ATMs are the reason for slow recovery!

  • Booth
  • 06-18-2011, 11:39 AM
You seem to be asking an awful lot of the guy. You might want to seriously consider lowering your expectations.

Try accepting his posts for entertainment value and nothing more!

If you don't expect much, you won't be disappointed! Originally Posted by bigtex
If he outed himself as Stephen Colbert, we'd all think the persona is genius.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
@Booth I did not call anyone a name. So what you talkin bout Willis?
A reminder about Political threads:
Everyone does not have the same viewpoint.
Let's agree to disagree, as it is politics after all.
Telling someone to not be stupid is not the same as calling someone stupid.
Comparing someone's post to some of the other "idiots" is not calling them an idiot.
And finally, unless the thread degenerates completely to absolute Anarchy, we (staff) are going to let then run their course.

We do watch them closely because of the passion involved in political discussions, but we are not going to respond to actions such as those mentioned above. If you are going to participate in the political threads, please do so with a little respect for one another's viewpoints and prepare to be a little thicker skinned than normal. If what members are posting here really bothers you, maybe you should leave the sandbox and visit the Provider Ads Forum for some stress relief!!

  • Booth
  • 06-18-2011, 03:40 PM
My bad. I thought he had referred to a fellow poster as a shithead but upon rereading, I see that he only inferred it. Carry on with the juvenile humor, W.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
It is not nice to insinuate that it is juvenile this is adult humor. It is only juvenile if you tattle....Uh Uh Uh Uh I'm telling on you....
  • Booth
  • 06-18-2011, 03:52 PM
If I ever say anything that sounds half as bad as your comments about Weiner sounded, I hope someone does tattle.

Back on topic, when I first saw the title of this thread, I thought it was going to be about ATMs in strip clubs. I'm not kidding! That before ATMs became ubiquitous in every strip club, businesses invested more money in the production of durable goods...
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Can you let it go already. We have discussed this and you know I did not mean it how it was taken...

Blaming ATMs for a slow growing economy is flat out dumb... We have had those things for a long ass time.
Blaming ATMs for a slow growing economy is flat out dumb... We have had those things for a long ass time. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Even remotely thinking that Obama was actually blaming the slow growth on ATMs is dumb, and completely taking his statements out of context. Nothing more than partisan propaganda by Faux News to make the president look bad over every insignificant little thing. Mainly because the GOP has nothing else to run on, and absolutely no ideas of their own to draw voters.

The discussion that actually took place was with Ann Curry from NBC on 6/14 over this article from the New York times published a few days earlier.

Now grow up and stop acting like a fucking child. It's seriously getting old. You want to dispute and debate the NY Times article than state your case and stop with the petty bullshit already.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Oh ya I am sure the NY times and NBC are non partisan....

That is a little hostile sharp..... If you do not like it just go away just don't go away mad...
  • Booth
  • 06-18-2011, 07:07 PM
Can you let it go already. We have discussed this and you know I did not mean it how it was taken...

Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Yes, it was attributed to ignorance was it not? And yet you continued then and continue now to argue like an ignoramus instead of attempting to back any of your claims with facts.
@Bigtex If I want any shit out of you I will squeeze your head! Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Temper, temper!
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Temper, temper! Originally Posted by bigtex
I forget how young you are you probably never heard that saying....
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Yes, it was attributed to ignorance was it not? And yet you continued then and continue now to argue like an ignoramus instead of attempting to back any of your claims with facts. Originally Posted by Booth
It is not ignorance. It is just someone having a negative perception on an original intention on the context on how it should have been taken....

Hey it happens to the best of us right.....

Fact Obama did say on camera that ATMs and ticket kiosks are what is causing a slow recovery..... Fact we have had ATMs for a long time and those kiosks for a good while now....
Munchmasterman's Avatar

Fact Obama did say on camera that ATMs and ticket kiosks are what is causing a slow recovery..... Fact we have had ATMs for a long time and those kiosks for a good while now.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
The fact is that it is A reason. Not THE reason. It is one (a very small one of course) of many. I guess it's OK to jump up and down while pointing at a single statement during an interview. The interview wasn't about ATMs stalling the recovery. ATMs were mentioned in the interview. That's all. The people that are screaming about this ignore the fact that the House still has no jobs bill of any kind. Lowering taxes won't do it. What about that?
Oh ya I am sure the NY times and NBC are non partisan.... Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Whether they are or not has nothing to do with this discussion. The discussion is over automation and how it may or may not be effecting job loss. There's nothing partisan involved here from their end, only yours.

Are you not sick of this mindless, petty bullshit? Do you honestly not see these kind of idiotic and pointless attacks as a means to distract the sheep-minded from the real issues that need dealing with? It's seriously pathetic. Until you realize this and come to terms with it, you are part of the problem. It's people like you who are the reason people like George Jr. get elected and are given free reign to run this country in to the ground. It's people like you who are the reason our Congress is more concerned with NPR, Planned Parenthood, and wasting their time on symbolic votes than they are with dealing with oil subsidies and medicare fraud. Take some responsibility for your own ignorance for once and start putting your time to better use than propagating bullshit no thinking person has any real interest in. It's even worse that we have to take time our of our day to fucking explain it to you. Your enlightenment is your responsibility, not ours. You should perhaps start with flushing the Fox News from your brain and trust me when I say every other news source besides Fox on not in on some liberal conspiracy all working in unison against you.