P411 question

We don't pay to be members of P411, although we are screened heavily for it. But there are other things that we do pay for. So in essence, we are still paying in some form or fashion. I think you other question has been answered, and I presume you understand now?


p.s. I need to grease your nuts and bolts again hehe
We don't pay to be members of P411, although we are screened heavily for it. But there are other things that we do pay for. So in essence, we are still paying in some form or fashion. I think you other question has been answered, and I presume you understand now?


p.s. I need to grease your nuts and bolts again hehe Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan

opk no need to be screened here
TM, she could have an account but just have her profile hidden from public view for personal reasons. Or, maybe she has a friend who can check for her.
TinMan's Avatar
Yeah, Meg, I finally figured that part out. Since I don't have that date lined up for Monday, maybe I should take you up on your offer...I guess I pass your screening (LOL!)?

Yeah, Meg, I finally figured that part out. Since I don't have that date lined up for Monday, maybe I should take you up on your offer...I guess I pass your screening (LOL!)?
Originally Posted by TinMan
LOL unless you have since killed the talking lion or something
Careful, Meg. I haven't seen the Cowardly Lion OR the Brainless Scarecrow since Tin Man started hanging out here. The Wicked Witch is dead, Dorothy's gone and Toto died, too!

I'd screen the hell out of him!
TinMan's Avatar
LOL unless you have since killed the talking lion or something Originally Posted by hotlips_houlihan
Not yet. But if that fat ball of hair doesn't stop cock-blocking me, I might not be able to help myself.
Careful, Meg. I haven't seen the Cowardly Lion OR the Brainless Scarecrow since Tin Man started hanging out here. Originally Posted by Little Stevie
oh c'mon now...fubar has been around ok ok i'm just kidding! hehe

Not yet. But if that fat ball of hair doesn't stop cock-blocking me, I might not be able to help myself. Originally Posted by TinMan
no worries babe, you know you ALWAYS have a place in the front of the line! lol
  • Sami
  • 05-15-2011, 09:05 AM
She can Not use a friends account, if she does and Gina finds out both will get the boot. Any lady that is a member has been vouched for and has gone through the proper channels to be verified.

Now Gina has decided to make the ladies who are, I think 25 and under provide picture ID due to the underage girls.

TM, she could have an account but just have her profile hidden from public view for personal reasons. Or, maybe she has a friend who can check for her. Originally Posted by Shackleton
TinMan's Avatar
TM, she could have an account but just have her profile hidden from public view for personal reasons. Or, maybe she has a friend who can check for her. Originally Posted by Shackleton
I forgot to respond to the first of these: if she did indeed have an account hidden from public view, why did she ignore my offer (twice) to set the appointment through P411? That is why I believe she does not have an account of her own.

All is well in the end. I received several PMs from women kindly offering to help me forget this episode, and ended up scheduling with another lady who didn't have nearly the difficulty screening me. Thanks to all for your input.