Life is a Sugar Cookie.

EagleEye's Avatar
If this worries anyone it should because I'm dead serious about doing the right thing and for the right reason. You marriage, your relationship, your job, your credibility and your reputation is not more important than these human trafficked sex slaves life. Maybe it does to you but not to me and not to the human trafficked sex slaves. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Given how effective your efforts have been to date, both on this board as well as the various organizations you have engaged, I don't think the hobbyists or providers have too much to worry about at this point.

My impression of you is one of a self righteous hypocrite and probably fairly up and to the right on the narcissist continuum.

Good luck, Sisyphus.
I think Icarus is also apt for this demented self-righteous fruit loop. I wonder what will happen first: a bust of all these AMPs and indies (an expansion of scope I'll point out) based on his "information" or a 5150 hold for the OP.

Peace, Love, and #BHILF

I understand both sides of this issue and there are some legitimate concerns about trafficking, not my intent to weigh in on that topic.

What has caused the government to get involved especially if you read the document published by the federal prosecutor out of Minneapolis, is money.

Trafficking is a concern but the feds get in a real twist when there are millions of dollars being earned and no taxes paid and then money moved offshore. The local governments get in a twist when neighboring legit businesses start to suffer or complain, they are pretty much out of sight out of mind.

If all the money was accounted for and taxes paid pretty sure feds would stay out and the locals would only move on complaints.

Just my two cents worth.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I'm not of the Asian Persuasion personally. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just not my thing.

However, your concept of helping anyone by entangling them in the legal system is at best quixotic. Once you catch a charge, you are nothing more than a prospective revenue source and a win or a loss on some young turk's court record and career stats. They are averse to the truth and avoid it at all costs.

The justice system playbook is to either plead you out or, as a last resort, go in front of a jury of schoolmarms, grandmas, and under-employed "do gooders" (sound familiar) where the cops will lie their asses off knowing that the jury will believe them.

We have an overgrown law enforcement and court bureaucracy at all levels of the government leeching ungodly amounts of money. Like all government bureaucracies, once it gets established it's primary goal is perpetuation and expansion as a paycheck racket funded by our tax dollars.

The "human trafficking" angle is just newly minted justification for getting the feds involved and putting all the budget dollars granted to the recently established DHS and ICE bureaucracies to work in the public eye.

You really don't think you come off just as deranged to all these "good folks" you're out "informing" as you do to the rest of us? In light of this truth, why the hell would anyone do anything that aligns them with you? They may or may not bust some hookers and some AMPs but I guaran-damn-tee you it won't be on your good word. I figure your involvement is stifling whatever process is afoot (assuming there is one).

I personally would not be passive in allowing you to write down my license plates or anything like that. But, it's a moot point as I'm not an AMP dude and would not so much as stop for gas in Wilco.

Peace, Love, and #BHILF

JS Originally Posted by Jefferson Starfish

The most capable, sanest, and intellectually honest post I've read on Eccie in a long time.

"Sane" and "Jefferson Starfish" do not often appear in the same paragraph. I figure I'm just misunderstood.

Peace, Love, and #BHILF

However, your concept of helping anyone by entangling them in the legal system is at best quixotic. Once you catch a charge, you are nothing more than a prospective revenue source and a win or a loss on some young turk's court record and career stats. They are averse to the truth and avoid it at all costs.
True up.

We have an overgrown law enforcement and court bureaucracy at all levels of the government leeching ungodly amounts of money. Like all government bureaucracies, once it gets established it's primary goal is perpetuation and expansion as a paycheck racket funded by our tax dollars.
Easy to see.

The "human trafficking" angle is just newly minted justification for getting the feds involved and putting all the budget dollars granted to the recently established DHS and ICE bureaucracies to work in the public eye. Don't forget the cash cow called "asset forfeiture" which is use to confiscate dollars and property connected with suspected criminal activity. Even if the case is thrown out or the accused gets off on technicality, the asset forfeiture remains. There are elaborate formulas used by Feds/State/Local LEAs to divide up the spoils.
JS Originally Posted by Jefferson Starfish
Maybe we might get ShysterJon to further elaborate on the legal aspects of this matter: An exercise left to the OP if he wishes...
Treetop78759's Avatar
Given how effective your efforts have been to date, both on this board as well as the various organizations you have engaged, I don't think the hobbyists or providers have too much to worry about at this point. Originally Posted by EagleEye
You are absolutely correct. I even admitted that my original approach was flawed. That is why I changed the approach and directed it to a whole new target audience.

Who knows. Maybe trying to trigger an emotional response of shock and outrage from the WILCO leaders to save and free the human trafficked sex slaves won't make a difference either.

Remember, everone has a different definition of making a difference on this topic.

Let's see what happens.

Cheers and be safe!
Wakeup's Avatar
Let me make a few things crystal clear. First, I'm not bullshitting... Originally Posted by Treetop78759

Prove it...
derek303's Avatar
Hey Treetop. I was at LakeLine mall the other day and had a massage in a chair on the 2nd floor. The Asian men working there didn't speak English. Maybe they are slaves. I also had my grass cut and the entire bunch didn't speak English. Maybe they are slaves. I don't know why I bother...... It's confusing how you still have an active account after threatening to out (take pics etc...) most of us as I would think 75% of us go to the AMPS one time or another.