Obamacare Sign Up Experiences Thread

people hate it so much you cant get in ....


step 1 of the rightwing horseshit that's been flowing like a flooder river for the last year? will drown them in their own horseshit Originally Posted by CJ7

The websites are overloaded because the GOVERNMENT was in charge of creating it. They did not provide enough bandwidth or servers. They can't even scale the website correctly, do you expect them to run Obamacare correctly? Maybe Obama should have hired a bunch of Google or Yahoo engineers to correctly build it.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
I tried to establish an account 4 times today and whiffed on all. I did chat with one of the online helpers and they said that the Security Question portion of the application process was all Trendawayed-up. It's no biggie for me since I have coverage until 12.31.13, so I can wait a few more days (I hope) for the geeks and bit nerds to work their magic and also for the site's bandwidth to be expanded. Also, it's not a big deal to me because I've worked in automation since the 1980's and have had plenty of experience in things not going to plan initially. If you have your hair on fire about this, grow up and suck it up. This is nothing that one doesn't experience in the all wonderful, perfect private sector that all Teawipes and Republican'ts bow down to and hold up as the be all and end all of greatness.

I'll tell you a little story about how a massive computer Trendy-up temporarily crippled (and put a bunch of money in their competitors' pockets) the largest electrical enclosure manufacturer back in the late 1980's:

They flipped the switch from their old computer system to one created especially for them by SAP at the cost of millions of dollars in software and hardware. It was a total abortion. All inventory was incorrect, production schedules were messed up and you couldn't get sh*t sooner than 6 weeks. This little adventure rocked on for a full three months and most moved on to other suppliers. They didn't dig out of it for another 6 months. Fortunately for them, they were a very strong company with very high levels of quality and availability so when they got the ship righted almost all of their business came back into the fold. They still occupy the industry leadership by several percentage points today that they did then. So, cheer up, Teawipe Phuckers, you're still screwed....LOLOLOL!

And, according to the Kaiser Foundation, my premium will go down from $800/mo to $550/mo. Yep, I'm and old fart so it's still high but I have some nice income, too. A UTR friend of mine who I bang weekly is 34 with 2 kids and a RW income of $25K. She'll be paying $499 PER YEAR (after subsidies, of course).

Eat shit and die Teawipes. You are lying sacks of owl feces.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 10-01-2013, 08:45 PM
Yeah, kinda like the fake SS number that illegals use to file taxes and get loads of refunds by claiming a shit load of kids? Is that what you are referring to CBJ? Originally Posted by satexasguy

fake SS #s don't show up in federal data you dumbass
fake SS #s don't show up in federal data you dumbass Originally Posted by CJ7
Stolen SS# do
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Stolen SS# do Originally Posted by zerodahero
Oh, boy! Here comes another "voter fraud" red herring. You DO know what a red herring is don't you, zeroid?
The dead vote...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I like the warning label. "That if you use the product the price could rise significantly"....LOL Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
did your premium go up simple jack?
LexusLover's Avatar
...simple jack? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Here are some "believers" ....

"Claudia and Joseph Schulz of Phoenix quit their jobs in anticipation of being able to sign up, but when the time came Tuesday, they couldn’t get in."


I believe these two are not participants in any "Tea Party" activities. I also "believe" these two were a part of the "millions" who Obaminable reports are clamoring to sign up!!!!!!

"...quit their jobs in anticipation of being able to sign up,.."
Gotyour6's Avatar
Great, quit their jobs and live off the tax payer so they can start a business.

So they jumped the gun and left their jobs with no information on healthcare, what it covered and no planning.

Wow, these people are fucking idiots.
This is your tax dollars at work.

YAY!!! Free stuff from the government, I am going to quit my job!!!!!!!!
LexusLover's Avatar
Great, quit their jobs !!!!!!! Originally Posted by Gotyour6
Now they have NO insurance!!! ... until Jan 1st!!!

Problem with these folks (like some others on here) ......

.......... "Obamacare" has no psych-care coverage!
Faux must have spun it different other reports stated they wanted to sign up so they could get insurance then quit their jobs and start up a business
LovingKayla's Avatar
OH good, I've been waiting to tell this story since 8:20am YESTERDAY.

So my friend decides to go ahead and get in on the begining of this (even though I protested, but I was curious and hopeful I was wrong, so I watched.)

Hey and if you guys have a different experience with this I do surely want to know why it was so hard and ridiculous for my friend.

She went through the mountain of paperwork and filled in the 45-55k a year, Tier 2 the silver plan.

Her payment is 595 a month (not too bad for actual insurance) WITH A $13,995 DEDUCTIBLE. So she said, oh crap I can't afford that so she goes to opt out. Within just a few hours they sent a message with the yearly fine (about 4,100). If you do not get on the rolls, or pay the fine after 24 months, they will but a lien on your house.

Example 2: I had gone to the other side of town to see an old friend that lives in the ghetto. (omg kayla has black friends, stop the presses.... you idiots) ANYWAY, that family was telling me they got in first thing in the morning too and got set up with the free stuff (I roll my eyes.) But Uh Oh.... only 3 doctors took that insurance within 50 miles of them and NONE of them are accepting new patients. So what exactly are they are supposed to do?

I would like to point out that the democrats like to say IT'S THE LAW, GET OVER IT. Ok I hear you but you know what... Democrats also said before the civil war, SLAVERY IS THE LAW, GET OVER IT. I do believe yall were stomped into the ground on that.

Once the poor find out how they were sold a pack of lies, that shit will be ON.

I'm still very much looking forward to going to jail over this. At least there you do get actual healthcare. I mean you might die first, but damn they take care of your corpse.
Interesting....an actual experience of someone who went through the sign up process, you are the first one to report an actual enrollment..........everyone else is just blowing smoke...

Question: Was your friend's rate for single person coverage or did it include family members ?

I suspect as the reality of what you pay and what you get, Obamacare will lose it's shine...........but of course, there will be those who demand more subsidy to fund more coverage for more people.....

More wealth distribution and more government control of our lives !

OH good, I've been waiting to tell this story since 8:20am YESTERDAY.

So my friend decides to go ahead and get in on the begining of this (even though I protested, but I was curious and hopeful I was wrong, so I watched.)

Hey and if you guys have a different experience with this I do surely want to know why it was so hard and ridiculous for my friend.

She went through the mountain of paperwork and filled in the 45-55k a year, Tier 2 the silver plan.

Her payment is 595 a month (not too bad for actual insurance) WITH A $13,995 DEDUCTIBLE. So she said, oh crap I can't afford that so she goes to opt out. Within just a few hours they sent a message with the yearly fine (about 4,100). If you do not get on the rolls, or pay the fine after 24 months, they will but a lien on your house.

Example 2: I had gone to the other side of town to see an old friend that lives in the ghetto. (omg kayla has black friends, stop the presses.... you idiots) ANYWAY, that family was telling me they got in first thing in the morning too and got set up with the free stuff (I roll my eyes.) But Uh Oh.... only 3 doctors took that insurance within 50 miles of them and NONE of them are accepting new patients. So what exactly are they are supposed to do?

I would like to point out that the democrats like to say IT'S THE LAW, GET OVER IT. Ok I hear you but you know what... Democrats also said before the civil war, SLAVERY IS THE LAW, GET OVER IT. I do believe yall were stomped into the ground on that.

Once the poor find out how they were sold a pack of lies, that shit will be ON.

I'm still very much looking forward to going to jail over this. At least there you do get actual healthcare. I mean you might die first, but damn they take care of your corpse. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
LovingKayla's Avatar
I'd like to add that I only witnessed the first story. The second story was told to me. Hearing others stories is the only way I'll know much more about this because there's no way in hell I'm putting all my tax returns online to be leaked.

But... but... why don't you want to be apart of the greatest healthcare in the world kayla? Because fuck you, that's why. I REFUSE to buy something to live here. Besides that, I just can't afford what my personal premiums will be, especially since. my deductible will be over 12k a year. Who can afford that? Any of you dickhead dems that find the crack and can slip in for less please post