You're FUNNY!!! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
your stupid..
How can I hear anything when

Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
  • DSK
  • 05-30-2015, 06:29 PM
your stupid.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That pretty much speaks for itself!!! Do you realize your mistake?
You're not very bright, are you?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
That pretty much speaks for itself!!! Do you realize your mistake?
You're not very bright, are you? Originally Posted by DSK

he cannot write a sentence
he cannot read what the sentence

so you kinda of

That pretty much speaks for itself!!! Do you realize your mistake?
You're not very bright, are you? Originally Posted by DSK
You are stupid also JL, get it? How is a statement in reply to another one a mistake? Fucking dimatard.
I cannot write a sentence
I cannot read what the sentence Was there a end here? Or are you just floundering?

so you kinda of

Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
Keep trying hillbilly, you are doubling down on stupid.
In Los Angeles, where unions not only supported the $15/hr minimum wage hike, but provided many of the protesters arguing for it. Now that is has passed, the unions tried to backdoor an exemption for themselves. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
The situation is a little more complex than presented by Fox News (of course). Read this AlJazerra article, which does a better job of explaining this issue from both sides:

If you read the article you will see there is a SPLIT within labor. Some want an exemption for existing collective bargaining agreements but some want the $15 minimum to apply.

Remind you of Obamacare? The unions wanted Obamacare for everyone else, but wanted exemption from it for themselves. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Unfortunately you are COMPLETELY WRONG on this.

Some groups, including many unions, wanted TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS from the ACA, which gave them time to beef up their health care plans to adhere to the minimum ACA requirements. These were TEMPORARY and they have expired.
The situation is a little more complex than presented by Fox News (of course). Read this AlJazerra article, which does a better job of explaining this issue from both sides:

If you read the article you will see there is a SPLIT within labor. Some want an exemption for existing collective bargaining agreements but some want the $15 minimum to apply.

Unfortunately you are COMPLETELY WRONG on this.

Some groups, including many unions, wanted TEMPORARY EXEMPTIONS from the ACA, which gave them time to beef up their health care plans to adhere to the minimum ACA requirements. These were TEMPORARY and they have expired. Originally Posted by PizzaLover
So you think we like Astro-Turf pizza?
Liberals aren't called Gruberites for nothing. The very people they have faith in to take care of them constantly lie to them, manipulate them, and slap them around - and they just line up and say "Thank you Sir! May I have another?" Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Pretty high on the rhetoric without substance.

I would argue that Conservatives have been extremely manipulated by Conservative Media, especially Fox News, done all for profits.

The more excessive and extreme the rhetoric, the more money these companies make. There is a reason opinion shows like Limbaugh or The O'Reilly Report earn significantly more money than "regular" news shows (i.e. the ones that attempt to present news in a fairer manner).

Even though I hope the next President is a Democrat, it would be interesting to see what impact a Republican President would have on Conservative Media ratings. Given Republicans now control both the House and Senate, Conservative Media has had to really shift gears, pushing more against Obama since they can't complain about the Democratic Congress anymore.

You do realize Fox News claim of "Fair and Balanced" is a lie, yes?
Roger Ailes created the Fox News Channel purposely to have a Conservative bias because he felt mainstream media has a liberal bias.

I would have a lot more respect for Fox News if they were simply honest, something like "Fox News -- News From a Conservative Viewpoint".
  • DSK
  • 05-31-2015, 06:48 AM
your stupid.. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You are stupid also ..., get it? How is a statement in reply to another one a mistake? Fucking dimatard. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You still don't realize your mistake, do you?
You still don't realize your mistake, do you? Originally Posted by DSK
Calling you stupid is not a mistake Jewish Lawyer. It is a given. Like whiffy is also.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
You still don't realize your mistake, do you? Originally Posted by DSK
Calling you stupid is not a mistake Jewish Lawyer. It is a given. Like whiffy is also. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Eva, as he has become to be known, has a long long history of showing he has "shit for brains"

He cannot come up his own thoughts, so he steals them from somebody else ie, he is saying you are a poster that left this form

Hey Eva, I hear you are going to court
Eva, as he has become to be known, has a long long history of showing he has "shit for brains"

He cannot come up his own thoughts, so he steals them from somebody else ie, he is saying you are a poster that left this form

Hey Eva, I hear you are going to court Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
How do they spell stupid in Oklahoma?
answer- cptjohnstone..
No stones you are the epitome of a hillbilly.
Pretty high on the rhetoric without substance.

I would argue that Conservatives have been extremely manipulated by Conservative Media, especially Fox News, done all for profits.

The more excessive and extreme the rhetoric, the more money these companies make. There is a reason opinion shows like Limbaugh or The O'Reilly Report earn significantly more money than "regular" news shows (i.e. the ones that attempt to present news in a fairer manner).

Even though I hope the next President is a Democrat, it would be interesting to see what impact a Republican President would have on Conservative Media ratings. Given Republicans now control both the House and Senate, Conservative Media has had to really shift gears, pushing more against Obama since they can't complain about the Democratic Congress anymore.

You do realize Fox News claim of "Fair and Balanced" is a lie, yes?
Roger Ailes created the Fox News Channel purposely to have a Conservative bias because he felt mainstream media has a liberal bias.

I would have a lot more respect for Fox News if they were simply honest, something like "Fox News -- News From a Conservative Viewpoint". Originally Posted by PizzaLover
Ok you know what? Don't talk about rhetoric when you just spewed a whole lot of BS that you don't even realize is BS, because of course, you don't actually fact check anything, you just swallow whatever load of BS the DNC prepackages for you without the benefit of critical thinking.

Lets see, where do I start? Lets start with this - I have a TV that just gathers dust. I don't watch FOX News, I don't watch the O'Reilly Factor, and I don't tune into Limbaugh. I get my news and information from a very wide variety of sources. Ironically enough, the majority of the news stories I read are links on the Huffington Post. Pretty sure no one can hang a conservative label around their necks. So don't try the rhetoric or talking points angle with me. That dog don't hunt.

Lets move on. Yes, Roger Ailes does acknowledge that he created FOX News with the purpose of having a media outlet that provides a conservative perspective. That is just awful given that every other media outlet - CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, etc provides media content with a liberal bias. And it bothers you to have one media source with a conservative slant? I'm waiting with baited breath for your condemnation of MSNBC et al.'s liberal bias.

But now, lets talk about that bias shall we? Do you even know the difference between news reporting and political punditry? I'm not certain that you do. Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, O'Reilly, Limbaugh - these are pundits, not reporters. Do you know the difference?

So what do the experts have to say about which media outlet is furthest from center in news reporting? Note: I've shifted gears from discussing political punditry to actual news reporting, a distinction I realize you have difficulty making. I am betting you would be shocked and dismayed to learn that Pew Research Center consistently rates FOX News closer to center than all other news networks. The one and only difference being that FOX leans right of center, while all other media outlets - every. single. one. of. them. - lean left of center.

Pardon me, your hypocrisy is showing.

Why does the O'Reilly Factor earn more money than your so-called "regular" shows? Its all about the ratings. O'Reilly spanks his competitors in his time slot day after day, week after week. Just as the other shows on FOX - Hannity, Greta, and others - regularly spank their competitors in ratings.

And, just so we are clear here. Is this the sort of "regular" news shows that attempts to present news in a fairer manner?

Very important stuff here!

All the news that's fit to print! (err, mock) So tolerant! So professional!

Yup, more honesty from MSNBC!

To my dying day I will never stop laughing at the bimbo opining about "racial overtones". I love that clip!
You answer rhetoric... with more rhetoric. And the beat goes on.