it should come with a psychological background check as well.

The gun shows are just loopholes to sell guns to places where guns are illegal and are used to sale guns to central and South American drug dealers in exchange for drugs. They are also used to sell guns to gangs in every urban area in the US to go to gangs like the crips , bloods and MS13.

My preferred gun for home defense is a double barreled 20 gauge and a 12 gauge pump. I have a 9mm and several hunting rifles. Chances are if someone breaks into my house I will call 911 if I can.

I have a crazy relative that had about 50 guns including assault rifles and he is a paranoid schizophrenic and would carry weapons in his vehicle and every room of his house until he finally shot someone and ended up in prison for 10 years.
He shouldn't have ever had a gun. One time I went to his house and he had Sten guns about 4 of them that he wanted to take to Mexico to sale .

After his stay in prison , he can't own a gun legally but he probably does. Many people that hord guns are not stable.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
And the vast majority of gun horders are stable so what’s your point?

We are second to Brazil in firearm deaths. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
I love one sided cherry picked statistics...

Sure in overall deaths second in this study to Brazil, but looking at the numbers 20th based on per capita, which would be a much more valid statistic, but then also 60+ percent of them are suicides, so the murder rate per capita goes down even further.

Then throw in other studies that show overall violent crime in the US is far less than in other countries and you begin to support a premise of gun availability actually preventing other crimes from occurring.

Don't post one sided statistics like that in a vacuum.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Per Venezuela law, only the military and police can have guns, but Venezuela's gun homicide rate per capita is far greater than that in the U.S. There are no regulations governing the ownership of forks, but the lib-retarded Chicken Littles in the U.K. are making a big push to outlaw steak knives.

LexusLover's Avatar
Thanks, instead of addressing the article you just say it is a lie. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
No, you used the word "lie" not me. I just said it is more likely based on poor statistical information (by making an obviously sarcastic remark based on my own personal experiences THERE!), since those countries have unreliable, biased reporting of deaths and causes of death. Only surpassed by their failures in the "criminal history" records they produce for proper "background" checks.

Their poor crime records are founded upon the "mordida" system by which "official" records are sanitized and the upper middle/upper class and wealthier members of their societies manage to avoid the criminal justice system and consequently "deaths" can be "determined" to be self-inflicted and for other causes and their social/religious standards require and mandate shorter periods of time for a body to languish until a thorough forensic investigation can be completed to verify the actual cause of death and/or the manner of death.

After all ...from what are these "caravans" fleeing?
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2018, 11:16 AM
FZ - it is "hoard" - not horde
Explain "why" one owns a weapon to the US DPST Govt - they will confiscate weapon and shoot you out of hand
No guns sales without a psychological background check - that has such potential for error and abuse as to be a non-starter. There are already laws regarding weapons and patients with documented mental illness/hospitalizations.

Why do people "not need to own military style weapons such as AR-15" - it is no different than a Ruger Mini-14 in caliber/function. It just looks "Scary" to Dems DPST's - just part of Feinstein's avowed aim to confiscate all weapons in the US. Your opinion - not a valid one in my opinion

Go ahead and try Dianne - you will start a civil war of the US geographic center v the leftist Coasts.

Tax each gun $100 per year - why not treat all weapons in private hands as under NFA 1934 - requires a tax stamp of $200 per weapon. There is a months long background check by batfe. Result- never been a crime committed in the US with a legally transferred automatic weapon.
Gun show and background check issues - I support that. That system needs much improvement.

Typical DPST -I support removal of weapons from everyone but myself - I want to be at the top of the Socialist pyramid like Maduro- Venezuela
  • grean
  • 12-30-2018, 12:10 PM
The fear mongering that you talk about is just counterproductive. If we ever get to the point that the govt is going to confiscate our guns they will do it with a tank or a bunch of troops. I have heard that argument that people are going to put down an oppressive regime, for Christ Sakes we live in the USA. For instance , Germans own a lot of guns. If you want a gun then you have to buy a license for each gun yearly. If you want to own 10 9mm's than you have to explain why. They will ask you why you need 10 9mm's or 5 AR-15's and you have to pay a tax on each one yearly and they know who has them.

If you have to pay a tax of $100 a year for each gun, it would cut down on the amount of guns people have.

People don't need to own military style weapons. They are not useful for anything besides shooting a lot of people.

No gun show sales without a background check and it should come with a psychological background check as well.

The gun shows are just loopholes to sell guns to places where guns are illegal and are used to sale guns to central and South American drug dealers in exchange for drugs. They are also used to sell guns to gangs in every urban area in the US to go to gangs like the crips , bloods and MS13.

My preferred gun for home defense is a double barreled 20 gauge and a 12 gauge pump. I have a 9mm and several hunting rifles. Chances are if someone breaks into my house I will call 911 if I can.

I have a crazy relative that had about 50 guns including assault rifles and he is a paranoid schizophrenic and would carry weapons in his vehicle and every room of his house until he finally shot someone and ended up in prison for 10 years.
He shouldn't have ever had a gun. One time I went to his house and he had Sten guns about 4 of them that he wanted to take to Mexico to sale .

After his stay in prison , he can't own a gun legally but he probably does. Many people that hord guns are not stable. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Gun control = people control

So....taxes have been used to infringe upon another constitutional right before.

A tax on guns, outside of a normal sales tax, would be just as bad.

Especially when you consider poor folks, who cant afford those taxes, are also more likely to need to defend themselves because of where they live. Inner cities are where the majority of these deaths occur when you remove suicides from the number.

You proved our point for us too. You said your crazy relative can't legally have guns, but probably does.

What good will more laws do?

Do you think he obtained them from anywhere that would require him to take a background check?
  • grean
  • 12-30-2018, 12:12 PM
And this thread is about banning certain culinary tools, not guns....
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
And this thread is about banning certain culinary tools, not guns.... Originally Posted by grean

this thread is about absurdities. its very much linked to guns.
  • oeb11
  • 12-30-2018, 02:00 PM
This thread ,IMHO, is about satirizing the DPST objective of banning all weapons in private hands
Except the DPST - who know what is best for You, of course. !