Why do you do it?

I do it cause it's easy. Why waste my time going out when it's so much easier just to send a few PM'S.
pyramider's Avatar
Now why would I do that? Our anonymity on here affords us to post things we probably wouldn't talk about otherwise. I mean if not here then where?

Also, like I said in my original post, yeah, if you just like doing it and want to do it then thats it. I'm not asking for people to post, just hoping for some interesting/unique stories Originally Posted by MagicJohnson12

I gave you sound counsel. Its like a good friend often says "I was never so smart as when I was 16 to 25."

Your initial question shows that you need validation for your actions. The best thing for you to do is leave the hobby and do not look back.
Sweetheart, I say this with the best intentions.....

It really doesn't sound like the hobby is for you. Your "reason" for joining in raises red flags. The fact that you stop feeling sexually attracted to a girl but stick around because you "care" shows me that you have a unhealthy need for emotional support at your age. Seriously, if you just graduated and are finally making decent money you are perfectly primed to be a great mark...

There are many girls that that will use your desire to feel needed and ability to get attached easily against you. There are wonderful providers out there that will know the boundaries and won't take advantage of you. But just from your posts, you would probably would piss them off by requiring too much OTC time via texting every day for emotional validation contrasted with infrequent visits.

Believe me. You will find a ATF that will be the seemingly perfect woman for you and you will become obsessed for a few months until she empties your bank account. Sorry if I come off as a terrible bitch, but what everyone else is saying is absolutely correct. You shouldn't enter this world for your own good.

Also you are making your own relationships too complicated. Stop being "nice" to the civvies in your area and just be a dickbag. Seriously, you'll find it attracts the type of girl you can actually have a casual relationship with. She won't be faithful or all that great of a catch but she won't make any demands of you either.

(Yes, I'm telling the kid with emotional issues to prey on girls with low-self esteem...I really shouldn't post before I've had my coffee.)
ICU 812's Avatar
Why? WHY?

If you have to ask me, I cannot possibly explain it so that you will understand!

In my case though, I want more astion than I get at home and the Hobby gives me assured access with beautiful women half my age and younger. . . .who do not want me to call the next day. What is the old saying . . ."I don't pay them to come over. I pay them to go away."
joesmo888's Avatar
I like variety and get bored banging the same girl all the time. I like all kinds of women so 1 type doesn't do it for me.

the #1 reason though is the fetish of having sex within a few minutes of meeting them without having to shell out dinner and drinks and then never talking to them again with no strings attached. the last part is the biggie. both people get what they want and go separate ways.. win/win for both
And the most important reason; I'm one yoga lesson shorter to be able to suck my own d$%*&.
It's from Metalocalypse, where the boys think that would be awesome if they could do it.

What you should understand that going to a provider is just a service like going to a good therapeutic massage, or your favorite chiropractor, a spa day, or to a good pedicurist/manicurist, one hour with your acupuncturist. It's a time for yourself without the need to think about the other, your performance, or to fulfill the girl needs, you paid for and they (we) take care of you.
This services will not replace your need to have a girlfriend/wife or partner, it will not replace your need to grow personally and emotionally. Good luck on your search.
pyramider's Avatar
Damn, with flexibility like that you should be able to take some fantastic taint photos.
chicagoboy's Avatar
for the tl;dr readers: what is the reason that you choose to pay to have sex with escorts? Originally Posted by MagicJohnson12
I thinck it was TCGF who once said, "If I didn't pay them, they wouldn't tongue-punch my fartbox."
Russ38's Avatar
for the tl;dr readers: what is the reason that you choose to pay to have sex with escorts? Originally Posted by MagicJohnson12
Because I can......
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Mine is kinda cliche except its weird because I'm only 22. I have had 4 serious relationships, all of them lasted approximately a year. Every single one of them left me because they thought I was no longer interested in them sexually. Which is true. See, it seems so so outlandish to me that people can be married to someone and remain faithful to them their whole lives. I would get bored with doing the same girl for a year to the point that I was unable to even perform in the bedroom, just because I was no longer attracted to them. And none of these girls were physically unattractive by any standards, mind you. I'm wondering how the hell people manage to see the same person their entire lives, and honestly it scares the shit out of me because it probably means I'm doomed to a life of being *forever* alone.

What I'm trying to get at is, my reason is variety. I could go out and try to pick up chicks at a bar, and maybe even be successful sometimes lol. However, I have a huge fucking problem of getting attached to the person and even worse, getting the other person attached to me. It is possibly the worst feeling in the world to let go of a person that's been a part of your life for a long time. Doing THIS allows me to *simply* fuck. No attachments or and no consequences.

(Reading over my answer, I realize it sounds very "twilight"-ish. I know you're probably thinking its because I'm 22 and young and naive, and it probably is.)
Also, I guess the quotation marks are implying I'm actually a lady (a scorned lover perhaps?). But, yeah I'm not. I'm really trying to see if there is anyone here in the same boat as me. Originally Posted by MagicJohnson12
22 dam, I've been seeing some hoo oops err providers longer.
but I started young also.

The OP show run away from this and never look back. Originally Posted by pyramider
wise move for the op
whats the under/over?
I thinking I want the over. As he as yet can't see why it may not be for him now if ever.
I thincks the OP has some serious porn issues he is dealing with, or a latent homosexual.
At 22.... Why make this shit complicated?
It's interesting that a guy who has by his own admission has never had a session can generate this kind of discussion.
I do it, because I want to...you're making this too complicated... Originally Posted by Wakeup
I think this sums it up.

Is it true you go to hell for agreeing with Wakeup?
Man, Inspector Farquar, the way you write is so elegant. I wish I could answer you with the same eloquence and insight-fullness.

I dated a woman for 24 years and 129 days and every day she was new to me, in some way(s). And I hadn't come close to knowing the all of her, nor, I think, her me.
^This. This right there is what I want so bad, but I feel like I can never have. In a way, its funny. Most people get into 'hobbying' because they are tired of their married/tied down life. Then there's me, who wants the married/tied down life badly for every other reason but the sexual monotony. I find it interesting how some people on this thread say that they do "it" behind their SO's back (some even with their permission *Riverstud*). But a marriage without unswerving dedication....is that really marriage? If I'd known that I would have never started this thread.
inspector farquar's Avatar
I think that it was Groucho Marx who said he wouldn't belong to a club that would have him as a member. I believe the inverse of that to be true.

Learn yourself, become pleasing to yourself, and the type of woman that would captivate you might now become available.